Many of us have dealt with weight issues at some point in our lives. Some are successful, while some struggle with it.

In bad situations, people can develop mental issues and become very sensitive with their body image.

These thoughts are very dangerous, and should not be a part of your life.

In this post, we share a list of positive weight loss affirmations as one of the methods you can use to control your weight issues.

Find out more about what affirmations are, how they can help you, and finally take some concrete action to achieve your body weight goals.

Inspiring List Of 874 Weight Loss Affirmations To Reach Your Goals

What are positive affirmations?

There is this popular saying or phrase that goes something like this: “You are what you think”. And this is such a powerful statement that can really shape our lives.

If you keep harboring negative thoughts in your mind, it will most likely lead to bad situations to develop in your life as you gravitate towards it. 

Positive affirmations are the exact opposite. Using empowering statements, you strengthen your mind and infuse it with positivity.

This has the effect of boosting your confidence and allows you to visualize your goals and dreams, leading you to achieve them.

It is an extremely underused yet powerful way to take control and do good for your life journey.

Does Science Support Self Affirmations?

The answer is a resounding YES. Throughout history, there have been many experiments and research conducted to determine the effectiveness of affirmations, applied in many different situation such as weight loss, combating depression, or overcoming adversity.

For obvious reasons, I will not be able to list out every single one of them, but if you are keen to find out more, you can simply conduct a search on Google. 

How To Use Positive Affirmations For Weight Loss?

It is very important to state and understand your intentions. Being clear and focused on your intention allows you to develop the right affirmations to use for reciting.

The list below will help you, but you have to pick out (or modify) the one that resonates with you and that you can truly believe in.

When you start believing in your personal statement, your conviction is much stronger and allows you to stick to your intention, which in this case is related to losing weight.

It allows you to stick to the routines that will allow you to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and not fall back into undesirable habits that can sabotage your plans.

How to use affirmations?

Identify the negative thoughts that you wish to get rid of or something that you wish to manifest.

Affirmations work in both scenarios, but you need to be clear about what you want.

Use the following list as a source of inspiration and guidance. You may use any affirmation as it is, or modify it to make it your own.

The key thing here is that the affirmations MUST resonate with you and is a statement you truly believe in.

Pick out at least 2 affirmations and start using them. 

Begin a routine of practicing at least twice a day of reciting the affirmations with each session lasting 3-5 minutes. Repeat each one 10-15 times daily.

You can do this in front of a mirror, or speak out loud, or do it in your mind. Do not skip any sessions.

Download and print out your own affirmations worksheet below to use as a guide for manifestation.

Stick it on your mirror/journal/vision board, or anywhere you can easily access throughout the day so that it can serve as a constant reminder to you. 

My Top 10 Favorite Weight Loss Affirmations

weight loss affirmations featured image
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

In this list I have created below, you will find 874 different affirmations. Yes, that is a lot, and you will not be using all of them.

The list is there to guide you and help you form the affirmations that you can relate to the most.

Be sure to read the short guide above this paragraph to learn how you can use it.

From this list, I have also picked out my personal affirmations to share with you:

I am fully committed to losing the extra weight.

I visualize my ideal body daily and take action to make it happen.

Working out releases stress and tension, the more I move the more relief I feel.

I am showing up for myself and treating myself with respect.

I am eating foods that contributes to my health and well-being.

Each time I resist temptation, I strengthen my own self mastery.

I love and respect my body now.

I accept and enjoy my sexuality.

Food is my friend, not my enemy.

The healthier I eat, the easier it gets.

Continue reading on to discover the entire list which you can adapt for your own use.

List Of Affirmations For Weight Loss

We have put together a massive list of affirmations weight loss. Do not get turned off by it!

We wanted this post to be used by as many people as possible who are on a weight loss journey, and each affirmation will mean something to someone.

You can take your time to scan through the list, and these are the various situations that will be covered.

I would like you to really take your time and find a few that really resonates with you, something that you can truly believe in, as that is critical to reciting and using daily positive affirmations. Without this step, it won’t work.

Affirmations to lose belly fat

I eat what I want, when I want and stop when I start to feel full.

I am getting to my ideal physique.

I love how I look when I see myself in the mirror.

I make sure that I exercise daily.

I am discovering delicious new foods that make me healthier.

Exercising comes naturally to me.

I love having such a fast metabolism that keeps my energy high all day long!

I provide my body with the healthy fruits, vegetables, and water that it naturally craves.

I consistently perform energy-generating and fat-burning workout routines.

I am thankful to God for giving me my ideal physique which makes heads turn.

I consciously choose to eat healthy, and I live in a state of now mindfulness.

I am determined and ready to lose weight.

I happily follow my diet every day.

I have a fit and tone body.

It feels good knowing that all of my hard work is paying off.

I am losing weight every single day.

I don’t compare myself to others. I’m on my own journey.

I accept my body exactly the way it is and I constantly work on improving it.

I eat only when I am hungry.

Healthy nutritious food is what I crave to eat.

I am fully committed to losing the extra weight.

I deserve a slim and healthy body.

I am saying NO to the foods that are not healthy for me.

My meals are always made with the highest quality foods available.

Today I am shedding the pounds as I shred my self doubt.

I affirm that moderation in diet is foundation for weight loss.

I am disciplined and I achieve my weight loss goals.

I am committed to losing excess pounds.

I am worthy of a slim and attractive body.

I love and accept myself at my current weight, even as I march pound by pound to my goal weight!

I am joyfully achieving my weight loss goals.

Every physical movement that I make burns the extra fat in my body and helps me to maintain my ideal body weight.

I space out my eating sessions and only eat during appropriate times of day.

I will always respect and take care of my body

I give myself “me time” on a regular basis and focus on being well.

I wake up each day with a clear determination to reach my ideal weight.

I am attaining and maintaining my desired weight.

I exercise to enjoy a strong, toned body. I love the feeling exercise gives me.

I love being alive.

I naturally get good exercise and stay on shape.

It does not matter what other people say or do.

I deserve love.

I enjoy finding ways to get more and more active.

I realize thoughts are just thoughts and they can be changed.

I visualize my ideal body daily and take action to make it happen.

I am determined to reach my goal weight.

I believe in myself and acknowledge my greatness.

I am beautiful in every way.

I am committed 100% to creating a healthy lifestyle.

The better shape my body is in, the happier it makes me.

Motivation to exercise affirmations

I always attract appreciation for my slim and attractive body.

I am happily exercising every morning when I wake up so that I can reach the weight loss that I have been wanting.

I attract new friends with similar health goals all the time.

I love that I feel so light now.

Losing weight comes naturally for me.

My desire for unhealthy foods is diminishing daily.

I realize junk food is an addiction and I no longer desire it.

As my reasons for holding on to my excess weight melt away, so does the weight.

I always take good care of my body.

I am awaking the giant within me through this journey of weight loss.

I accept and enjoy my sexuality. It’s OK to feel sensuous.

Today is a new day. I am determined to achieve my ideal weight and health.

I am easily reach and maintain my ideal weight.

I choose to be slim, happy and more energetic.

I appreciate my food choices and I enjoy eating whole foods.

Today I visualize my body at its optimal weight.

I am healthy and lean.

Whatever I focus on, I am able to achieve

Food is my fuel, I give my body clean,healthy fuel.

I am creating a life of abundance.

All my feelings and emotions are predicated around my weight loss.

My metabolism is running optimally, helping me achieve my desired weight.

I love myself enough to achieve my fitness goals.

I have an inner determination beyond food, weight, and the scale.

Walking every day allows my body to release stored energy, moving me closer to my ideal weight.

It feels good to move my body. Exercise is fun!

Every cell in my body feels energetic and healthy.

I take the time to really enjoy and appreciate my food.

I love and embrace the weight loss journey, enjoying every single step of the way.

Every day, in every way, I am becoming a better me.

I am always eating healthy food.

I affirm that my weight loss does not depend on my earlier success or failures.

My body is a temple and I do the best I can to take care of it

It’s easier to lose weight now that I have positive energy.

I can feel a great internal shift in my body and mind that feels so positive.

My dream body is the body I inhabit.

I love the effects of whole foods in my body.

I trust my intuition. I know what to eat to lose weight.

I love to move my body and keep it active.

My thoughts support me on my weight loss journey.

Working out releases stress and tension, the more I move the more relief I feel.

I accept my body with all its flaws and am happy about it.

When I look in the mirror I see a healthy fit body that I love.

I love and cherish every part of my body now.

I am creating a body that I like and enjoy.

The slim inner me is joyfully emerging.

I am proud of myself for choosing a healthier lifestyle

I am proud of myself for choosing a healthier lifestyle.

Today I choose healing and nourishing my body.

I am feeling focused and determined.

I help myself achieve weight loss now by using affirmations.

Healthy eating habits affirmations

I love moving my body and getting active now.

I am reaching my target weight with ease

My body is a sacred temple.

I am so grateful now that I have healthy eating habits.

I only choose to consume foods that will give my body strength and nutrients.

I have a healthy relationship with food.

I enjoy my food and eat mindfully.

I am having a healthy body which keeps me full of energy.

It is safe for me to lose weight.

I am surrounded by people who encourage and support me.

I enjoy life by staying healthy and fit and maintaining an ideal weight.

Unhealthy foods don’t appeal to me. My body craves healthy, whole, real food!

Being healthy and slim is easy for me now.

I feed my body foods that nourish it and allow it to effortlessly release excess weight.

My body radiates health and well-being.

I am confident of achieving my weight loss goals.

My life is more interesting than my next meal.

I drink 8 glasses of water a day.

My body is shrinking every single day.

I give thanks for having a body that is capable of exercising and effectively losing weight.

The more time I spend eating healthy foods each day, the easier it gets.

I am in control of my cravings. I eat only when I’m hungry.

I am falling in love with my new body.

I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind. I choose to be positive and surround myself with positive people.

I choose to nourish my body with the optimum nutrition

I am fit, healthy, and bursting with energy.

I feel inspired because I am losing weight quickly, easily and naturally.

I easily choose healthy snacks over junk food.

I will destroy my belly fat and turn my body into a vision of defined beauty.

I get outdoors and embrace the beauty of nature.

I acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses.

I enjoy moving my body and feeling my heart pumping.

I am learning to love my body.

I love myself unconditionally.

It feels good to move my body.

I clearly see myself with my ideal weight.

I am showing up for myself and treating myself with respect.

I pause and evaluate before I give into cravings.

I completely and fully love and accept myself.

I no longer need the extra weight to protect me.

My journey is unique and I do not compare myself to other people who are also losing weight.

My metabolism is speedy and efficient.

I am delighted that my clothes are beginning to fit better.

I eat fruits and vegetables every day.

It is so easy being healthy and eating right all of the time.

I am committed to my healthy eating goals.

I am the perfect weight for my height.

I now release all guilt I hold around past unhealthy lifestyle choices.

My new found weight loss and habit changes is giving me an unstoppable and high level of self confidence.

I believe in myself and my ability to succeed

I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.

Healthy diet affirmations

I am naturally mindful of my health and habits.

Eating healthy comes naturally to me.

I enjoy finding more ways to get more and more active.

I am at peace with my body.

My health is a gift so I treat my body with the respect it deserves.

I am a good person.

I deserve to be slim, healthy, and beautiful.

I love what I see now when I look in the mirror.

I am kind to myself.

I am becoming a weight loss success inspiration for many people.

I am deeply in love with myself at every size.

There is new hope in every day

I deserve all the good in this world.

Everyday is a new beginning.

My appetite is perfectly regulated.

My healthy habits are a part of my life that I enjoy.

I achieve my weight loss goals because I understand the pros and cons of food.

I feel ecstatic when I hear positive reviews about my new look.

I am confident in my appearance.

I love my body.

I am reaching a healthy weight.

I love and nourish my body and mind.

Losing weight is natural for me.

I am open to loosing weight and seeing myself in a new heavenly, healthy body.

Healing is occurring in my mind, body and soul.

I only eat healthy foods.

Losing weight makes me feel more confident and comfortable in my own skin.

I am on a lifelong path of wellness. Each day I recommit to being my best self.

Every cell in my body gets nourished by what I choose to put in my mouth.

God is supporting and helping my weight loss journey. Making me feel that I am not alone in my journey.

I visualize my weight goals and work hard to achieve them.

I accept my body for the shape I have been blessed with.

I use deep breathing to help me relax and handle stress.

The more active I am, the easier losing weight becomes.

Maintaining my ideal weight is easy.

I will stop snacking at night.

I have all the mental and physical power needed for effective and long lasting weight loss.

I am going to make myself proud.

I am patient in achieving my ideal shape.

I am determined to reach my desired healthy weight.

I am in the process of developing an attractive body.

I am loving walking 3 to 4 times a week and do toning exercises at least 3 times a week

I naturally choose healthy options and lose weight.

I make a conscious effort to choose the right foods to eat.

Every day I move closer to my ideal weight.

With each ounce and pound of fat I lose, my confidence and motivation soars higher and higher.

I make sure to start out my day with a healthy breakfast.

It’s easy for me to be my goal weight.

I am happy with every part I do in my great effort to lose weight.

I am grateful for my body and everything it does for me

I am grateful for my body and everything it does for me.

Eliminate junk food affirmations

I am productive during the day and sleep well at night when my health is at its best

I deserve to have a slim, healthy, attractive body.

I let go of any guilt I have about my body.

I will continue to love and take care of my body.

I am motivated to lose weight and become healthy

I am thankful that I have attracted the right friends who support good health practices in my life.

I enjoy an excellent metabolism that burns fat very fast.

I am eating foods that contributes to my health and wellbeing.

I have developed healthy eating habits.

I am giving myself the strong, healthy body I deserve.

I eat a balanced diet and I enjoy every single bite

I love and respect my body now and always.

I love that I can wear the clothes I love now.

I am capable of achieving my weight loss goals, and I will not let anything stay in my way until then.

Everywhere I look I find others excited about losing weight.

My digestive system flows effortlessly.

I am feeling healthier and stronger with each passing day.

I have committed myself to a healthier lifestyle.

I recognize what has not been working for me in the past, and I have courage to change.

I release excess weight from my body.

I love myself when I exercise my body and eat healthy food.

I eat mindfully now.

I breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

I remove unhealthy habits from my lifestyle

I am confident and comfortable with who I am.

I am grateful for the body I own and all it does for me.

Being healthy and slim is a top priority for me now.

I naturally love to exercise and increase my heart rate.

I only eat foods that give my body the fuel it needs to thrive.

It’s exciting to discover my unique food and exercise system for weight loss.

I am extremely proud of all the hard work I have put into losing weight.

Every morning when I wake up, I am grateful to be alive.

My weight loss story is successful.

I look at weight loss as a marathon, not a sprint. Therefore I naturally make decisions that are for the long term benefit of my health.

I eat healthy foods that boost my well-being.

I am loving my healthy life style.

I make conscious decisions that help me achieve my ideal weight.

I eat well, listen well, and live well.

I am beautiful, strong, and healthy NOW!!

There is no need to overeat; I can manage my emotions in healthy ways.

I feel thankful for the gift of health and fitness that is becoming such a big part of my life.

I challenge existing beliefs.

I am enjoying my slim and healthy body.

I release any guilt I hold around food

I release any guilt I hold around food.

The people in my life are so encouraging about my weight loss and how great I look from my weight loss.

I am relaxed about my weight as I am now in control.

I choose a healthy diet to promote a healthy heart, mind and body.

I am happily redefined success.

I love the way my whole life has transformed though my successful commitment to weight loss.

I feel great and look great as my body is slimming down.

Positive body image affirmations

I am not afraid to say no when I need to.

My body looks great naked!!

I am discovering muscles I didn’t know I had.

I am enjoying the feeling of being in control of my choices.

I am happily weighing 20 pounds less.

I am unique and do not feel the need to compare myself to others.

Each time I resist temptation, I strengthen my own self mastery.

I am the master of my body and my mind.

I am patient with myself and my body.

Every day in every way I am getting slimmer and fitter.

Snacking and eating between meals does not serve me or my goals.

I crave mindfulness each day.

I’m amazed at how much energy I have and how vibrant I feel.

I have all that it takes to lose weight and achieve my ideal body weight.

My body is a temple. I am careful to only put in good things that will keep the machine running smoothly and help me reach my weight loss goals.

I lose weight easily, one pound at a time.

I easily control my weight through a combination of healthy eating and exercising.

I have no fear of saying no to foods and people when I need to do so.

I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

I am getting slimmer and healthier every day.

Weight loss is as easy and natural for me as breathing in and out.

My will to live is stronger than my craving.

My mind is aligned with the health of my body and soul

Today nothing, and I mean nothing, stands between me and my goal weight. I am there before I know it!

The more time I spend exercising, the easier losing weight becomes.

Day by day, I am losing the weight and the people around me are taking notice.

I meditate to get more self control to loose weight.

I make choices with ease that support my weight loss journey.

I am fit and confident in my own body.

I am enjoying building really healthy habits into my life.

I feel confident in my own skin.

My excess fat is melting away to reveal my strong, lean muscles.

I love and respect my body now.

I love exercising every day.

I want to eat foods that make me look and feel good.

I am a walking and talking representation of someone who sticks to their weight loss journey impeccably.

Exercising is a daily part of my life now.

I am determined to continually make changes in my habits that will truly benefit my life.

Day by day, my body is transforming into the vision I have for it.

I choose to eat healthy food in order to enjoy the positive results it provides to my weight loss results.

I can easily say “no thank you” when offered unhealthy food.

I am doing all the right things to keep my weight in check.

I am full and satisfied with the proper amount of food.

I am my ideal weight.

I have what it takes to achieve my ideal weight goal

I have what it takes to achieve my ideal weight goal.

I love myself.

I am developing more healthy eating habits all the time.

The whole universe conspires to help me with my weight loss and fat loss.

I am improving my health every day.

I am mentally and physically strong.

Affirmations for belly fat

I drink an abundance of water as it stokes my metabolism and mood.

I am grateful for my body and how it knows what to do to keep me healthy.

I am strong enough to withstand the bumps and bruises of life.

I am losing inches effortlessly and easily.

I am literally in awe of my progress and how far I have came with my weight loss.

I work on my mindset to help me feel really positive.

Everything I eat nourishes and strengthens my body and mind.

I can overcome. My mind controls my body.

I commit to loving myself throughout this entire journey.

I will continue to take care of myself and eat well.

I think before I eat impulsively.

I can win at weight loss.

I am taking responsibility for my health.

I am in total control of my food choices.

I love nutritious foods because they make me happy and calm.

My old bad habits naturally fall away and are replaced with healthy habits that make my weight loss journey easy.

It’s easy for me to choose the healthy option that I know my body will love.

I am filled with a sense of peace knowing that I eat healthy.

I love my body and fat just disappears.

My body is getting stronger, slimmer and healthier every day.

I eat nourishing foods only when I am hungry and lose weight easily. I love my body.

I am the best version of myself, and I am working hard to become even better.

I always envision myself at my ideal weight.

My health, vitality, and energy increase with every breath I take.

I love that I can run up a flight of stairs now with ease.

I am constantly shrinking in size each day.

I inspire people with my dedication and commitment to fitness and weight loss.

I am losing all extra weight and feeling light in my body and mind.

I have a weight loss plan and I am sticking to it.

By practicing a positive outlook, I lose weight more easily.

I always listen to what my body wants and needs.

I prioritize working for progress and not perfection.

I love seeing my hard work pay off.

I am motivated and excited to become healthier.

I now certainly see myself at my ideal weight.

I look forward to going to the gym.

People around me are noticing that I am losing weight.

I give myself recognition beyond food.

I am losing weight for me because I love me.

I no longer eat for comfort, but for health and vitality.

I find a big enough reason WHY I want to lose weight. Strong enough to pull me through the tough times.

I am loving the way my body feels as I eat healthier.

Every day my body is getting thinner.

I have an amazing body.

I am guided by my intuition. I know what to eat and how to live my life.

I am dedicated to following my weight loss plan.

I laugh in the face of challenges along my weight loss journey

I laugh in the face of challenges along my weight loss journey.

I am developing a lifestyle of vibrant health.

I completely let go of all desires and urges to critique or judge my body or weight loss journey.

I am learning and using the mental, emotional, and spiritual skills for success. I am willing to change!

Weight loss positive affirmations

I am creating the body I have always wanted.

I no longer crave junk foods.

I refuse to give up on my diet goals and will persevere until the end.

I commit to losing weight slowly and in a healthy manner. For this is the key to long term sustainable weight loss.

I happily put efforts in my weight loss.

My food choices are consistent with my desire to be my optimal weight.

I eat at regular intervals throughout the day.

I affirm that I am working out and eating healthy to lose weight gradually.

Eating healthy has become second nature to me, just as breathing.

I can do this!

I eat balanced meals that are not in surplus of what my body needs.

I trust myself to make the right choices.

I workout and see the results right away in my energy stamina and strength.

I’m so proud of my weight loss!

I have a flat stomach.

I find time to exercise.

I accept and enjoy my sexuality.

I look forward to staying fit for the rest of my life!

Losing weight is easy for me now.

I trust my body and it’s capabilities to heal and thrive.

I only think about my past accomplishments when my mind tries to sabotage me.

I have the power to change my life.

I always get so encouraged and inspired by my progress which carries me onto the next win.

I feel more alive, energetic, and healthy than ever!

I am enjoying the process of being healthy and thin.

I love how my lean body feels.

I look and feel lighter with each passing day.

I am the creator of my future and driver of my mind.

I am in complete control of my weight.

Every day I am exercising and taking care of my body.

My entire life revolves around eating clean healthy foods that nourish me and make me feel great.

I am literally watching fat melt of my body, more and more by the day.

My purpose is to live my best, healthiest life.

I am wasting no energy on food cravings that simply do not exist.

Weight gain happens over time, so my weight loss equally requires time, patience, and lifestyle changes.

I take great pleasure in going to the gym regularly.

I choose to stay on track.

I take really good care of my body and mind.

I only dwell on the positive aspects of weight loss.

Today I cease my focus on the weight I have to lose and focus completely on the me I am creating!

I am beginning to lose weight.

Everyday I make good eating choices

    Everyday I make good eating choices.

    I value self control and self mastery over giving into indulgence and temporary impulses.

    My body is cooperating nicely by quickly losing weight.

    I bring the qualities of love into my heart.

    I have a beautiful tone body.

    I am becoming a better version of myself day by day.

    I accept the past and know the future will be bright and happy.

    I love the energy rush from morning workouts.

    I am feeling euphoric about losing 20 pounds.

    Healthy body affirmations

    No one on this earth has ever been more blessed on their weight loss journey.

    I love exercising regularly.

    I make peace with the past.

    I’ve conquered my impulsive nature, and choose food with intention and integrity.

    I am dedicated to being the best version of myself.

    I am proud of the way I now look and my new weight.

    I am unique and never compare myself to others.

    I let go of any guilt I have about food choices.

    I eat foods that make me look good.

    I enjoy a strong mind-body connection.

    Food is my friend, not my enemy.

    I am never ashamed about my journey, I move at a pace perfect for my body.

    Every cell in my body is vibrant and strong.

    I feel so much confident in my skin.

    I choose to be positive and surround myself with positive people.

    I affirm that I am fasting for a day once a week to strengthen my weight loss resolve.

    I am quickly to losing weight.

    I naturally coach myself on this journey and am easily able to motivate myself to keep going strong.

    I celebrate my own power to make choices around food.

    I am peaceful and calm.

    I properly chew all the food that I eat so it gets digested properly and this helps me reach my ideal weight.

    I choose to follow my diet every day.

    I enjoy seeing myself in photos now.

    I am releasing any excess weight day by day.

    I am disciplined in my eating habits.

    I love and appreciate my body and all it does for me.

    I am a success magnet and all my desires come true.

    I have the power to transform my life.

    I am grateful for all my body does for me.

    I am patient and consistent in my diet.

    I am thankful that I am slimming down.

    Good health is a priority for me now.

    Achieving my weight loss goal becomes easier every day.

    People compliment me on my new appearance.

    I am doing this, my body is losing weight right now.

    I am in a state of pure wellness when I choose to take care of my mind and body

    I am a weight loss success story.

    I am a walking inspiration to everyone around me.

    I am a disciplined buyer; I only buy healthy ingredients to ensure the meals I make are wholesome.

    Every day more fat melts off my body.

    I am healthy and happy.

    Every day it gets easier to lose weight and improve my health.

    I am loving the way my body feels as I become stronger and healthier

    I am loving the way my body feels as I become stronger and healthier.

    My gift to myself is this strong, sturdy and healthy body and lifestyle.

    I respect my body by feeding it well.

    I affirm that I am successful, healthy and cheerful person whatever my present weight.

    I am a strong presence in the world at my lower weight.

    I am slim and lean.

    I am getting slimmer every day.

    I am blessed with a beautiful, healthy body.

    Affirmations for staying committed

    I am in control of my choices and actions.

    I am guided by the universe which guides me easily and directly to better and more effective weight loss.

    I naturally make friends who are on the same journey as me. They serve as great accountability partners for my journey.

    I am delighted to be the ideal weight for me.

    I lose myself in the possibilities for myself, especially my pertaining my weight loss.

    I am naturally healthy and slim.

    My weight does not define me.

    I am intensely driven toward achieving my weight loss goal.

    I look and feel great.

    I take great care in nourishing my body with vitamin-rich foods.

    I never miss a workout.

    I am happily achieving my weight loss goals.

    My purpose-filled life allows me to enjoy every moment.

    I allow my intuition to guide me in the process of better health and weight loss.

    I am completely focused on losing weight.

    I love improving my physical fitness.

    My body adapts quickly and well to the new choices I am making for my health and wellness.

    I naturally attract into my life the perfect people to help my with my weight loss.

    I am aware of healing happening in my body and mind.

    I am so grateful for my slim, healthy and well body.

    I enjoy getting dressed in the morning because my clothes fit me better!

    I am the healthiest I have ever been.

    I enjoy exercising, it makes me feel very good.

    I don’t aim for perfection. I accept mistakes and learn from them.

    I know my value.

    After a hard workout I feel incredibly proud of my accomplishment.

    I choose to live in a body I love.

    I am building solid healthy habits for life.

    I can and I will lose weight.

    I regularly research recipes and learn how to make healthy meals that are made out of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits, seeds or other wholesome ingredients.

    I know that failure is only feedback. I learn from my weight loss failures and use them to make me more successful.

    I will be slim.

    It’s easy for me to follow a healthy food plan.

    I feel good about losing weight.

    I clearly see myself at my ideal weight.

    I am loving the way my body feels as I get more and more active.

    I am perfectly full and satisfied with the perfect amount of food I need for fat loss

    Healthy foods make me happy.

    I am becoming fitter and stronger everyday through exercise.

    I can reach my weight loss goals.

    I share with people my insights and tips for weight loss as I know they reinforce my new beliefs.

    My body retains perfect proportions while losing weight.

    People around me are supporting me in the weight loss process.

    I am now the kind of person who can easily achieve my ideal weight and healthy living goals.

    I am listening to what my body needs from me

    I am listening to what my body needs from me.

    I am becoming fitter and stronger everyday through training.

    I am excited to be the ideal weight for me.

    I naturally read and watching content that helps me gain knowledge and ideas for effective weight loss.

    I am loved by everyone. I deserve to feel confident about my body.

    I am achieving my weight loss goals.

    Think yourself thin affirmations

    I am working daily to achieve my weight loss goals.

    I deserve a healthy body.

    I love and nurture myself better each day.

    I am changing my lifestyle to improve my health.

    It’s easy to find quick ways to burn extra calories every day.

    I commit to a new lifestyle that is beneficial not only for weight loss but for higher self confidence and self esteem.

    My lifestyle eating changes are changing my body.

    When I use my muscles I feel powerful and alive.

    I am responsible for my health.

    Making small changes is becoming easier.

    I set realistic but challenging goals for myself that inspire me to lose weight and feel great.

    I am perfectly capable of achieving my ideal weight and every day it gets easier and easier.

    I feel at peace with myself when I commit to weight loss. And it feels damn amazing!

    I have so much energy I feel like my head might explode!

    It’s OK to feel sensuous.

    I hydrate my body by drinking lots of water, especially after exercise

    My metabolism is high and effective at burning fat and helping with weight loss.

    I make the best choices for my well-being

    I love exercising and look forward to sweating.

    I love the nourishment of high vibration foods.

    I eat fruits and vegetables daily and eat mostly chicken and fish.

    Every time I inhale, fresh energy fills my entire being and every time I exhale, all toxins and body fat leave my body.

    My body is changing so fast it’s almost unbelievable!

    I love exercising and look forward to it.

    I have full capacity to create healthy habits.

    My mind and body work in harmony together to help me achieve balance, serenity, and weight loss success.

    People who know me are congratulating me on my weight loss.

    My fat loss is progressing each day, and progress feels so great!

    I look amazing.

    As my self-confidence rises, the number on the scale drops!

    I am my best cheerleader.

    I am a beautiful soul with a lot to offer the world.

    I will always eat healthy foods.

    When I look in the mirror I see progress.

    I have a naturally healthy mind and body.

    I set a good example for my family by the way I eat.

    I easily reach my body goals.

    I’m free from the desire to overeat and over-drink.

    I appreciate my will power and my ability to manage my weight.

    My weight loss is easy, natural, and effortless.

    I am willing to learn new things each day.

    The more active I am, the easier it gets to release fat from my body.

    I am so beautiful.

    I am losing weight and moving closer to my ideal weight with ease now.

    I love my new dress size.

    I am nourishing my body with fresh foods and water.

    I love treating my body with the respect and love it deserves

    I love treating my body with the respect and love it deserves.

    Losing weight feels great.

    I am a beautiful person.

    I control how much I eat.

    Affirmations for being more confident

    My metabolism rate is at its optimum and it helps me in reaching my ideal weight.

    I am transforming into someone who exercises regularly

    I am becoming more disciplined with each passing day.

    I like to eat only nutritious food.

    All of my hard work will pay off many times over as years go by.

    My curves make me so unique.

    I am attaining my desired weight now!

    I feel good knowing that I am eating well every single day.

    I have hope and certainty for my future body and weight loss goals.

    I am committing myself to my weight loss program by changing my eating habits from unhealthy to healthy.

    Whenever I look in the mirror, all I see is myself at my perfect body weight as well as a champion and a warrior.

    My health is improving more and more every day.

    I enjoy training.

    I am a disciplined eater; I only eat foods that are nourishing and beneficial to my health.

    I am loving the way my body feels as I move closer and closer to my goal weight.

    I marvel constantly on how far I have come on my weight loss journey and it makes me feel proud.

    I choose to be slim and healthy for life.

    I enjoy catching a glimpse of myself in a shop window.

    I enjoy nourishing, healthy foods.

    I love my body completely right, which helps me in my journey of losing weight.

    I love living a healthy lifestyle.

    I am grateful to have a body capable of exercising.

    I love and accept myself just as I am.

    Exercise is fun!

    I am fit and attractive.

    I enjoy the feeling of well-being that changes are giving me.

    I am vibrant!

    I radiate great health.

    Every day I get slimmer, healthier and fitter.

    I will lose weight.

    I am happy with my progress towards a healthy weight.

    I am aligned with my higher self.

    I can be present. I only do one thing at a time.

    The healthier I eat, the easier it gets.

    Exercising makes me feel so great about myself.

    I believe in myself and my abilities.

    Learning about my body and my health is so much fun!

    I love eating healthy food and it helps me reach my ideal weight.

    I look and feel fantastic.

    All the people around me are in complete support of my weight loss.

    I deserve to have a healthy, happy and fit body.

    Following a diet plan comes naturally to me.

    Losing weight is easy and I enjoy the journey

    Losing weight is easy and I enjoy the journey.

    I achieve all my health and wellness goals with ease and enjoy every moment of the journey

    I will give 100% in my workout.

    My focus and drive never wavers on my weight loss journey.

    My heart and soul is so passionate and driven toward achieving my weight loss goals.

    I tell my body and mind what to do. Not the other way around.

    I am always focused on feeling good about myself.

    I stay focused on my ideal size.

    Affirmations to feel good about yourself

    I am filled with self-confidence, energy, and positivity when I’m eating healthy.

    I am powerful, unstoppable, amazing. I can achieve my desired physique.

    I can feel my love for sugary and fatty foods melting away.

    Weight loss is a priority to me.

    I am willing to release weight now.

    Losing weight is easy, healthy and natural for me.

    Everyday I grow more in love with my body.

    Every single cell in my body is healthy and fit.

    I deserve to be at my ideal weight.

    I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

    My fitness levels are improving each day

    Fitness is becoming a passion that I enjoy.

    I crave food that energizes me and makes me feel good.

    I am excited to break a sweat and burn some calories.

    It is fun and easy for me to lose weight.

    I love drinking water and walking.

    I am transforming my lifestyle to a healthy way of living.

    My will power is growing every day.

    I treat my body like a temple.

    I choose to eat healthy

    I choose to eat healthy.

    I am thankful to the universe for making me 20 pounds thinner within a short amount of time.

    Losing weight is a natural side effect of eating right.

    I know I am able to quickly and permanently lose weight.

    I easily say “no” to desserts, junk foods, and other unhealthy snacks.

    I maintain my body with optimal health.

    I am consciously aware of my body goals at all times and I make decisions that allow me to always get closer to my goals not farther away.

    I have fun expending energy through movement.

    I fully commit to getting down to my ideal body weight.

    I am committed and motivated to follow my weight loss plan.

    I deserve a slim and attractive body and I am manifesting it.

    My healthy eating habits are here to stay.

    I eat in proper portions.

    I am here to stay at this perfect weight.

    I am constantly finding active things that I really like to do, which helps me lose weight.

    I am rapidly approaching my weight loss goal.

    I am actively excited about eating healthy each and every day.

    I am grateful for my body and where it takes me.

    I am well.

    I feel my fat cells shrinking by the minute.

    I can easily change my body.

    Age has nothing to do with it, I can do it.

    I take joy in seeing my body transform and my clothes fit better.

    Keeping fit brings so much joy to my life.

    I am enjoying increased energy and self-confidence because of my commitment to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

    I release the need to criticize my body.

    Exercise comes naturally to me because staying active makes me feel good.

    I forgive myself for all past weight loss failures.

    I am ready to kick butt!

    I release temptation to eat to excess.

    I am having faith in God and He is giving me strength in my weight loss efforts.

    I feel great in my clothes.

    I love to exercise regularly.

    I set goals that are realistic to attain.

    I am in control of my thoughts.

    I allow myself to feel good about myself.

    My metabolism is excellent.

    All the weight I lose, I lose permanently.

    The healthier I get, the more weight I lose!

    I deserve to be slim, trim & healthy.

    I am grateful for this new lifestyle change and love losing weight.

    I do what it takes to be healthy.

    I am loving feeling so healthy now.

    I am strong, confident and happy with my body.

    I am loving regular exercise.

    I am capable of reaching my weight loss goals.

    Let’s do this!

    I am beginning to see a new, leaner me in the mirror.

    It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, I will achieve my goals this time.

    I am able to release weight easily.

    My body is full of energy and ready to exercise.

    I love the taste of healthy food.

    My body works perfectly, eliminating and detoxifying, helping me lose weight quickly and effectively.

    I turn everyday tasks into mindful moments.

    I eat lots of fruits and veggies.

    I know my mind is powerful, so I naturally listen and watch things that strengthen my mind.

    I choose to embrace thoughts of confidence in my ability to make positive changes in my life.

    I completely understand that unhealthy foods do not help me lose weight, so I eat only healthy, nutritious foods.

    It’s so easy finding awesome foods full of nutrition that make me feel great!

    I am attracted to the food and resources that are supportive for my body.

    I find it quite easy to lose weight.

    I am in control of how much I eat.

    I feel the weight gently falling off of me each week.

    I can release this weight.

    It is perfectly clear to me how all the positives about weight loss outweigh the negative.

    I can easily reach and maintain my ideal weight.

    I look forward to achieving my ideal weight.

    My thoughts are constantly positive and revolve around positive images of me being fit and healthy.

    I accept myself for who I am.

    I am beautiful person.

    Everything in my life is abundant with unlimited health

    I am living a healthy lifestyle.

    I am naturally raising the standard on myself and my health.

    I am firmly committed to staying active and healthy.

    I trust myself fully and completely to make the right choices that create great weight loss.

    I am in control of my life and that gives me more confidence

    I am in control of my life and that gives me more confidence.

    I fill my mind with messages that support me.

    I am worth the time it takes to eat healthy and exercise.

    My core values are around my fitness and weight loss journey, helping me naturally make great choices.

    I crave vegetables and whole foods to feel invigorated.

    I always eat within my macros and gradually I am reaching my dream physique.

    I am losing weight now in a consistent and healthy way.

    It feels amazing finding out that losing weight is this simple.

    I affirm that I am adopting healthy methods to loose weight.

    I choose to eat healthy foods.

    I like to eat light and healthy foods.

    I feel good inside this body.

    I feel good about myself.

    It is easy for me to lose weight and improve my health.

    I choose to make best meal choices to keep my body weight perfect.

    I am grateful for my strong bones and good health.

    I now clearly see myself at my ideal weight.

    I am disciplined.

    I think positively and naturally lose weight.

    The foods I eat are increasing my metabolism.

    I deserve to have a lean, healthy, and attractive body.

    I naturally adopt new habits in order for me to lose weight.

    Being active makes me feel light and free.

    I eat foods that support my new weight.

    I am mastering my weight loss and health more and more each day.

    I listen to what my body needs with love.

    I am getting thinner every day.

    Being healthy and slim gets easier for me every day.

    I have a slim and healthy body and mind.

    I let go of unhelpful patterns of behavior around food.

    My energy level is fantastic.

    I see a new, healthier me in the mirror.

    I eat only when I feel hunger.

    I crave healthy and fit foods.

    I am a naturally thin person.

    I naturally see weight loss and fitness as a journey, not a destination.

    I am thankful for the people who help me achieve my ultimate goals of weight loss.

    I bless my food before eating it.

    My best self is coming forward.

    I make wise food choices.

    I choose fresh and healthy snacks.

    I love my healthier body.

    I dwell on all the long term positive effects that my weight loss will bring me, and it inspires me!

    I am losing weight.

    I feel proud of my hard work.

    I am active and full of energy.

    I am choosing progress over perfection

    I am choosing progress over perfection.

    I am constantly developing healthier eating habits.

    I am enjoying exercising, it makes me feel really good.

    Making small changes is becoming easier. I enjoy the feeling of well-being these changes are giving me.

    I desire healthy foods such as lean protein and healthy fats.

    I am flexible to change.

    I am the One and I am the All.

    I acknowledge that my thoughts are just thoughts. They are not real.

    My weight loss journey is perfect and joyful.

    I shoot for progress instead of perfection.

    I am ready to push myself to new limits.

    I respect my body and take good care of it

    I’m an athlete, capable of incredible discipline.

    I think weight loss therefore I am losing weight.

    My body is charmingly attractive to the opposite gender.

    I am fully in control of my appetite.

    I choose to be slim.

    I enjoy eating slowly to experience my meals.

    I take great pride in all my hard work.

    I really enjoy moving my body now.

    I am happy to maintain a healthy relationship with food.

    Injury doesn’t slow me down, I find a way around this obstacle to still reach my weight loss goals.

    I love being slim and healthy.

    I love the journey of health and commit to a lifestyle change, not just a diet plan. It is who I am now and forever.

    I love setting new goals for myself that keep me inspired and motivated to keep going with my weight loss.

    I eat only what I need.

    If I get off track, I do not beat myself up. I simply get right back on the wagon with a high level of optimism.

    I believe in my ability to truly love myself for who I am.

    I feel great.

    Everyone is different and I don’t hold any expectations to my weight loss, only that it is and will keep happening.

    I am a lovable person and I deserve love.

    Every day my relationship with food becomes healthier.

    I am closer and closer to my ideal weight with each and every day.

    My body is my sanctuary.

    I love being physically fit and I lose enough weight so that I am at my ideal weight.

    I find it very easy to lose weight and maintain it.

    Even in my dreams, ideas and inspiration come to me about weight loss.

    I adore the taste of healthy food.

    I allow my journey to be unique to me.

    I am willing to create new thoughts about my self and my body.

    I love what I see when I look in the mirror.

    I have hope and certainty about the future.

    I can pass up junk food because I prefer different foods, now.

    I am a thin person.

    I am effortlessly achieving my perfect weight!

    I allow myself to make choices and decisions for my higher good.

    What matters is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself.

    Becoming fit gives me a more positive outlook on life.

    My body enjoys losing weight and does it very well.

    I find confidence in feeling healthy, vibrant and strong.

    I love being healthy and fit

    I love being healthy and fit.

    I choose healthy foods, in healthy amounts, at healthy times of day.

    My activity level is so high, I can’t help, but to lose weight naturally

    I am getting stronger and slimmer every day.

    I love and accept my body as I release weight for my greater health and happiness.

    Today, I focus on all the positive things in my life.

    Every day I make healthy choices for myself.

    I eat everything mindfully and slowly and I enjoy every bite.

    I enjoy every bite when I eat.

    I am enjoying my fitness routines.

    I will lose weight because I want to, and I have the power to do this.

    I surprise everyone with my new physique.

    I am becoming more physically active each day.

    My weight loss is within me. My diet is only a tool to get me to my goal.

    Everything is working out perfect for me

    I eat balanced meals every day.

    I find it easy to keep fit.

    Staying in great shape is very important to me.

    I can feel my body sliding into my jeans seamlessly.

    I am gentle and forgiving with myself and others.

    Not only is my health improving, but so is my entire life. And it feels great!

    I am in control of what I eat.

    I choose to breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

    Age has nothing to do with it. I am releasing this weight in a wise way.

    It feels awesome to workout and I do it every day.

    Today, I choose healing and nourishing my body, mind, and spirit.

    I use deep breathing daily to help me relax and handle stress.

    I find new inspiration every day which helps we with my weight loss.

    I am patient to persist with my weight loss plan.

    My tummy is flat and toned.

    I am happy that my clothes are fitting me better.

    I am so happy to lose weight so easily now!

    I have taken control of my weight loss.

    I release excess weight quickly and easily.

    I accept my body shape and acknowledge the beauty it holds.

    I focus on my weight loss goals.

    I have the power to change my life with each decision I make everyday.

    Eating well is so much easier now that I know how to do it right!

    I am loving feeling so healthy, slim and fit.

    I engage in weight loss for the betterment of my mind and body and for me, not anyone else.

    I choose to prioritize my health and well-being now.

    I feel incredibly sexy at my natural weight.

    I choose to eat the right foods to fuel my body

    The more fresh air I breathe during physical activity, the better I feel.

    I feel great knowing that this process will only get easier as time goes by.

    I deserve to look and feel my best.

    It’s very easy for me to push away food that doesn’t serve me anymore.

    I am excited and completely committed to losing weight.

    I am enjoying my weight release journey. This time I will complete what I started.

    Exercising feels amazing on my body.

    I eat healthily and set a good example for my family.

    I am so thankful that there are so many tools and tips that I can use to get me fit for life.

    One day at a time, one pound at a time, I love how quickly and easily I shed weight now!

    I feel satisfied at the end of the day for following my diet.

    I love to eat healthy and exercise daily.

    I am dedicated to living a healthy life and prove it with my healthy choices.

    The weight I no longer need leaves my body effortlessly

    The weight I no longer need leaves my body effortlessly.

    My actions and behavior support my perfect weight.

    Eating right feels great!

    I love and accept myself now.

    My body takes nutrition in very easily because I am naturally thin now.

    I am weight loss success story.

    Even at the height of my pain, I experience joy.

    I love to create a fit body.

    I will think positive thoughts about my body and self.

    I enjoy eating healthy foods.

    I am moving forward each day.

    I love living at my perfect weight.

    I have what it takes to achieve my ideal weight.

    I deserve and accept perfect health now.

    I love living in this beautiful body.

    I choose to exercise.

    I bring the qualities of fulfillment, happiness and contentment into my life as I am now.

    I am moving closer to my ideal weight every day.

    I dress in a manner that accentuates my features.

    This is my body, I treat it with respect and honor.

    I am my own creator.

    ce moments of release, contentment, and joy.

    I am very blessed to have had such an easy weight loss journey.

    I am free of guilt from poor dietary habits of the past.

    Food is not my enemy. I am in control of my choices.

    I let go of relationships that are no longer for my higher good.

    I am a naturally slim and healthy person.

    Weight loss comes naturally to me.

    I am patient with creating my better body.

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