521 Soulmate Affirmations To Attract Your Soulmate Now

Are you still searching for your soulmate, or have you already found your soulmate?

Whichever your situation is right now, we can all benefit from soulmate affirmations to attract our ideal partner, reignite the spark with our soulmate, or simply to verbalize our gratitude towards the gift of having the love of our lives.

In this post, you will find a long list of soulmate affirmations that will help you achieve the love you have been searching for.

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What Is A Soulmate?

I think many of us have heard the term soulmates and we are attracted to the idea of finding one. But what exactly is a soulmate, you might ask. 

Well, soulmates are special people that you form a strong bond with naturally. Some might describe it as something that is meant to be. You are deeply connected with each other, but you are not dependant on each other (not to be confused with twin flame).

They seem to just “get you” regardless of what you are talking about or trying to do. When you meet your soulmate, you love unconditionally and receive love back the same way.

How To Attract Your Soulmate With Positive Affirmations

While there might be other things you could do, practicing and reciting daily positive affirmations can have a profound impact on your love life. 

As you start using them, you will develop traits and characteristics that will boost your vibration and help you manifest your true love.

Getting into the right frame of mind is as important as finding your soulmate, and affirmations can certainly guide you in the right direction.

Here are some ways affirmations can help you:

Inculcate a positive mindset within you

Develop empathy and a sense of gratitude

Be more forgiving

Have a strong and clear purpose of what you want

Improve your self love and care

Repetition creates daily reminders of what you are trying to achieve

Even if you have found your soulmate or are still searching for one, the following list of affirmations will provide a sense of direction, develop the right mindset, and guide you to manifesting your true love. 

How to use affirmations?

Identify the negative thoughts that you wish to get rid of or something that you wish to manifest.

Affirmations work in both scenarios, but you need to be clear about what you want.

Use the following list as a source of inspiration and guidance. You may use any affirmation as it is, or modify it to make it your own.

The key thing here is that the affirmations MUST resonate with you and is a statement you truly believe in.

Pick out at least 2 affirmations and start using them. 

Begin a routine of practicing at least twice a day of reciting the affirmations with each session lasting 3-5 minutes. Repeat each one 10-15 times daily.

You can do this in front of a mirror, or speak out loud, or do it in your mind. Do not skip any sessions.

Download and print out your own affirmations worksheet below to use as a guide for manifestation.

Stick it on your mirror/journal/vision board, or anywhere you can easily access throughout the day so that it can serve as a constant reminder to you. 

Alternatively, you can check out our Daily Positive Affirmations Cards that is designed and organized for you.

All you need to do is print them and take it everywhere you go!

Be patient! It usually takes a month or so to see results.

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List Of Affirmations To Attract Your Soulmate

I totally enjoy, how I share many interests with my soulmate.

My partner portrays deep, passionate love.

I trust my own self and open the doors to love.

I give myself permission to be loved for who I really am.

I am magnetic and irresistible to a positive, loving relationship.

I love how we have a lot of fun, spending nights out!

Love surrounds me every day in every way.

I am grateful my soulmate loves me unconditionally.

I am magnetic to a positive and long term relationship.

I see everyone I meet as a soulmate.

My soul mate and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned sexually.

I am attracting my ideal love partner.

My desire for love comes from my truest, most sacred self.

We are sharing dreams together.

I am thankful for the love in my life and I am thankful for my caring partner.

I am loving others just the way they are.

I have gained the power to give and receive love endlessly.

I feel deeply loved and cherished by my soulmate.

My perfect partner loves to experience new things.

My yin/feminine energy blends perfectly and beautifully with my partner’s yang/masculine energy.

We love trying out new and fun restaurants together.

My partner and I very much in love with each other.

It is safe for my partner to trust me.

My perfect life partner loves and respects me.

My partner is loyal to me.

We are compassionate with each other.

I honor my feelings and respect others boundaries.

My soulmate easily gets along with my friends and family.

My soul mate believes in me and supports me fully.

My partner believes in me and supports me fully.

My soulmate knows me when we meet and we are comfortable with one another immediately.

My soul mate is strongly attracted to me.

My soulmate is drawn to my positive, loving energy.

Deep soulmate love is my divine birthright, and I call it to me now.

I am so physically and emotionally attracted to my soulmate!

I am accepting and loving my partner unconditionally.

I deserve to be happy.

My soul mate and I are very much in love with each other.

My partner and I see just how special each other are.

I allow myself to easily attract perfect relationships into my life.

I am attracting a relationship, based on love, honesty and respect.

I matter.

I am worthy of happiness.

I trust myself and trust that my intuition will lead me to where I need to go.

My partner is loving, kind, and generous.

I am very happy that my loving companion, doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

I am allowing myself to give love.

I just love how we hit it off so easily, and have so much in common.

I attract love in everything that I do.

Fulfilling relationships come to me freely.

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I am in the right place at the right time to meet my perfect partner.

I am living in happiness with my partner.

I feel so worthy of love and affection, and I this from deep within.

As I focus on caring for myself, I see people naturally gravitating to me.

I am trusting love.

I am tremendously valuable and worthy of an exceptional relationship with my true love!

I am destined to meet my soul mate.

Every day, we are grateful for each other.

I am connecting with the energy of love now.

I release my fears and embrace my future.

I am allowing myself to trust love.

I am worthy of deep soulful, soulmate love.

Now is the right time and place to meet my perfect partner.

I am now attracting the most loving person in my life.

I am open to experiencing love in my life.

My partner and I love and respect each other’s differences.

It is just fate how I met my soulmate so easily.

My partner and I support and encourage each other on our journeys.

I feel so good about myself, and who I am as a person.

My soul mate and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned intellectually.

We are honest with each other.

I am beginning to feel deeply that I will meet my soul mate soon.

Love is attracted to me and I am attracted to love.

I love how effortless and natural it was to meet my soulmate.

I am so beautiful, so gorgeous, and love every characteristic of myself!

I am able to develop lasting friendships, as I am connecting with them regularly.

I am enough.

Our relationship is magical and filled with wonderment and joy.

We are sharing a healthy, glorious physical relationship.

We are deeply and fully loving each other.

I let go of the outcome and trust my heart to lead me where I need to go.

I attract the love that I desire.

I am a magnet for love.

My soul mate loves me above all others.

I am so happy I found my loving soulmate!

We are exciting each other.

I am grateful we have a healthy and loving relationship.

I think its so cool how I was drawn to my true love.

I am already connected deeply to my soul mate.

I radiate love and receive it back many times over.

The more I love myself, the more love shows up in my life.

It is safe for me to give and receive love.

There has been such a strong attraction, from the moment we first met.

I love how affectionate we are, giving warm hugs and kisses.

I am totally focused on attracting my soul mate.

I am magnetic and irresistible to my soul mate.

I have a wonderful soul mate, and we are both happy and at peace.

I am allowing myself to feel love.

I am lovable and worthy of receiving love.

My soulmate has a healthy perspective on life.

soulmate affirmations and quotes

I am attracting the perfect loving partner.

My partner is trusting me.

My beloved, I invite you into my arms, my heart, and my life.

My soulmate is strongly attracted to me.

I am allowing the right person to come into my life – the person who is in alignment with my highest good and greatest joy.

I now attract my soul mate.

I am enjoying the healthiest relationship of my life.

My soul mate is beginning to sense our connection.

I am seeing the relationship with my soulmate NOW.

The time has come to be with my soul mate.

We are making each other laugh.

I have always been happy and excited, in the company of my sweet love!

We are inspiring each other.

I will know my soul mate as soon as I meet them.

I embrace the sacredness of marriage.

Thank you for the romance.

I am trusting my partner.

Others see me as someone they’d like to get to know more.

I trust the Universe to give me my perfect match.

I am feeling content.

Loving and being loved feels wonderful.

We are sharing wonderful experiences together.

I happily give and receive love each day.

I am in a harmonious relationship with my soul mate.

A positive, loving energy is growing between me and my soulmate.

I am allowing love to come to me.

I am attracting my soul mate more with each day.

I am feeling excited.

I choose me and I choose love.

I release everything that is standing in the way of love.

We are encouraging each other.

My soul mate is attracted to the joy I radiate.

I am delighted my soulmate gets excited when seeing me!

I am divinely irresistible to my perfect soulmate.

I am love.

I see love, I feel love, I am love.

I am so happy and grateful that I am already connected deeply to my soulmate.

I am in the perfect relationship for me.

My soul mate and I will be together.

I am living in harmony with my partner.

We experienced wonderful chemistry right from the start.

I am grateful for the connection with my soulmate.

My soulmate and I are being drawn together.

Every day, we see how blessed we are.

I respect what my love partner has to say.

I deserve love.

My soulmate is the best person for me, having so many wonderful qualities.

I am accepting love into my life now.

I am getting love and romance in my life, and I accept it.

I naturally attract love everywhere I go.

A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks.

We are connecting deeply with each other.

I am allowing myself to be so called ‘imperfect’ in my relationship.

My perfect partner who is deeply in love with me.

I am strong, beautiful, and courageous.

My perfect partner and I will naturally find each other.

My love partner has strong integrity and character.

I let my soul guide me to my soul mate and trust it knows the way.

I share my life with a perfect soulmate.

I am so happy and grateful to be in a loving relationship with my soulmate.

My soulmate is the most loving person in my life.

I am in a loving and supporting relationship.

I am open to love.

I release the past and let love flow into my life.

My soul mate brings peace to my mind.

I am attracting my true soul connection.

I open my heart and trust that true love will follow.

The more love I portray, the more my soulmate returns it to me.

I now attract the perfect partner into my life.

My soul mate and I are just meant to be together.

My soulmate brings peace to my mind.

We are helping each other.

I deserve mind-blowing passion in my relationship with my soulmate.

My partner and I are blissfully happy.

I feel joyous now that I have met my soul mate.

All differences between me and my partner are now being sorted out.

I am loving.

I am open to giving and receiving in relationship.

I am receptive to a healthy relationship my soulmate.

My partner deserves my love.

Thank you for all the blessings our relationship brings into my life.

I am thankful to my soulmate for being so caring.

I am the perfect life partner for my soul mate.

I am in a true relationship with myself and others.

Each day the energy between my soul mate and I grows stronger.

My soul mate is loving, kind and funny.

I am in the right place at the right time to attract my soulmate.

My soulmate is entering into my life now.

Thank you for the joy.

I am deeply happy with my soulmate.

There is an unbreakable bond between my soul mate and I.

My soulmate and I are enjoying a magical bond of love.

My partner and I share a love that is divine.

I radiate love in my life.

I am living in unconditional love with my partner.

I am allowing myself to receive love.

I am allowing my good to come to me.

I draw love and romance into my life with ease.

I verbalize my respect and admiration for my soul mate daily.

I am to thankful to have found a special someone to love.

Thank you for the wonderment.

A soulmate is not found. A soulmate is recognized.

I am so happy and grateful that enduring, loving relationships brighten my life.

I am grateful my love continues to grow.

We are taking care of each other.

I express my beauty from the inside out.

My body is strong and resilient.

I believe in my ability to attract my soul mate.

My life partner is successful and abundant.

My soulmate brings love and compassion into my life.

I trust my soul mate completely.

I am grateful my soulmate likes to spend quality time together.

I release everything that is standing in the way of finding my soul mate.

I attract only healthy and loving people into my life.

I am totally deserving of a healthy and loving relationship with my soulmate.

My partner and I are learning and growing together.

I am now attracting a lovable and loyal soulmate.

My soulmate and I will find one another.

Healthy relationships flow freely and abundantly to me.

Every day, we celebrate each other.

My soulmate is everything I’ve always wanted, and so much more.

I am so happy and grateful that I am attracting in my soulmate now.

I am grateful for the abundance of love in my life.

My soulmate will come to me at the right time.

My soul mate is the love of my life and we adore each other.

My soulmate values me.

My soul mate and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned spiritually.

I am safe in all my relationships, and I allow myself to give and receive love.

My life partner is generous and kind.

We connect so easily, and always have interesting things to talk about

I have attracted the most loving person into my life.

My relationship is loving, committed and long lasting.

I say hello to true love.

My ideal partner is compassionate, kind and understanding.

I am in a happy relationship with a person who truly loves me.

I am in a beautiful relationship with my soulmate, who treats me right.

My heart is open to receiving and giving love.

I accept that I am loved and treasured for who I really am.

I believe more each day that I will find my perfect partner.

I give and receive love fully.

I believe deeply that I will attract my soul mate.

I freely give and receive love.

I am allowing myself to trust.

I deserve to find my soul mate.

I am allowing myself to radiate a love so powerful that my soulmate is drawn to me right now.

I am worthy and deserving of a deep soulmate love.

I can sense deeply that there is one special person I am meant to be with.

Every moment of loving connection in my life calls in my soulmate.

Thank you for my self love and the love this attracts into my life.

My partner can be who they are with me.

We are believing in each other.

I am calling in my soulmate now.

I am worthy and deserving of a deep soulmate love.

I am attracting the ideal partner.

I am living in peace with my partner.

I trust my soul to guide me to my soulmate, and I believe it knows the way.

I am elated how we quickly knew we were meant for each other.

My soul mate and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned emotionally.

I feel comfortable being loved.

I am feeling loved.

I naturally attract perfect relationships into my life.

My soul mate and I are destined to be together.

I attract strong, healthy relationships.

My life partner has strong integrity and character.

My heart is open to portray and receive love.

A positive loving energy is growing between myself and my soul mate.

I always feel excited to spend time with my partner, as we have so much fun!

I am happy to get such a caring partner.

I am celebrating my self love with my soul mate, and I am celebrating their self love with them.

It is safe for me to be loved.

My perfect partner and I are connected spiritually.

I am worthy of infinite love.

Love is here for me to experience.

I am so grateful for my love life.

I have an undeniable and unmatched connection with my soulmate.

My soul mate is coming closer to find me.

I add value to the lives of others, just by being me.

I am manifesting my soulmate into my life NOW.

I love how my true love is very giving and charitable.

My partner is accepting and loving me unconditionally.

Every moment of loving connection in my life brings me closer to my beloved.

I am thankful that the universe has provided me with the perfect soul mate.

Being warm, loving, and loveable is just a natural part of who I am.

I know that my other half is out there waiting for me.

I really enjoy how my soulmate loves me so much.

The energy and enthusiasm between me and my soulmate are continuously growing.

Thank you for my partner.

Every time I say no to unhealthy relationships, true love comes closer to me.

I love myself and in turn attract love.

I am feeling so alive, so creative, and so inspired within myself.

I am in a loving, wholesome relationship with myself. And I am in a loving, wholesome relationship with my soulmate.

I am loving myself just the way I am.

I welcome love with open arms.

I totally believe anything is possible, and see myself reach new heights.

I desire love, so I give my partner love.

I am feeling blissful.

I am infinitely lovable.

Having sexy, soulful, safe and sweet love is my birthright.

I adore how my partner has such a great sense of humor and makes me laugh.

We are living a truly happy life together.

My life is filled with compassion and romance.

Thank you universe for providing me with the perfect soul mate.

I will know my soul mate the instant we meet.

My perfect partner and I are connected spiritually.

I am worthy of a happy, loving relationship with my soulmate.

I am worthy of being loved.

I effortlessly radiate positive and loving energy.

It is safe to love.

I am grateful for how thoughtful and caring my soulmate is.

The world reflects love back to me – for it is a reflection of the love I have for myself.

I am finding love wherever I go.

The bond of love between me and my soulmate will never break.

I am so lucky and fortunate I have met my beautiful soulmate!

I deserve love and I am allowing it to manifest into my life now.

I am so grateful we are able to work through situations together.

I am loving myself every day, in every way.

I am easily meeting my soulmate, my best friend.

I love myself so much and tune into the frequency of love.

I am trusting myself.

I desire a true partnership in marriage.

Love is my divine birthright, and I claim it now.

I am sharing the love I have for myself with others.

I am in a joyous intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.

My love partner loves me as much as I love him/her.

I have now found the love of my life.

I am worthy of a deep, soulful, soulmate love.

I am living in abundance with my partner.

The more I get to know my partner, the more deeply I love them and the more deeply they love me.

I love how I get butterflies before spending time with my soulmate.

Meeting my soulmate is my divine birthright.

I am living in joy with my partner.

My soulmate brings out the very best in me.

I have the perfect love partner in the world.

Thank you for the harmony.

Every moment of loving connection in my life brings in my adoring soulmate.

I am loving myself deeply now.

I draw love and romance into my life and I accept it now.

My soul mate is patient, kind and understanding.

I find it easy to give off positive and loving energy to others.

I love myself completely.

When least expected I will find my soul mate.

I am worthy and deserving of love, romance, joy and all the good things that life has to offer me.

We are grateful for each other.

I feel deeply loved and cherished in this relationship.

I am ready for the commitment of marriage.

I openly receive love into my life.

I totally enjoy connecting with others, and easily meeting my love interests.

My soulmate loves me completely and unconditionally.

I allow myself to be seen and for other people to know who I am.

I am surrounded by love. All is well.

I am worthy of loving relationships with others.

My soul mate is getting attracted to me.

My spirit and soul is ready to meet the perfect partner.

I find it so impressive that my soulmate always stays level headed.

Every moment of loving connection in my life brings in my adoring soulmate.

I am ready to love and be loved.

I am thankful that the universe has provided me with ideal love partner.

My ideal partner loves to travel and do exciting things.

Every man/woman I meet could be my soulmate.

The more I love myself, the more I accept my partner’s love.

I am overwhelmed with love.

Even though I make mistakes, I am still completely lovable.

I now attract the ideal love partner into my life.

I attract love easily and effortlessly.

I am attracting the ideal soul mate.

I radiate confidence and joy.

I am confident in getting attracted to my soulmate.

My soulmate and I love children and will build a family.

I am confident that my beloved is on their way.

My soulmate is everything I dreamed they would be.

I am beautiful and worthy of love.

I am easily attracting and connecting with potential love interests.

We are making each other smile.

I am allowing life to bring me the perfect person for me at this time.

As I learn my own lessons of love, I create a powerful force that is drawing my soulmate to me right now.

My life partner and I are very patient with one another.

Every day, we appreciate each other.

I am ready to meet my soulmate, emotionally and spiritually.

My soul mate is my best friend.

I am learning and growing everyday.

I am attracting love and romance into my life, and I accept it now.

I am so thankful for my love life.

A loving relationship now brightens my life.

I welcome love and all the good it brings into my life.

I am magnetic and irresistible to my partner.

It is safe for me to trust my partner.

I am grateful to be in a loving relationship with my soulmate.

I desire compassion, so I give my partner compassion.

I desire control, so I give my soul mate control.

I love being with my life partner.

We are trusting each other.

We are allowing each other space.

We love to travel the world together and create amazing memories.

My soul mate is entering into my life now.

And now, I am allowing my soulmate to come into my life.

Thank you for the opportunities to learn and grow.

We are sharing a profound intimacy together.

I feel safe and secure when I am with my perfect partner.

I am focused on improving and getting better every day!

I am attracting a loving, supportive soul mate.

My soul mate is looking for me right now.

I can be who I am with my partner.

I am very grateful for all the love in my life.

We are treasuring each other.

I will find my soul mate and we will live happily ever after.

I am ready to meet my soulmate, emotionally and spiritually.

We are appreciating each other.

I have created room in my life for my ideal love partner.

I am unleashing my inner charisma, and showing a lot of personality.

Every day in every way our relationship is getting better and better.

My partner and I are very patient with one another.

I always radiate a loving and inviting energy.

It is safe to be loved.

My soul mate and I are being drawn together.

My perfect partners loves and appreciates me.

Thank you for the companionship.

We are romancing each other.

I am lovable just the way I am.

I am lovable.

Every day and in every way, I am surrounded with love.

I am emotionally and spiritually, ready to meet my soulmate.

My partner is sexy, intelligent, and everything I always wanted.

Love is around me, and love fills my world.

I have the best soul mate in the world.

I am in a relationship with someone whom I respect, and he respects me back in return.

I have a partner who is deeply in love with me.

I trust the universe as it is bringing my soulmate to me.

I am so thankful now that I have attracted my soul mate.

Thank you for the love.

My soulmate is beginning to sense our connection.

I am a magnet to love and attract my perfect partner now.

I have a wonderful partner and our relationship is happy and peaceful.

I deserve my partner’s love.

I am trusting and allowing.

I am allowing my partner to be so called ‘imperfect’ in our relationship.

I really deserve happy and loving relationships.

I am thankful, my soulmate is positive and uplifting.

I show up as my authentic self to connect with others.

I am thankful for attaining the love of my life.

Being loved suits me.

Love is flowing to me and through me at all times.

I desire respect, so I give my partner respect.

I and my soulmate are destined together.

I am so happy, my true love has always supported me!

I am looking forward to a productive and long-term relationship.

I listen to my love partner with genuine interest.

My life partner brings peace to my mind.

We are supporting and loving each other unconditionally.

I foster respect and open communication with others.

My soul mate bring love and compassion in my life.

My soulmate wants more from me and challenges me to meet my dreams and goals.

My love partner is strongly attracted to me.

My soulmate is radiating positive and loving energy.

I trust myself and open the doors to love.

The love partner that I seek is also seeking me.

There is a magical connection between my soul mate and I.

I trust the universe as it is bringing my soulmate to me.

My perfect life partner is just around the corner.

I am valuable.

I have attracted a lover who is also my best friend.

I love how we mesh well together and easily resolve issues.

We are praising each other.

I am living with confidence and strength, in all situations.

The more I love myself, the more I attract my soulmate.

I desire cooperation, so I give my soul mate cooperation.

I am confidently able to express love towards others.

I have the power to give and receive love endlessly.

My soulmate loves me, my children and family.

I accept a loving, healthy, and happy partnership.

My soul mate and I are fully compatible and perfectly aligned physically.

I love myself and I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.

I am attracting my perfect life partner right now.

Being loved feels good to me.

My love partner is successful and abundant.

I am thankful my soulmate gets along easily with others.

I trust that my intuition will lead me to my soulmate.

I am attracting a trusting, loving marriage.

I am attracting an amazing man with grace and ease.

I think it’s so cool my soulmate always provides great advice!

I am seeing that my partner and I are both souls on our journeys.

The more I love myself, the more I love my soulmate.

Thank you for the fulfillment.

I am fully receptive and appreciative for all the love that my soul mate showers upon me.

I am destined to be with my soul mate.

The love of my life is gorgeous and successful.

I will attract the ideal love partner into my life.

I develop loving relationships easily.

Even though my partner makes mistakes, they are still completely lovable.

I accept a perfect loving relationship with open arms.

I love my soulmate and he/she loves me.

Everyday and in every way I am attracting healthy loving relationships into my life.

I am safe and cherished in my loving relationship.

I and my soulmate are connected to spiritual love.

My mind is totally focused on attracting my most suitable soul mate.

We are having fun together.

I have more love than I ever thought possible.

I release and forgive to open my heart.

I let the Universe guide me to my soul mate.

I set an intention to attract my true love.

We are giving each other the space to flourish.

Others are drawn to me because of my positive energy.

I am so grateful now that I have attracted my soul mate.

I surround myself with positive and loving people.

I radiate pure, unconditional love towards my soul mate.

I love how we get along so well, and truly are best friends

We love to keep our great relationship interesting and fun!

I am loving my partner for all they are and they are loving me for all that I am.

I am safe and cherished in my loving relationship.

I trust my partner completely.

The partner that I seek is also seeking me.

I love that I have so much to share with others.

I am allowing myself to attract a healthy, loving relationship.

We are kind to each other.

We are valuing each other.

When I meet my soul mate, I’ll just naturally know.

I am with my amazing soulmate now.

My soulmate and I are entirely compatible and perfectly aligned.

I am vibrating at a frequency of unconditional love and therefore I am only attracting unconditional love into my life.

We are allowing each other to be who we are.

I love how my soulmate is affectionate and loving.

Thank you for the gift of my soulmate relationship.

My beloved is on his/her way, and we will become each other’s home in the world.

My partner is the perfect match for me and our love is pure and eternal.

I am in the perfect relationship with my soul mate.

I accept love from others because I know I deserve love.

I accept perfect divine love into my life, right now.

I am constantly learning new skills and hobbies, and growing as a person.

I spread love to everyone around me and it returns to me in abundance.

I am seeing that anytime I experience disharmony in my relationship, I am being blessed with an opportunity to learn and grow.

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