350 Abraham Hicks Affirmations and Quotes For Inspiration And Positivity


When it comes to affirmations, manifestation, and the Law of Attraction, most practitioners will know about Abraham Hicks and how inspiring this person is.

In fact, there are thousands upon thousands of success stories and people who have been influenced by Hicks, and this is in no small part thanks to all the beautiful Abraham Hicks affirmations and quotes.

They serve to help you develop a positive mindset and improve your ability to manifest the life that you want. (similarly, check out Florence Scovel Shinn affirmations)

In this post, I will be sharing with you a list of the best Abraham Hicks affirmations as well as some of the most famous quotes.

Before you go on, get access to our library of affirmations for free right here:


Who is Abraham Hicks?

Esther Hicks is a channel for Abraham Hicks, a non-physical person that teaches the “Law of Attraction” or “Universal Law of Attraction.”

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that asserts that whatever you think about, you will attract into your life.

The underlying factor is the use of positive affirmations.

Esther Hicks and her late husband Jerry Hicks popularized it in the book “Ask and It Is Given” which was published in 2004.

Since that time, Abraham Hicks’ teachings have swept the globe and been accepted by people from all areas of life.

In the famous movie “The Secret”, many of the information is based on what Abraham Hicks had been teaching to that point.

List of Abraham Hicks Affirmations

In the list below, you will find our favorite Abraham Hicks affirmations to help you get inspired and become more positive.

Make use of them to empower yourself and become the person you always could be.

I recommend that you keep a copy of these positive affirmations with you at all times so that you can easily refer to them whenever you feel down or stressed out.

Creating affirmation cards is a great way to do so.

Abraham Hicks Affirmations For Wealth and Money

I have the potential to do anything that I want.

I choose to be healthy.

I will feel good all day long.

I know that the Universal Forces are always helping me.

I know that the solution is in place.

I allow universal intelligence to flow through me.

The only thing that can interfere with the good in my life is me.

It is my dominant intention to feel the way I want to feel.

I take care of myself.

I’ll ask and I’ll expect it to be given, and I’ll watch for the evidence of it.

I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy.

I am so blessed to be here right now.

I am eternal.

I love knowing that I can dream big.

I have my back.

What I focus upon causes an attraction of things that match it.

I trust that I’m figuring this out.

I welcome success into my life.

All is well in my world.

I am deserving of success.

Every day, I notice and attract the right people into my life.

I am whole and complete.

I know it is my destiny to feel good.

Things are always working out for me, and I can take it a little easier, and I’m going to turn this over to the Universe.

I always have everything I need.

Nothing other than feeling good will do for me.

I live in an abundant universe.

I enjoy the company of the amazing people in my life.

I am so appreciative of all the good in my life.

I trust the universe.

I know that I’m coming closer into alignment with what I want.

I like where I am. And I like where I’ve been. And I’m over the moon about where I’m going.

I am accepting of myself and others.

I am surrounded by pure positive energy.

I am fully present with the important people in my life.

I deserve the best life has to offer!

Positive energy is all around me.

My mind is powerful.

I welcome prosperity into my life.

I’m moving closer to what I want. I’m figuring it out. It’s getting better.

I welcome joy into my life.

I forgive myself.

This is me and my good morning being aware of the value of my emotions.

I give myself permission to heal.

Today is going to be amazing, I can feel it!

This universe is filled with grand potential.

If I want it, I can attract it. Simple.

I love to witness my magnificent journey unfolding.

My mind is clear, calm, happy, healthy, and peaceful.

I allow success in all areas of my life.

I approve of myself.

Abraham Hicks Daily Mantra

I like understanding the Laws of the Universe.

I am riding a wave of momentum.

Everything is always working out for me.

I visualize my ideal life and watch it manifest.

I welcome abundance into my life.

Today I will take time to look for things to appreciate all day long.

I’m enjoying the journey because the destination is certain.

I look for reasons to feel good.

I’m going to live happily ever after.

The universe always takes care of me.

The happier I am, the better things get.

I tap into the universal wisdom.

I’m choosing to feel good.

I am healthy.

I trust myself.

This is a really good day.

The world around me is teeming with possibilities.

I love me. I am lovable. I am loved.

Today everything in my world will respond differntly to me.

I am the only one responsible for how I feel.

I am patient with myself.

No matter where I am, I have the ability to focus in a way that is pleasing to me.

I am grateful for what I have and eager for more.

I give thanks to the Universe all day long.

This is a new beginning.

I always do my best and it’s enough for me to know that.

Life has helped me to know that I want that, and I’m looking forward to watching the natural unfolding of it, because I’ve asked for it and it’s done.

I choose to be vibrant.

I am doing the best that I can do.

I like knowing that all results I seek are easily achievable.

Every day, I look for the good all around me.

Today is a great day.

All is well. Everything is alright.

I love being the clear example that I am. I love offering my vibration deliberately and I love watching all the Universal factors lining things up.

I have the ability to focus. I have the ability to put my thoughts where they feel best.

I am solely responsible for my emotions.

I love myself unconditionally.

I am a powerful, creative being and I create my life with intention.

I am so blessed.

I love knowing that I am the creator of my own reality.

I am surrounded by joy and love.

I wake up eager to face each new day.

I welcome love into my life.

This is a new vibrational point of attraction.

I’m on the path.

The path is unfolding. It will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.

The more I concentrate on what I want rather than what I don’t want, the more quickly it comes to me.

Whatever I want can flow to me.

The universe has my back.

Today I will do the things that bring me joy.

My thoughts are healthy and positive – they help me create the life I want.

Abraham Hicks Affirmations For Health

I’m whole, and I’m strong, and I’m happy and I’m sure.

And I’m alive and glad to be.

And I’m good at what I do.

And I’m blessed.

I’m tended to. I’m seen. I’m heard. I’m known.

My relationship with my Inner Being is my strongest partnership.

I want it and I expect it.

I am to live happily ever after.

My thoughts are only what they should be – loving, kind, and compassionate.

My life is filled with abundance in every area.

I embrace this really good, unconditional day.

I give myself permission to shine.

I don’t know how it’s gonna come, I just know it’s gonna come, because it always comes.

Where I am is constantly changing to something better.

I am now alligning with my inner being.

I’m getting better and better at this.

Yes, everything is always working out for me.

This is a new day.

Everything I want is flowing to me.

I love my body.

My vortex is a now reality that I can feel my way into.

My vortex is full of manifested potential.

I know I’m good at what I do. I know that I always figure things out. I know that things do work out for me.

There’s so much abundance I can’t even keep track of it all.

I know that the Universe is abundant.

I know gratitude is the key to attracting more things to be grateful for.

In my appreciation, I allow myself to receive wonderful things.

It’s alright. And all is well. And I’m getting there.

There is so much good flowing into my life now.

Every day has the potential to be amazing.

I am perfect, whole, and complete.

I am loved.

Today, I will be aware of the way I feel.

Right now, I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I’m going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.

Life is taking care of me at all times.

I am grateful for the healing that’s happening right now.

I love knowing that joy is simply a choice.

I am a feel-good detective.

I now get what true faith and belief is.

I invite good feelings into my body now.

I am the creator of my mood, therefore I am the creator of my day.

I can achieve vibrational allignment with my desires.

I’ve asked, it’s lined up, and I’ll know it when I see it.

I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

I am a powerful creator.

I love knowing that it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, because I can keep telling a new story.

I am divinely guided and protected at all times.

I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I get what I want.

I’m doing good and it’s getting better.

Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

I’m enjoying the journey because I know where I’m going.

I am so grateful.

I can already tell that things are getting better.

I am so blessed to be living.

Feeling better is the manifestation I am reaching for.

Best Abraham Hicks Quotes

I’m going to be happy I’m going to skip I’m going to be glad I’m going to be easy I’m going to count my blessings I’m going to look for reasons to feel good I’m going to dig up positive things from the past I’m going to look for positive things where I stand I’m going to look for positive things in the future it is my natural state to be a happy person it’s natural for me to love and to laugh this is what is most natural for me I am a happy person.

The greatest thing you can give yourself is freedom from what others think.

People will love you people will hate you and none of it will have anything to do with you.

The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.

Your work is to create the feeling in yourself even before you have the marriage, even before you have the money, even before you have the thing, even before you have the property.

It is my dominant intent to be good to me.

Life has helped me to know that I want that, and I’m looking forward to watching the natural unfolding of it, because I’ve asked for it and it’s done.

I’m choosing to feel good.

Focus on how you want to feel and let the universe fill in the details.

The thing that you’re looking at, the thing you’re having a knee-jerk response to is not the problem! The problem is that you’re looking at that thing that’s making you feel like that.

Before your birth into your physical body, you knew that once you were here, you would be surrounded by others and that your relationships with those others would be the primary source of the contrast you would live.

Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event when you’re worrying, you are planning when you’re appreciating you are planning…what are you planning.

Stop facing reality and start creating reality.

Upon waking, let your first thought be thank you.

My path is about joy.

You have guidance within you, and when you feel the love in your heart, things cannot go wrong for you.

I love knowing that joy is simply a choice.

Things are always working out for me, and I can take it a little easier, and I’m going to turn this over to the universe.

It was your clear intention to come forth into your magnificent physical body and to interact with the variety of intentions and beliefs and desires of others upon your planet for the purpose of expansion.

As you practice your more positive better-feeling story, in time your pleasure will become the dominant vibration within you, and then as you couple your pleasure with your means of earning, the two will blend perfectly and enhance each other.

Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.

I’m source energy in a human body, and I get what I want.

I care how I feel and it is my desire to feel good.

Stop asking others to be the change that you need in order to feel better that is the freedom that you are looking for.

Right now, I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can I’m going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.

When your heart is singing, you are allowing well-being when you are appreciating, you are allowing well-being.

When you are genuinely thrilled by another’s success, that means you are right on the track of your own.

Feeling better is the manifestation I am reaching for.

I’ve asked, it’s lined up, and I’ll know it when I see it.

Stop talking about the things that are bothering you so much.

I love me I am lovable I am loved.

Make a decision of what you want, give your attention there, find the feeling place of it and you’re there instantly there is no reason for you to suffer or struggle your way to or through anything.

I know it is my destiny to feel good.

It’s not about action… it’s about vibrational alignment.

When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperousyou attract more of all those things.

It is your right to feel worthy.

The law of attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel.

You are actually pre-paving your future experiences constantly … you are continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences.

Dollars are not the root of happiness, but they are not the root of evil either they are the result of how somebody lines up the energy.

You are joy, looking for a way to express.

Be as happy you want to be.

Your work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy, connecting to source energy, and then following with the inspired action.

When you try to justify where you are by pointing out how bad things are, you are headed in the wrong direction.

I no longer hold you responsible for how I feel.

Appreciation is the secret to life become a person who appreciates and you will thrive.

When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous you attract more of all those things.

Your inner being, or source energy, always offers a perspective that is to your greatest advantage, and when your prospective matches that, then positive attraction is occurring.

I’m on the path the path is unfolding it will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.

What you want is to be in love, what you want is to take a walk and feel your heart soaring, what you want is for music to move through your body, what you want is to be alive and brilliant and have good timing, what you want is to be clear, what you want is love… what you want is alignment all the other stuff is irrelevant.

Your life is supposed to feel good to you.

When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

abraham hicks morning affirmations

Abraham Hicks Morning Affirmations

Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they will behave once they get there.

A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.

Everything is unfolding perfectly, and as you relax and find ease in your attitude of trust knowing that well-being is your birth-right, amazing things will happen things the likes of which you have not seen before.

Look around less, imagine more.

The standard of success in life isn’t the things it isn’t the money or the stuff it is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel.

There ain’t no baby mama drama up in this vortex, homie!.

If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, welcome to planet earth there is nothing that you cannot be or do or have, and your work here, your lifetime career is to seek joy.

Don’t go anywhere until the desire to go there is so powerful that nothing can keep you from it.

Once you start deliberately offering thought, you access the energy that creates worlds.

A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.

Nothing will come into your experience unless you invite it through your thought—with emotional.

You’re not manifesting, you’re creating the environment that allows the manifestation.

I’m enjoying the journey because the destination is certain.

All is well everything is alright.

What you think about activates a vibration within you.

There is no competition for those who are in alignment.

Often, when you observe an unwanted or unpleasant experience, you believe that you are not personally a part of it, but instead a distant, dissociated, unattached observer of it; but that is never the case your observation of a situation – no matter how remote you believe yourself to be – makes you a co-creative partner of the experience.

Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved that alignment.

Choose a thought pretend that’s already happened be excited about it watch what happens.

Most people think I’m supposed to let go you can’t let go of your desires just let go of the sadness in thinking it’s not coming.

It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are a joy you are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing energy-frolicking and eager that’s who you are.

If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts, and that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects.

No sickness would exist on this planet if your contrast hadn’t carved out wellness that you are not allowing.

I have the ability to focus I have the ability to put my thoughts where they feel best.

Only when you have a conscious working knowledge of these (universal) laws are you able to be the deliberate creator of your own life experience.

The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your happiness.

What I focus upon causes an attraction of things that match it.

I am eternal.

Everything springs forth from the imagination everything.

If you want it and expect it, it will be yours very soon.

Your vortex is pregnant with everything you want.

You are powerfully on your path and you are just beginning the best part of your life.

If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason: you are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence.

Whenever you are feeling less than good if you will stop and say, – nothing is more important than that I feel good, I want to find a reason now to feel good – you will find an improved thought.

You have the energy that creates worlds flowing through you.

I love knowing that it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, because I can keep telling a new story.

I always do my best and it’s enough for me to know that.

The well-being that you seek is flowing to you, relax and enjoy the unfolding.

I know that the universal forces are always helping me I know that the solution is in place.

There isn’t anything that I cannot be or do or have.

The closer you are to alignment with what you want, the calmer it feels.

Alignment trumps everything stay off the subject that disturbs your alignment, and everything that you care about will come into alignment.

Be as happy as you want to be.

That was then, this is now don’t talk about it anymore there’s no point in beating the drum of anything you don’t want to repeat.

What you are living is the evidence of what you are thinking and feeling, every single time.

Life is always in motion, so you cannot be stuck.

No matter where I am, I have the ability to focus in a way that is pleasing to me.

Write your own story and trust the universe to deliver.

I’m doing good and it’s getting better.

One day’s focus is enough momentum for you to allow anything you want to flow into your experience.

abraham hicks affirmations for wealth

You will know your path by the fun of it.

Never mind what is imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire.

I like knowing that whatever I am willing to allow the universe will yield to me.

Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination and everything springs forth from the imagination everything.

If you’re ever lonely, it’s for your own connection.

The appreciation that source feels for you, never-ending, will wrap you in a warm blanket of worthiness if you will allow it.

I love being the clear example that I am I love offering my vibration deliberately and I love watching all the universal factors lining things up.

If it feels good, I give it my full attention, if it doesn’t, I don’t look at it at all.

You’re picky about the car you drive you’re picky about what you wear you’re picky about what you put in your mouth we want you to be pickier about what you think.

The closer you are to alignment with what you want the calmer it feels.

Mining the moment for something that feels good, something to appreciate, something to savor, something to take in, that’s what your moments are about.

It is important to understand that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not and chronic thoughts about unwanted things invite, or ask for, matching experiences the law of attraction makes it so.

I’m whole, and I’m strong, and I’m happy and I’m sure and I’m alive and glad to be and I’m good at what I do and I’m blessed I’m tended to I’m seen I’m heard I’m known.

I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy.

Your path is not narrowso you can’t mess it up.

A happy life is just a string of happy moments but most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.

I am to live happily ever after.

Once you expect something, it will come the details of it may play out differently, but the vibrational essence will always be an exact match.

Seek alignment between you and you, first, before you engage with any other and never ask for a behavioral change from any other to use as you basis of improved emotion or perspective there are simply too many moving parts, and you will not succeed.

No longer use manifestation to soothe your feelings instead, use your imagination.

You will never find yourself in a point in time when the subject of relationships is not an active part of your now experience, for everything you perceive or notice or know is because of your relationship with something.

Reach for the thought that feels better, and allow the natural well-being that is yours.

I am the creator of my mood, therefore I am the creator of my day.

It is fun to know that things are always working out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that I see more evidence of that every day.

I know I’m good at what I do I know that I always figure things out I know that things do work out for me.

I want it and I expect it.

If you had one goal, and that was to feel good, you would never again need to hear another word from anyone you would live successfully and happily and in a way of fulfilling your life’s purpose ever after.

Everything you want is coming relax and let the universe pick up the timing and the way you just need to trust that what you want is coming, and watch how fast it comes.

Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be.

I like knowing that all results I seek are easily achievable.

I’m going to be very very very happy.

Volcanic ash will be experienced in all parts of your world, as the volcanoes around your earth are simultaneously activated face masks and goggles will be of great value.

Everything you believe affects everything that comes to you.

I love you so much and I do not care what you think!.

The only way that you can ever know if something is of value to you is by the way it feels as you are receiving it.

You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are—but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are.

There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the soul/source/god from which you have come if you tend to that relationship first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships.

Find something that makes you happy and think about it a lot.

As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who you really are.

The happier I am, the better things get.

Whatever I want can flow to me.

When you believe something is hard, the universe demonstrates the difficulty when you believe something is easy, the universe demonstrates the ease.

Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next, and so on – it also provides the basis of your alignment with your inner being.

It was never your intention to control everything around you it was your intention to control the direction of your thought.

Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step.

When you ask it is given – but at some point, you have to stop asking and start expecting.

We are wanting to awaken with you, your memory of how wonderful you are! How brilliant you are! How good you are! How worthy of whatever you are wanting you are!.

There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now every part of your life has unfolded just right.

Once you expect something it will come.

Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations – and all limitations are self-imposed – and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.

I am to live happily ever after.

Nothing other than feeling good will do for me.

When you are in alignment with who you are, only those who are in alignment with who they are will come under your radar.

The laws of the universe are responding to me.

You are constantly being led to what you want the source within you knows the timing and is constantly giving you feedback.

What you are living in the evidence of what you are thinking and feeling – every single time.

You can only coax someone into the vortex from in the vortex.

Be happy in anticipation of what’s coming.

The universe knows the perfect timing for all those things you want and will find, through the crack of least resistance, the best way to deliver it to you.

The secret of the universe really is minding your own business what we mean by that is: don’t get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment.

I’ll ask and I’ll expect it to be given, and I’ll watch for the evidence of it.

People like you as much as you like you.

When something really really really matters to you, let it go! Say to the universe: ‘you know what I want’ give it to me in the path of least resistance give it to me the easiest way possible give it to me in any way I can get it.

The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want.

Few realize that they can control the way they feel and positively affect the things that come into their life experience by deliberately directing their thoughts.

The way you clear unwanted out is by focusing on wanted.

Reach for a better feeling thought.

Before your birth into your physical body, you knew the value of variety and of diversity, for you understood that every new preference, desire, or idea would be born from that contrast.

It is my dominant intention to feel the way I want to feel.

I trust that I’m figuring this out.

Give yourself the love you seek, and the universe will send people who match it.

Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it that is the answer to all things it’s the answer to getting everything that you want.

I like where I am and I like where I’ve been and I’m over the moon about where I’m going.

When you feel gratitude, you are the closest to the natural state you were born to live in.

You can’t watch out for bad things and allow good things at the same time it is vibrationally not possible.

If I want it, I can attract it simple.

There is nothing you cannot be, do or have.

My relationship with my inner being is my strongest partnership.

Much of the imbalance that people feel long after they leave the immediate environment of their childhood home stems from the impossible effort of replacing their own guidance system by seeking approval from their parents.

Talk as if what you want is in the process of coming.

Where I am is constantly changing to something better.

You are born uplifters, but you cannot uplift unless you are in the vortex and your mood is your indication of whether you are.

All things do resolve themselves if allowed.

I’m moving closer to what I want I’m figuring it out it’s getting better.

There is a paradigm shift that is afoot because so many people around the world are understanding the vibrational aspect of living.

I don’t know how it’s gonna come, I just know it’s gonna come because it always comes.

When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power.

You will feel as if everything in the universe is rooting for you nothing is betting against you, ever everything is betting for you that’s what you’re going to discover.

If you’re not excited about it, it’s not the right path.

The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want.

The purpose of your life is joy.

The moment you say it the skies will open for you and the non-physical energies begin instantly to orchestrate the manifestation of your desire.

In my appreciation, I allow myself to receive wonderful things.

I am the only one responsible for how I feel.

Take a nap this can stop negative momentum.

Focus actually calls energy if you are focused on what you want, you will get energized if you focus on what you don’t want, you will get depleted.

If there is something that you desire and it is not coming to you, it always means the same thing you are not a vibrational match to your own desire.

You’re picky about the car you drive you’re picky about what you wear you’re picky about what you put in your mouth, be pickier about what you think.

It’s alright and all is well and I’m getting there.

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