384 Happiness Affirmations To Reclaim Your Joy


Remember when we were little, everything was so simple and life was so carefree and happy.

As we grow older, we take on more responsibilities and slowly desire more out of life.

This in turn leads to us becoming unsatisfied easily and we end up being unhappy often.

This post aims to change all that by making use of happiness affirmations to help us change that mindset.

Many of us wish for happiness, but we sometimes forget how to have it.

We get bogged down by so many things which, to be honest, are really unimportant stuff.

Our concept of happiness has changed, but why should it be like that?

Instead of wanting to have everything, we can instead look at things a different way.

We can look at the things we have and be happy with them, be grateful for them.

The list of happy affirmations below will help you reclaim your joy and appreciation for life!

happy affirmations Pinterest

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are nothing more than short sentences that helps to remind you of the positive things in life and keep you focused on your real goals.

For lots of people, we have been influenced by external factors for a long time, building up a lot of negative thoughts in our subconscious that become autopilot whenever a situation happens.

This limits our full potential and prevents us from becoming who we can really be.

When you start reciting positive affirmations daily, you are slowly reprogramming your mind to think positively and act positively as well.

After spending some time on it, you will realize big changes in your life.

Things start to fall into place.

You start to take the right actions.

You meet the right people who will become your cheerleader.

You get the point.

The problem is, most people give up very quickly as they expect changes immediately.

It simply does not work that way.

Time and patience are extremely important when it comes to affirmations, but they will work when you allow them to happen.

You should also think about your own unique situation and create affirmations that work for you.

For example, you can repeat the words I am happy a million times, but it will not work if you do not resonate with it.

Another example is you may want to become more sociable, but you are using an affirmation that says I am a lovable person.

I think you can see why it will not work out well here.

Instead, you can say it another way, I may be shy, but I have lots to share, and I will be a lovable person.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and that means that your energy will attract similar energy.

When you start becoming more positive and focused on your goals, results will start to show.

List of Positive Happiness Affirmations To Be The Best You

Take your time to look through the list below. There are a few hundred to choose from, and the point is not to overwhelm you.

This list exists to give you guidance and a point of reference when you formulate your own affirmations.

Remember, make them as personal as possible and be sure to use an affirmation that you can strongly resonate with and believe in.

I recommend that you sign up to receive access to our free affirmation resources too (found near the start and end of this post).

Joy affirmations

I will be grateful for what I have in my life today and not focus on what is missing.

I inspire others to succeed.

My mission spreads positivity to the world.

I am powerful and capable.

It is possible for me to feel happy all day, every day.

I am free to choose to be happy.

My life is truly beautiful, and everything is working out perfectly for me.

May all beings everywhere, including me, be happy.

I am thankful for my friends and family.

I am a magnet for healthy, uplifting, and empowering energy.

I am becoming more and more successful and happy each day.

I am in charge of my energy, and I’m the only one who chooses how I feel.

I am seeing myself as hugely financially prosperous and successful now.

I choose to let go of everything that does not serve me.

I attract abundance and prosperity with ease.

I’m not selfish if I focus on myself for a little bit.

I need to make sure I’m okay and happy.

With each beat of my heart, I am getting closer to my ideal weight.

I trust the timing of my life.

I am seeing myself in a romantic relationship with my soul mate now.

I’m proud of myself because the work I did today got me a little bit closer to living my dreams.

I am open to receive all the great things that are coming my way.

Happiness is a part of my life.

My heart is open, I only speak with loving words.

Every day I continue to become a stronger woman for myself and those I care about.

Good exercise and a healthy diet is all I need.

I am grateful for what I have, what I have accomplished, and who I am today.

My inner joy expands when I share it with others.

Happiness is always at my fingertips.

I am pure, positive energy.

I choose to be happy and grateful today.

My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract.

I attract peaceful and relaxed people in my life.

I am learning to be a better wife, mother, and daughter with each new day.

I am infinitely loved, and I love infinitely.

I can get through anything that life may unfold for me.

All the good in my life comes to me as result of my willingness to find happiness in each moment.

I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and make a change.

My heart is always open and I radiate love.

I don’t need to live life in a way that will impress others. I need to live my life in a way that will keep me happy.

My life is full of happiness, fulfillment and love.

I communicate with honesty and compassion.

I am filled with positive, loving energy.

The life I’ve always dreamed of is created by my choice to be joyful now.

I allow the flow of positive energy to effortlessly move through me.

I deserve all of the good things that are in my life.

I experience joy in everything I do.

I am worthy of feeling happy.

Affirmations for Being Grateful and Happy

I attract a loving happy family for myself.

I am deserving of abundance in all areas of my life.

I have all the time that I need.

I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.

My life is full of purpose and passion.

Positive Morning Affirmations for Happiness and Abundance

Happiness, health, and harmony are the life for me.

I stand in the joy I create from within.

I enjoy a life of happiness, health, and harmony.

I’m committing myself to live a happy life.

I choose to focus on things that feel good.

All is well in my world, I feel safe.

What I read on the social media cannot affect how I feel.

Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.

I am seeing myself positive, joyful, and peaceful now.

I am proud to be a man, and I am proud to be myself.

Every step I take is in the right direction. The path I walk on is empowering myself and all the women in the world.

I am unique; I feel great about being alive and being me.

I have everything I need to be happy right now.

I overcome all pressures of drugs and alcohol. I hold myself to the highest values and morals.

I am radiating love – love for myself and love for others.

Being successful is something that helps me help other people.

Limitless joy is my birthright.

I’m going to accomplish all of my dreams. I’m going to think, speak, and work them into existence.

Today I will be happier than I was yesterday.

I live my life with gratitude and happiness.

I find pleasure in the little moments.

I deserve to be happy and enjoy my success.

The possibilities in my life are infinite.

Everything is falling into place.

Saying sorry shows that I care.

The people who are judging me in my life are the ones most afraid of being judged.

I choose to surround myself with happy people.

It is okay to feel fragile, sensitive, alone, and sad. These feelings are part of being a human being.

I am willing to be happy now.

I deserve to be happy.

An angel like me doesn’t deserve all this sadness.

My happiness is contagious.

I don’t need to show off to prove that I’m doing well.

I choose happiness and joy in each and every moment.

Today will be an amazing day.

I choose happiness over anything else.

I am a confident and capable woman. I am powerful and deserve to be appreciated.

I give myself permission to be happy.

Peace and happiness go hand in hand for me.

I deserve to be healthy, happy, and successful.

It comes naturally for me to feel good and healthy.

I focus on what I can control. I let go of the rest.

My inner joy is infinite, limitless, and abundant.

I want to be happy rather than look happy.

I choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

I am grateful for waking up today.

I am grateful for what I have.

I am grateful for being here.

Today I will attract happy people around me.

By challenging my fears, I become stronger.

I can turn a new page in my life whenever I choose to.

I approach this day with joy and excitement.

Positive Morning Affirmations for Happiness and Abundance

Positive Affirmations for Happiness

I am living fully aware that I am worthy of wealth.

When I choose to view my life through the lens of gratitude, more beautiful experiences flow into my life to be grateful for.

Day by day, being happy is becoming a habit.

I choose to create a happy life.

I’m going to reach every goal I set for myself. I’m not giving up on any of my dreams.

I see so many positives in my life.

I’m making the conscious, continued effort to heal and be happy and it is great.

I appreciate and love my body.

I am surrounded by loving people, cuddly creatures, and happy plants.

Wealth, abundance, and financial stability are all things that come to me naturally.

I feel happy with myself as a person.

I choose to love and accept myself exactly where I am today.

I am grateful for every second of my life.

I am worthy of creating a beautiful life filled with limitless abundance.

I live a creative, vibrant, passionate life.

I create the possibility of happiness for others by being happy.

The world deserves nothing less than my authentic happiness.

I am healing more and more every day.

From now on, happiness is my constant state of mind.

I choose how to respond to circumstances.

Every fiber of my being radiates positive energy.

I will choose the happiness of this moment, instead of the pain of the past.

Affirmations to Feel Better

I am a warrior. I live with pride and honor. I value family, hard work, and honesty above all else.

I choose to be happy.

I am living fully aware that I am worthy of love.

Today I choose to live my life in the best way possible.

I am strong and resilient. I grow stronger every day.

I am constantly creating everything my heart desires.

I choose to think only the positive.

My vision and purpose are clear to me.

I can try my best.

Social media is only a small part of life. True life is beyond the phone.

I choose to feel good.

I am excited to see what good things await me today.

I’m good with who I am, I’m proud of who I’m becoming.

I treat my body like a temple.

Happiness flows through me constantly.

I practice and show kindness to everyone around me.

A lifetime of happiness is cultivated moment by moment day by day.

I am allowing myself to feel happy all day, every day.

I am good at loving others and I make others happy.

I am living in vibrant health and energy.

My future is full of light and laughter.

Happiness is a choice, so I choose to be happy.

I am creating happy memories.

I live the best life, in the best home, with the love of my life.

I will do things with joy today.

I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.

I am happy, healthy, and grateful.

I can be kind no matter what.

Positive Affirmations for Happiness

Positive Affirmations For A Happy Life

I am allowing myself to be consistently and genuinely happy.

My talents are worthy of being paid abundantly.

I love taking good care of myself.

My happiness comes from within.

I am worthy and deserving of a lifetime filled with happiness and joy.

I have a positive attitude and accept with an open heart everything that comes.

I choose what experiences to have.

I am happy and I know so I show it.

My life is filled with happiness, peace, and love.

I am surrounded by love and life is good.

I embrace being a positive, joyful, playful woman.

I will not let anyone get my goat today. Good things will come my way.

I allow myself to feel good.

I believe in the power of positivity.

I am choosing happiness.

Every day, in my own way, I am becoming more successful.

Happiness is my birthright.

I am happy, successful and independent.

Life is so beautiful.

I am thankful for all the love and wonderful relationships in my life.

My choice to be happy keeps me in perfect health.

I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.

It’s okay to show vulnerability. True men accept their emotions with an open heart.

The only person I want to be is a better version of myself.

Today I will surround myself with happy thoughts and feelings.

I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.

I set the intention to be happy.

I acknowledge my power and my ability to create change in my life.

I will find ways to bring happiness to other people.

I am attracting and allowing money to come to me in ways that will make me really, really happy.

I am happy by choice.

When I recognize all of the blessings in my life I find that I am naturally happy.

Something wonderful will happen today.

My femininity and intelligence shines with brightness.

I start my day with positive thoughts

I deserve whatever I have coming to me.

I hold the key to my own happiness.

It is easy for me to feel happy all day, every day.

I live my life on my own terms.

I am worthy and deserving of my beautiful dreams.

The Universe supports me.

I am fearless.

Great things are coming my way.

I do what I love, and it creates huge wealth in my life.

I inhale positive energy and exhale my fears.

Today, I am taking action towards completing my goals.

Today is full of opportunity.

Gratitude is the bridge to a life of joy, peace, and abundance.

Today will be a very fun day.

I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.

Positive Affirmations For A Happy Life

Affirmations For Love And Happiness

I am in love with life.

I make good choices.

Life is full of meaning. I will make the most of this day.

I let go of any limiting thoughts and beliefs.

I am loving openly, honestly, unconditionally, and compassionately and I receive this same love in return.

I can learn how to do this.

I am at peace with my past.

I am living my own life with my own unique story. I live free from the opinions of others.

I am loving feeling fit and strong. It is easy for me to eat well and exercise regularly.

I start every day with gratitude and thanks.

It’s OK to ask for help when I need it.

People hating on me will not stop my happiness.

Happiness is my friend, companion and ally.

Life is tough, but so am I.

I can choose to be happy whenever I want.

When I focus on gratitude, happiness flows to me easily.

I am worthy of my dreams and I will make them come true.

The more I love myself, the more love I’m receiving from others.

I’m creating the life I deserve to live.

I am successful. I enjoy being successful. I see opportunities to be successful everywhere I look.

I have universal energy within me.

I am peaceful, happy, healthy, and free to be me.

With every breath, I inhale the energy of happiness.

I am motivated and have high energy.

I am worthy of feeling happy all day, every day.

Today I am working toward creating the life of my dreams.

In a few years, everyone will forget what happened today. Nobody cares what I wore yesterday, either.

I am surrounded by peace, harmony and good energy.

Happiness is my moment to moment, day to day choice.

This day will unfold happy moments.

I can have, be or do anything.

I am financially free.

I concentrate my thoughts on ideas and beliefs that make me feel good.

Today I will be fabulous.

I am confidently making choices that will create a better future.

I have deeply-fulfilling friendships with happy people.

I choose to seek the best in every situation.

I am a good person.

I trust myself to make positive decisions.

My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life.

I already have the wisdom and courage it takes to make my dreams come true.

My partner naturally makes me feel secure and loved.

I welcome positive and healthy energy with open arms.

I am grateful for the magic and miracles that today brings.

I am living in joy and harmony with my partner – and we are very happy together.

I am living a meaningful, abundant life.

I focus my vision on creating a life of true joy and prosperity.

I awaken grateful for today and I choose happiness.

I am so grateful to be alive.

I embrace my masculinity in all forms.

Affirmations For Love And Happiness

Affirmations For Healthy Life

Right now, I am at peace.

Everything is going to be okay.

I am focused on my family, relationships, and career.

I believe in myself.

The happiness I feel is felt by everyone around me.

I trust life.

When you ask me why I am happy, I will answer, let me count the ways.

I feel healthy, joyful, and vibrant.

I will take time to appreciate the beauty of nature around me today.

There is love all around me.

Let us live in such a way that our happiness is beneficial to the whole world.

I am an unlimited, creative being.

Happiness and love flow freely from me.

I am free to create the life I desire.

I nourish my body with healthy choices.

I am surrounded by loving and fun people.

I live my life to the fullest

I choose to be happy even in times of challenge or difficulty.

Joy is the essence of my being.

I am allowing the creative power of the Universe to flow through me.

I see love in everyone and everywhere I go.

I choose to be positive.

My body heals quickly and easily.

I am at peace with my past, and I am in love with my present.

I always do whatever it is I set out to do.

I feel a deep sense of wellbeing within myself and I go about my days with joy in my heart.

I choose to see only the positive.

I deserve to live a joyful, vibrant, passionate life.

Today I will be happy no matter how others treat me.

I will become incredibly wealthy and successful no matter what.

I choose to be happy, feel happy, and think happy thoughts.

I choose to surround myself only with positive people who lift my energy.

I am healthy, I am happy, I am strong.

I have strong willpower and can change my habits with ease.

I am positive and create joy and happiness for others.

I am greater than those who bring down my self-worth. I give myself permission to love myself.

It is natural for me to feel happy all day, every day.

My life of joy begins NOW.

I have everything I need.

I choose to be happy everyday.

I greet each day with gratitude, hope, and positivity.

I am living a peaceful, empowered life.

Money comes to me easily and frequently.

Everything I need is already within me.

I thank the Universe for all the blessings and good things in my life.

My courage is a strong tower that surrounds me. I transform problems into challenges, weaknesses into strengths, and fear into action.

I create the life I desire with my good feelings.

My life is filled with positive, awesome people.

I am happy.

I draw love and romance into my life with ease.

Positive Affirmations For Inner Peace

I always find a parking space.

My heart is open and ready for love.

I am handsome, confident, and valuable.

I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come.

I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.

I am blessed with beautiful relationships with special people, for they are a reflection of what I am.

I begin each day with a grateful heart.

Happiness is alchemy for my spirit.

I choose to be happy every day.

Being grateful helps me attract even more things to be grateful about.

I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss.

I am a magnet for money, success, and abundance.

I am grateful for every opportunity life presents to me.

Even in difficult times, I choose to be see the good in life.

I focus on my highest goals and conquer all that stands in my way.

I am grateful for the beautiful things in my life.

I am open to laughter today.

May my happiness be a gift to my friends and my family.

When I can control how I feel, I can control my future.

When I feel happy I manifest more reasons to be happy.

I love my family and support them.

Every day in every way I am getting happier and happier.

I now choose to be as happy as possible in positive and healthy ways.

Every day I attract circumstances and situations that fill me with joy.

I am cultivating a beautiful life free of stress, worries, or fear.

I am perfect just the way I am.

Today is a gift, and I embrace it with positivity.

Life is happening for me

My mind is focused and clear.

I am worthy of success and wealth.

I set clear goals for myself.

I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.

I enjoy taking some time to enjoy the peace and quiet during the day.

I am meant to live a happy life.

I am worthy of being loved, being happy, and doing what brings me joy.

My love for others is unconditional.

I am an action-taker. I build my own success through my hard work.

I am healthy and full of energy.

I give myself permission to enjoy myself.

I am free of all worry and anxiety.

I am present, powerful, and calm.

My dreams, goals, and challenges will be achieved through focus and hard work.

Today is full of opportunities.

I’m able to be happy for people that aren’t in my life anymore when I see them doing well.

Happiness is a natural response to being grateful.

I feel strong and inspired every single day.

I am grateful to be alive.

I am happy now and in all future moments.

I will spend time with positive people today.

I show myself kindness and forgiveness when I feel alone.

Affirmations to Stay Positive in Life

I fight for my highest values and beliefs.

I have the power to shape my ideal reality.

I am a positive being, aware of my potential.

I am amazing and incredibly blessed.

Creativity flows through me easily.

I am filled with energy and excitement.

I am creative, passionate, and inspired.

I bring light with me wherever I go.

My natural state is happiness and joy. I live there.

I am vibrating pure joy, abundance, and prosperity.

I feel healthy, wealthy, and wise.

I am thankful for all the people in my life who love and support me.

I accept that happiness is my true nature.

Every cell in my body is thriving.

I build my life on the foundation of joy, peace, and prosperity.

Following my joy reveals the path to my best life.

Success is not the key to my happiness; happiness is the key to my success.

Everything is always working out well for me.

Many of life’s simple pleasures bring me great joy.

I am a radiant and joyous person.

I am exactly where I need to be today.

Affirmations for Happiness and Success

I am positive. I am loved. I am enough.

I choose to be grateful.

There are amazing things in my life; no matter how small they may seem, they are significant.

The money I spend will always be replaced with more.

My challenges help me grow.

I choose happiness, and happiness chooses me.

I am in a loving, trusting and supportive relationship and I am deeply fulfilled.

I am excited about today.

I surround myself with positive influences and people who treat me well.

My happiness comes from within me.

My dreams are coming true every day.

No matter what happens today, I will find the positive in it.

My inner peace helps me get through anything.

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