221 Affirmations for New Beginnings to Live the Life You Want


It’s time for you to start your new life.

It may seem like this is all too much but with positivity by your side and a little faith, anything is possible.

In this post, you will read a list of the best positive affirmations for new beginnings to get a head start right now.

Remember, there are moments in our lives when we decide to begin again.

We’ve had the same things happening over and over again, and we’re ready for a change —we want something new and fresh. So, let’s get started!

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List of Affirmations for New Beginnings

However long this next phase of my life lasts, I will make the most of it.

I welcome this new season with calm confidence.

I am free and I accept the new beginning.

I am excited about how my life is going to change now.

I am worthy of a healthy loving relationship with a good person.

I embrace the future and everything my new life brings me.

I was meant to be here.

I believe that this new change in my life shall bring endless possibilities for me.

Things are getting better every day.

I take nothing for granted.

The opening for my new job already exists.

I am ready to turn this page and start a new life that is worth living.

I forgive everyone who hurt me in the past, and I release all the bad feelings I had toward those people.

I am the manifestation of my wildest dreams.

With passion and joy, I am creating my own future.

I know all changes are meant for me to become better.

I am excited to discover where me and my partner will go from here.

I keep my mind at peace as I know good things are coming.

Whenever I need something, it manifests effortlessly into my life.

I am away from all sorts of negativity and just going to focus on my growth.

I am excited for this new beginning, and a new romantic page in my life!

I shall be the driver of my life in this new beginning.

I will not allow any fears or regrets to hold me back anymore.

I can survive everything life throws at me, just as I survived everything before.

Affirmations for New Beginnings in Career

I know that as long as I’m alive and breathing, it’s never too late to try something I’ve never tried before.

I am ready to take up new adventures in life.

This year, I choose a path of happiness and wellness.

I cannot be more grateful for all the great things that are about to come my way with this change.

I know today is the day I start learning new things.

With time and love, hope, and support, I can heal and learn and grow and find joy in my own being here.

Though I’m excited to be with my partner, I know my worth doesn’t come from them – or anything outside of myself.

I accept that I’ll probably make mistakes as I adjust to this new position, and I embrace the learning curve.

I am making choices that align with my highest good.

The same mistakes from the past shall not be repeated by me in this new phase.

I am grateful for all I have and all that is to come.

Today, I support my body by moving it and growing strong.

I am confident that I can handle every new opportunity gracefully.

This new phase of my life will help me grow as a human being.

I forgive all my past mistakes and bad choices, and I’ll be kinder to myself from now on.

I release all my feelings of guilt and stop blaming myself for my past.

I have the inner power and strength to deal with everything that comes my way.

My new boss can’t wait to fill my dream position with me.

I am willing to move in new directions, and I can learn what I need to know as I go.

I shall make some amazing friends as this new chapter begins.

I am in the right place for the new beginning of my life.

I cannot be more thankful to the universe for this wonderful start.

I embrace all the great things that are about to come my way because of this fresh start.

I awaken each morning feeling the promise of a new day and a new beginning.

I am going to start with a fresh page and my future shall not be decided by my past.

I celebrate the wins, big and small.

Fresh Start Affirmations to Let Go of the Past

I’m committing to being open and honest with my partner throughout this journey we have together.

I can feel my special person getting closer and closer to me.

I shall focus on teamwork rather than a solo play for this new chapter of my life.

I let go of all my pain from the past, and I’m not bringing it into my new relationship.

I am going to treat each day as a new beginning in my life.

This new beginning is just what I needed.

I have everything I need to garner success in every area of my life.

As I start a new life, I’m aiming for the stars.

I won’t settle for anything less than my dream life.

I’m stepping into this new beginning with confidence, knowing I am capable of handling whatever awaits me on this path.

Finding a new job is easy for me and wouldn’t take much time.

I visualize my new comfortable workplace and my friendly new colleagues.

This change was meant to happen and none could stop it from happening.

This change was brought in by the Universe so that I can discover what I wanted to for so long.

I am going to cherish all the moments of my life from now on.

Everything that I have dreamt of is about to begin.

I am thankful to my past self for bringing me this far.

I shall make the most out of this change in my life.

As I turn this page, I commit to becoming a better version of myself.

I am thankful for this opportunity to start fresh.

My heart is full of gratitude for everyone who inspired me to get to this phase.

I am smart.

I am surrounded by positive and easygoing people.

I plant my dreams in the soil of this new beginning.

I release all the blockages that stop me from starting a new life.

I do not let fear dictate my outlook on life.

I am going to practice new ways of self-development in this new beginning.

I unlock new possibilities by being open to what I’ve never seen before.

I open my heart to a deep connection and caring relationship.

The necessary thing shall be done first by me.

I am open to new possibilities.

I am going to meet some of the most wonderful of my life in this new place.

I am about to rediscover myself with this fresh start.

Making new friends comes naturally to me.

I have earned this.

It is the greatest time for new changes to come my way.

I release the past so that I can step forward into this new beginning.

I am blessed to be a blessing.

Affirmations for Making New Friends

I confidently step out of my comfort zone and gently expand my boundaries.

I have limitless potential inside me that will lead to a new job in no time.

The perfect person for me is right behind the corner!

I love taking care of my body.

My body responds so beautifully to this care.

I deserve to be loved, just as I am.

I can imagine myself being deeply and mutually in love.

Each challenge makes me grow.

Each struggle gets me closer to where I need to be.

This new beginning shall be a remembered one as I begin this new phase.

I keep curiosity alive in my heart.

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity rolled into one.

This new phase brings with it loads of faith and happiness.

This new place is where I belong.

I kindly say goodbye to my old negative attitude.

I speak life into my present and future circumstances.

using positive affirmations to get a new start in life

Affirmations for Starting a New Life

The path to a new life doesn’t have to be hard.

I allow myself to get what I want effortlessly.

New doors are constantly opening up for me.

I have made the correct choice.

I am about to lead a more successful life as this new phase begins.

I am going to live the best chapter of my life.

I am open minded.

I’m committing to love and support my partner to the best of my ability.

I am living my best life.

I am ready to open new doors.

Lord, I trust you.

I trust myself to make good decisions and achieve everything I want.

I am ready for new beginnings and unique opportunities.

I am willing to try new things.

I welcome this change and the opportunity it presents me to grow as a person.

I always appear knowledgeable and professional when I talk to people.

I trust my intuition to filter toxic people and avoid bad friendships.

I have the clarity to know how to move forward.

This new beginning shall be very fruitful for my life.

I deserve love and support from my partner.

Affirmations for New Opportunities

I deserve the best partner ever! I am ready to be loved every day.

It’s time for me to turn a new beautiful page in my life.

I shall not let people underestimate me in this new phase.

Last year’s mistakes are released; I hold onto only the valuable lessons from them.

I live authentically.

I will not force this to last longer than is healthy for anyone involved.

I nourish my body with clean food to live well.

I am trusting my joy.

It’s time for a new chapter in my life, and I have the means to start it.

I’m dedicated to this new opportunity and will give it my best.

When I say YES to myself and my needs, my energy always increases and I feel wonderful.

A lot of new opportunities are going to come up in front of me in this new chapter of my life.

I shall keep my self-respect above everyone in this new chapter of my life.

I have let the Universe guide me in this new phase of my life.

I accept this new begging with open arms and heart.

I am allowing my blessings to come to me.

Fresh Start Affirmations

I am scared about the new phase and that is okay.

I am happy to have a new start.

It is safe for me to let go of the past.

I have everything I need to move forward.

I love myself and protect myself.

I will not let anyone behave badly with me.

I love moving my body.

I love getting stronger and more flexible every day.

I am ready to start a new life filled with joy, positivity, peace, and happiness.

I promise to not put too much pressure on myself.

I know that I’m doing my best, and it is enough.

I shall practice more self-love in this new beginning of my life.

I will not wait for the circumstances to get perfect I shall make them perfect.

I can navigate any professional discussion with enthusiasm and struggle-free.

I am attracting my soulmate into my life at this very moment.

I shall go for excellence in this new phase of my life and let success follow me.

I’m capable of excelling in this opportunity.

I deserve to celebrate this achievement with people who support me.

Affirmations for New Beginnings in Love

I am going to discover new things about myself.

It’s easy for me to connect with new people right away.

I start a new chapter of my life and will succeed in making it amazing.

I am overpowered with energy and charisma for this new beginning.

I shall be more thankful to everyone I meet in this new start.

I am about to jump out of my comfort zone in this new phase of life.

I give myself permission to reach out for support and mentorship when I need it.

My positive energy attracts good people to me every day.

I am confident in my skills and professional experience.

I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I trust the process.

My life will change with this new beginning.

Divine love, expressed through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.

I trust the process.

My life is unfolding perfectly, in ways that are enchanting, exciting, and uplifting.

I accept the new changes coming my way with all the love that I need.

My brand new life is about to begin now.

I am proud of all my past achievements and looking forward to new ones.

I am a magnet for new opportunities that can change my life for the better.

I am good at networking and it always results in new opportunities.

I am open to the magic that each new beginning brings.

I shall not let dictate others in this new chapter of my life.

I am prepared to see new opportunities that come up and make the most out of them.

This fresh start will help me develop new ideas for my life.

This new job has a lot for me to learn.

I deserve to experience whatever joy I can derive from this change.

I am grateful for every job opportunity that appears on the horizon.

I believe in myself and my ability to make the most of this fresh start.

There is always an adjustment period when starting something new, but I’ll get through it sooner than I think.

I do not allow doubt or anxiety to creep into my thoughts or my perception of myself.

I am not going to wait for the good things to come my way I shall run their way.

I am brave to have taken this decision.

Powerful changes are happening; I welcome and embrace them.

I am cheerful about this fresh start.

I shall get better at my craft and let people get inspired.

I am ready to make the first step required to build a new long-lasting friendship.

I am intrigued to find out what miracles are in the cards for me.

I can recognize trustworthy people and welcome them into my life.

I let go of all my fears and feel strong to start a new page.

This change is brought about by the Universe and is guiding me for the better.

I embrace the changes to come.

I don’t live in the darkness of my doubts but in the light of possibility.

This new phase is all about my personal development.

I can clearly see the blessings around me.

I shall become an inspirational person in this new phase of my life.

I am capable of conquering the clutter and creating order in my life.

I am thorough.

I am a good friend to have, and people are lucky to get to know me.

I am magnetic to wealth and health.

I am going to have a beautiful beginning.

I don’t need to wait for the perfect time to start something new.

I can start something, right now.

Inspirational Affirmations for a New Life

I’m going to cherish every moment I have with my partner.

I am grateful for all my previous experiences, as they brought me to this point and made me stronger.

I always radiate positive vibes, which attracts new exciting opportunities my way.

I easily find like-minded people who I click with.

My freedom lifestyle is about to begin.

In advance, I celebrate love and happiness, and success for myself and my loved ones.

I am exactly where I need to be right now.

I am capable to make the most out of this new phase.

I deserve to be here.

I am going to enjoy my new life to the fullest and feel joy every day.

I welcome my new dream life with open arms and a hopeful heart.

I am excited about the new beginning.

I promise myself to build my new daily routine on love and self-care.

I make good connections every day that can result in work opportunities.

I shall be rewarded with lots of pleasures in the new start.

Nice people want to become friends with me all the time.

I will get nervous but I will not let this nervousness guide me in this new chapter of my life.

I am super excited about the new advancements that are going to take place in my life.

There are people who are here to support me as I adjust to this new beginning.

I am a lender, not a borrower.

I shall work harder than ever to get to the place where I want to be.

Read this next: 50 Affirmations for Single Women [BE POWERFUL]

How to Set Goals That Actually Stick

Goals are great. They give you something to shoot for, and they help you stay motivated.

But, if you don’t set your goals properly, they can be a total waste of time.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some real head-scratchers in my day: “Get more followers on Instagram” or “Get a job where I’m not stuck behind a desk.”

Those are great goals in theory, but they’re so far away from where I am right now that they basically do nothing but make me feel like a loser who can’t do anything right.

So what should you do instead? Here are my best tips for setting SMART goals that actually stick:

SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

It’s important to be as specific as possible when you’re setting your goals so that you can easily measure progress. For example, instead of just saying “I want to lose weight,” say “I will lose 10 pounds in 3 months.”

This will help you set more attainable goals because you’ll be able to see how much progress you’ve made toward reaching them. You can use tools like Fitbit and Apple Health to keep track of your progress toward weight loss goals.

Your goal should also be relevant—meaning it should have some kind of personal meaning for you. For example, if you have a goal of losing weight but don’t really care about eating right or exercising regularly, there’s a good chance that won’t work out very well!

Finally, make sure your goal is time-bound so that it can be achieved within a certain time frame. If not, then what’s the point?

How to Be a “Go Getter” in Life

Being a “go getter” means that you’re the kind of person who knows exactly what they want out of life and how to achieve it.

You’re someone who isn’t afraid to put themselves out there, who doesn’t let fear get in their way, and who isn’t afraid to ask for help when they need it.

In short, being a “go getter” means that you’re not going to let anything—not even yourself—stand between you and success!

Here are some tips for becoming an unstoppable force in your life:

Be able to get up when you fall down.

Set goals and follow through with them.

Keep going when things get tough—it’s an opportunity for growth!

Start small and build from there!

A Few More Words About Getting a New Start

Getting a new start in life is an exciting prospect.

It’s an opportunity to turn your life around and make it better than ever. (read next: New Year Affirmations)

But sometimes, that means taking risks, and that can be scary.

That should not stop you though, and I want to leave you with these few points to remember when the seas get rough:

Focus on the positive

Be grateful for what you have

Understand that gratitude is the key to abundance

Don’t make excuses for why you can’t do something

Don’t listen to other people’s opinions about what you can or cannot do

In Conclusion: Affirmations for New Beginnings

The key to a successful new beginning is to be open to what it has in store for you and the best way to do this is by affirming your commitment to yourself, and then putting those affirmations into action.

It’s time to make your way through the fog of doubt and uncertainty, and find the path that makes sense for you—the one that aligns with what you really want.

You’ve got this!

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