251 Mom Affirmations to Reduce Stress and Feel Better


Motherhood is full of challenges and frustrations.

Often, these challenges lead us to feel negative about our parenting skills and frustrated with our children.

As a result, we are unable to enjoy the present moment with them and may even begin to resent them!

This is when many others start to develop negative self talk, fearing that they will not do enough or overthink the mistakes they made, no matter how small.

In times like this, everything gets magnified it seems.

The constant worrying will take a toll on you very quickly, I promise.

I have been down that road before and thankfully, I was able to snap myself out of it when I turned to use mom affirmations.

These words had a tremendous effect on the mindset I was having and straightened it out for me, allowing me to be the best mum my child had.

If you are facing difficulties, anxiety, fear, or the millions of emotions in your mind, take a few minutes to read through this post. It might just help you out.

affirmations for mothers pinterest

Stress faced by mothers

Being a mother is one of the most rewarding things in life.

But with the rewards come many challenges and stressors that can affect you on a daily basis.

These can take the form of time, money, relationships, and self-doubt.

As a mom, you’re often left feeling stretched thin without any time for yourself.

The demands of parenting, coupled with everything else on your plate, usually mean that your needs are not being met.

This can take a toll on your mental health and well-being.

After all, if you’re not taking care of yourself, how can you take care of your children?

Here are 5 ways to reduce your stress as a mom.

I have made them an acronym, ADULT, so that you can easily remember and remind yourself to be one!

Ask for Help

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Use Your Support System

Lower Your Expectations

Take Time for Yourself

What are positive affirmations for mothers?

Affirmations for moms are sentences that encourage and inspire mothers, a reminder to them that they can do and be anything.

They remind mothers that they’re loved, that they’re doing their best, and that the world would be an awful place without them.

Whether you’re a first-time mom, or you’re raising a family alongside a partner, affirmations can help you become more confident and relaxed as a parent.

They can help you to remind yourself that there’s no one right way to raise a child.

Affirmations can be tailored towards your own needs and preferences, and they can be used in any situation: when you’re feeling overwhelmed, when you need encouragement and support, or even as a way of motivating yourself to finish a difficult task.

Related: 172 Positive Kids Affirmations

Why are affirmations important to moms?

Being a mom is tough.

There are so many expectations to live up to—the perfect parents and kids you see on TV, the Instagram moms who seem to have it all together, the Pinterest projects that take up your whole weekend but never quite turn out as good as they did in the picture.

When you’re trying so hard to be perfect, it’s easy to forget that there is no such thing.

And when you never give yourself the chance to stop and appreciate what you’ve already accomplished, you may end up putting in more effort than necessary for things that don’t even matter—and miss out on what does.

This can lead to a lot of self-doubts, which can make parenting even harder.

You keep asking yourself, “Am I doing this right? Why am I not better at this?”

We moms are our own worst critics.

We are constantly judging ourselves, and it’s hard for us to embrace the fact that we’re doing a good job.

But what we need to realize is that self-criticism has its limits, because it really only leads to low self-esteem and even depression.

The good news is that there are things you can do about it—things like taking the time for yourself to be alone with your thoughts.

And something else that can help is practicing affirmations daily.

Recommended self-care resources for moms

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you need to take care of yourself in order to perform at your best. There is just no way around it.

Invest some time for yourself no matter how limited it seems.

These moments are critical for balancing your mental and physical well-being.

And of course, it does help to invest in a few items to make you feel better.

My tip? Send these links to your husband and talk about how great they are.

I suppose he will get the hint?

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App from Headspace for Meditation, Better Sleep, and Focus

List of Mom Affirmations To Say Everyday

I will be an intentional parent.

This too shall pass.

I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it imperfectly happens.

I don’t have to be a perfect mom.

Every day I’m getting stronger and stronger.

I forgive myself for being an imperfect parent. Today I will let go of the guilt weighing on my shoulders.

I am courageous and I stand up for myself.

My job at home is worth millions.

Taking care of myself is a responsibility I will model to my children without guilt.

My life is just beginning.

I can and I will.

I might not see it now but the time I’m investing in my kids does matter.

Happiness is my choice.

Being a mom has revealed a strength in me I never knew I had.

I can overcome any obstacles that get in my way.

Taking care of myself makes me a better mom and I give myself permission to do something to nurture me.

I respect my children; I respect myself.

My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day.

I am the architect of my life;

I build its foundation and choose its contents.

I was created to be my children’s mom.

I am the best mom for them.

I fully embrace today.

Everything is exactly the way it needs to be in order to learn the lessons I need the most.

I am grateful.

Today I am enthusiastic and full of energy

One bad day does not define my motherhood.

Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.

God gives strength to single parents.

I am a leader for my family.

Motherhood is part of me, not all of me.

I will play with my children today.

My time matters.

I have infinite potential to succeed.

I am stronger than I was yesterday.

All things will work together for my good.

All that I need is within me.

I find time to have a social life.

Many people look up to me and recognize my worth; I am admired.

I am raising adults who will contribute to the good of society.

I make and keep healthy boundaries.

I am a positive role model for my children

I cannot meet everyone’s needs and that’s okay

There’s value in showing my kids my vulnerability.

Establishing personal boundaries and sticking to them helps me remember that I am important too.

I have people around me ready to help when needed.

I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

All is well. They are well and I am well.

I will take care of myself in order to be a good mother.

I am not affected by the decisions made by other moms.

I will have fun with my children today.

I am doing an amazing job.

Positive mom affirmations

I will talk about myself the way I would my best friend.

My children will feel accepted and loved unconditionally by me.

I am stronger than I seem. I am braver than I think.

I will ask for help when I need it.

I am my child’s lifelong teacher.

I am loved.

I will practice self-care to be a good mom.

I will show my children what it means to take care of yourself.

When there is chaos around me, I am the calm.

No one expects perfection.

Today may be difficult, but struggles are only temporary.

I won’t be sleep-deprived forever.

Today I will see the best in myself and my children.

I do not expect to be a perfect mother.

As a mom, I am doing my best, and my best is good enough.

My home is a safe place.

Affirmations for working moms

Taking care of myself makes me a better mom because I parent from abundance, not from lack thereof.

As I teach my kids today, I will also be open to the lessons they can teach me.

Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

One bad day does not make me a bad mom. One bad day makes me human.

I take care of my body, mind, and soul.

My children and I form a strong bond.

I will teach my child by example more so than by advice.

I provide a stable home for my children by putting them first.

I will make memories with my children and ignore the dirty dishes.

When my children are older, they’ll remember the quality time we spent together.

My life is plentiful and positive.

I know what I need to do and I don’t compare myself to others.

I am the best mother for my children; I was born to be their mother.

I feel calm under pressure.

Today I will make mundane tasks fun.

My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.

I work hard to support my family.

I choose to take care of myself.

Being a good mom takes courage, and today I’m feeling brave.

My love and connection help my child above all else.

I have energy and discipline.

I will do what I can; no one expects perfection.

I am a powerhouse; I am indestructible.

I am calm, strong, and capable.

I love and accept my children as they are.

Though these times are difficult, they are only a short phase of life.

I will lead my children using great examples.

Not loving every moment of motherhood doesn’t mean I don’t love being a mom.

I love my children just as much as I would if I were staying at home.

My love and connection help my child above all else.

Today is just one day.

My home is full of joy and love.

I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.

I will have fun doing the mundane today.

New mom affirmations

I have all I need to be happy.

I will turn away from judgement today.

I possess the qualities needed to be fully happy.

Only I can give my children a happy mother.

My children will remember the time we spend together, not what they were given.

I am brave enough to show my children vulnerability.

I have a strong and special bond with my children.

I am strong and patient.

I care for myself so I can care for others

I am capable of amazing things if I believe it to be true and act on those feelings.

I’m everything my children need.

I will laugh and play with my children when we are together.

I deserve to put my feet up and relax.

By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire my family to be happy as well.

I trust my maternal instincts.

It’s okay to ask for help.

I can push through challenges.

Today I will laugh with my children.

Love is more important than perfection.

Today I will be the type of person I would like my children to become.

Giving my child time and attention is more important than giving them material things.

I will do my best as a mom, and that will always be enough.

I have kind caring affordable sitters whenever I choose.

I am more than just a mom.

Motherhood is beautiful.

I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.

My mothering body is beautiful.

I will push through challenges so that my struggles today will become my strengths tomorrow.

I am grateful for motherhood.

I am letting go of unrealistic expectations.

I’m not the perfect mother, but I’m exactly the one my children need.

I have been called to motherhood—the most powerful calling in the world.

I will build into myself so that I can parent from a place of rest and happiness rather than exhaustion and bitterness.

A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love.

I got this!

I will soak up every moment with my kids with joy and excitement.

Single parents are brave; I’m brave and courageous today.

I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.

I have those who are willing to help when necessary.

My children will not remember a pristine house, they will remember the time I spent with them.

I will make the most of today.

My children do not care about my flaws.

The best moms are the ones who struggle the most.

It means they care enough do better.

It’s okay not to love every moment of being a mom.

I am important in the lives of my children.

I acknowledge my own self-worth and my confidence is soaring.

I accept my children just as they are.

Today and every day I am enough.

I embrace the present moment.

I will show my children how to advocate for kindness and justice.

Affirmations for busy mothers

Everything thing I do serves a purpose for my family.

I will be kind to myself.

Everything is going to be okay.

I have feelings that deserve to be recognized.

There is peace and love in my home, even in the midst of chaos.

Self-care makes me a better mother.

Asking for help does not mean I’m a failure.

I am powerful beyond measure.

I will let go of unrealistic expectations.

I love my life. My life is beautiful.

My imperfections today are not important.

Today I will find peace in being good enough because perfection is impossible.

I’m not afraid to ask for help.

I am grateful for the time with my kids today.

I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.

I will leave my expectations for today and what it should look like at the door.

I will not worry about small details today.

I am open to the lessons my children can teach me.

Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.

Loving my children is more important than loving every moment of motherhood.

Being a mother has shown me how strong I am.

I am calm when surrounded by chaos.

If I do nothing today besides hug my kids, then I’ve done enough.

I have a great life.

I am doing my best as a mom and that is enough.

I have all I need within me.

Affirmations for overwhelmed moms

Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good.

I am unwavering in my love for my children.

I become a more confident mother with each new day.

Motherhood reveals my strengths to me.

In the eyes, mind and heart of my child, I am a good mom.

A successful relationship with my child is not defined by what we have but by the time we spent together.

I focus on the things within my control and let go of the rest.

I am working hard to support my family.

I find time to socialize.

Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.

Today I will notice the positive aspects of motherhood.

I follow through with my commitments to myself and others.

I choose to be happy.

Today I will see the best in my child and the best in myself.

I honor my feelings and stand up for myself.

I am what my child needs. Worrying about what others think only distracts me from being the parent I need to be.

My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.

I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions.

All that I do is to serve my family.

It’s going to be okay.

I trust the parenting instincts ingrained within me.

I am more than just a mom.

I will embrace the here and now.

Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones in my motherhood journey because I learn from them.

Morning affirmations for mothers

I will not compare myself to other moms.

I love my children even on the days I don’t particularly like them.

I am confident. I am loving.

I set an excellent example for my children.

My children love me and are thankful for me, even when they don’t say it.

I trust that my intuition will guide me.

I have a wonderful life.

Today I feel brave.

Being a good mom takes courage.

I have a beautiful mothering body.

Being a single parent is part of what makes me unique.

Struggles are only temporary.

I’m a lot more than a mom.

Single mom affirmations

I accept where I am in life and will make the most of today.

My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.

I am lovable and deeply loved.

Today I will let go of the guilt weighing on my shoulders.

I am not perfect but I am what my child needs.

I am not comparing myself to the mothers around me;

I am the perfect mother for my child.

I love my children unconditionally.

I lead my children well.

I am indestructible.

My children are fortunate to have such a caring mom like me.

I am leaving a legacy of love.

Every challenge I face makes me stronger as a mother.

My fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.

I am always learning and growing; small improvements matter.

I am a blessing to my children.

I am beautiful.

The decisions made by other moms do not need to dictate mine or how I feel about myself as a mother.

Today I will love fiercely, laugh freely and live courageously. I can never get today back.

My family sees the best in me.

I am a good mom, even as I work to become a better one.

I am brave and courageous for trying even when I think I can’t do it.

I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom so I don’t need to compare myself to others.

I am a good mom and I always try my best.

I’m doing a great job.

I have everything I need to be happy.

My family appreciates and loves me, even when they forget to tell me so.

I am a blessing to my family.

I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.

I will put on my oxygen mask first.

My dreams and needs matter.

I do not need permission to feel glorious.

Positive self-talk for moms

Motherhood is not made up of one success or failure, but rather by the sum of my parenting choices.

Today I will pay attention to the positive aspects of being a mom.

I am calm and peaceful under pressure.

I am grateful for my ability to create life.

Happiness is a choice.

I will remember to put my oxygen mask on first. Breathe.

I am grateful I get to spend time with my children every day.

Being a mother makes me feel beautiful.

I am more than enough.

I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.

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