7 Habits to Track in Your Self Care Tracker


Habits are powerful.

Whether we realize it or not, they shape our lives and the way we live them.

However, it is hard to be aware of our habits, since they are things that just seem to happen on autopilot.

And yet, if we can start being more aware of them and begin tracking some of our habits, this can make all the difference in how we live our lives.

It’s very important to keep a track of your self-care habits, especially when the demands at work and home seem impossible to juggle.

A self care tracker can keep you aware of what habits fall to the bottom of your priority list and can remind you to work on yourself once in a while.

How can I track my self-care habits

What is considered self-care?

Self-care is an important part of life, and it’s often overlooked because we’re so busy with everything else we have going on.

But what is self-care?

It’s the good practice of taking care of yourself by doing things that make you feel good and help you feel balanced, like eating healthy food, exercising, getting enough sleep, spending time with friends and family, or even just sitting down with a good book.

The important thing is that you decide what works best for YOU.

And when you take the time to keep track of your self-care habits and see how much better they make you feel in the long run, it becomes easier and easier to remember them every day—even when life gets busy!

Check out this list of the types of self care that you should be aware of.

How can I track my self-care?

You’re probably already tracking your self-care, but have you ever tracked it in a way that’s actually helpful?

If you’re like most people, you’ve tried tracking your self-care habits by writing them down on pieces of post-its or a regular notebook.

And while that can be helpful, it’s also really easy to forget about those notes and journals when they’re hidden away in a drawer or on a computer somewhere.

So what’s the best way to track your self-care habits? Here are some ideas:

  1. Use an app! Apps are great because they can help keep things organized and remind you to do things more consistently. Plus, with apps, there’s no need to worry about whether or not you remembered to write down something—the app will always be there for you.
  2. Use an online spreadsheet! Spreadsheets are great because they allow you to organize everything easily and access it from anywhere. They also allow for easy analysis at any time, so if something needs changing or improving, it’s easy to see how this is affecting other aspects of your life.
  3. Write it down in a bullet journal! Keeping a journal is still great because it helps keep things organized and makes them easy to refer back to later on

What are some self-care ideas?

Self-care is a great way to take care of yourself and your mental health. It’s important to take time out of your day to focus on yourself, especially if you’re feeling stressed or anxious.

So what are some self-care ideas?

  • Take a bath: Make it a ritual by lighting candles and putting on your favorite music. You can even add some essential oils for extra relaxation!
  • Meditate: Meditation is an amazing way to relax and clear your mind. It’s also great for reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality.
  • Write in a journal: Journaling is a great way to get things off your chest without having to talk about them with anyone else—perfect if you’re feeling overwhelmed by life or just need some time alone.
  • Aromatherapy: Adding aromatherapy diffusers or candles into rooms where you spend most of your time will help create a relaxing atmosphere that will help calm down anxiety symptoms like racing thoughts or panic attacks!

Here is a list of another 32 fun self care activities you can take part in!

Another approach to take is to understand what your self love language is and start taking part in the relevant activities.

What is a habit tracker?

A habit tracker is a tool used to help you build and maintain positive habits. It helps you track your progress, set goals, and see how far you’ve come.

It can be as simple or complex as you like it to be. You can track one habit at a time, or many at once. You can use the same tracker for all of your habits, or make individual ones for each one.

Some people use their habit trackers to see how well they’re doing in general—how much sleep they’ve gotten, how much exercise they’ve done, and how much water they drank.

Others use them with specific goals in mind, like drinking more water or eating more fruits and veggies.

You can customize your habit tracker to suit whatever needs you have; just be sure to write down what works for you!

Benefits of a self care tracker

We all know how important it is to take care of ourselves, but sometimes life gets in the way, and we forget to take the time we need to do what’s best for us.

That’s the reason why using a self-care tracker is so useful — to help you make sure that you’re actually taking care of yourself by tracking it!

Here are some of the benefits of using a self-care tracker:

  • You’ll have a record of your progress, so you can see how far you’ve come and how much more work there is left to do.
  • Schedule self-care activities that fit into your schedule, giving you more flexibility than ever before.
  • Self-care tracking helps keep you accountable for taking care of yourself—which is crucial! You’re more likely to stick with something if someone else knows about it and expects it from you than if there’s no accountability at all.
  • Easier for you to identify patterns in your behavior and find ways to improve them. If you’re having trouble sticking with a certain self-care routine, for example, it might be because the time of day isn’t right for your body or mind.

Physical self care habits to track

Physical self care habits to keep track of

Here are a bunch of physical habits that are essential in your self-care routine. Let’s start with them!

1. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important in so many ways. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body can’t heal itself from the day before and repair itself for tomorrow.

And if we don’t give our bodies a chance to rest and recover from all that hard work, it can lead to all kinds of problems—from headaches, anxiety, and depression all the way up to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

2. Drink water

Hydration is one of the most important things you can do for your body. If you’re not drinking enough water, your skin will dry out, and you’ll feel tired and lethargic.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet as they can help you get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need to stay healthy.

Consumption of an abundance of fruits and veggies has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

They also have been shown to help control weight by filling you up on fewer calories than other foods do.

You should try to eat at least 2 cups of fruits and vegetables each day, and the more colorful, the better!

4. Exercise and Stretching

There are so many benefits to exercise and stretching, such as helping us to feel more energized, alive, and awake.

Our bodies are meant to move, and when we don’t move them regularly, they can become stiff and sore.

Exercise is also beneficial because it helps us sleep better at night.

When we exercise on a regular basis or have an active lifestyle, our bodies produce endorphins that make us feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed.

This can help us sleep more soundly at night because we aren’t as anxious or worried about things in our lives!

Last but not least, stretching can also help increase flexibility in your body which may improve the range of motion in certain joints such as your knees or hips if you have arthritis or other joint problems from aging over time (such as osteoarthritis).

5. Skincare

Skincare is an important part of self-care because it’s one of the only ways we can actually change our appearance and make ourselves look and feel better in the short term.

It’s also an investment in our future health and well-being—the healthier our skin is now, the better it will be later on down the line!

6. Going outside

Going outside is a great way to get some fresh air and sunlight—and it’s a great way for you to get out of your head for a bit.

Fresh air helps us to breathe better and feel more relaxed, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D, which is important for our bones and immune system, both awesome benefits for your body!

7. Breathing

Did you know that good breathing habits help you be more comfortable, feel less stressed, and live a longer life?

Breathing is an important part of regulating your body’s responses to stress and anxiety.

If you’re not taking time out of your day to focus on slowing down, then your body may be sending signals that it’s under constant stress—even when it isn’t!

This can lead to serious health consequences down the line if left unchecked.

Mental self care habits to track

Mental self care habits to keep track of

1. Self-discovery

Self-discovery requires taking a step back from your day-to-day responsibilities and examining your thoughts, feelings, and actions—and considering how they interact with each other.

It’s a way of life, and it requires intentionality and awareness.

Journaling and making use of mindfulness techniques such as meditating, practicing yoga or tai chi, or simply taking deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed by emotions are mighty useful.

2. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to take care of your mental health and it’s something that you can do any time, anywhere.

You may be wondering: “But what does meditation even mean?”

Well, meditation is simply a way of focusing on the present moment.

You focus on your breathing, you focus on the sounds around you, and you try not to let your mind wander into the past or future.

It can be easy to get distracted while meditating, but if you keep trying and don’t give up, eventually it will become easier for you.

Make use of an app like Headspace to guide you along.

3. Reading

Reading is an excellent way to relax, focus your mind, and enter a state of flow, and at the same time, help you learn new things and explore your interests.

Sometimes, I find that reading is like a form of escapism that allows you to take a break from your daily life and get lost in another world.

Many people find that reading helps them sleep better, too, since it distracts them from their thoughts about work or problems in their lives.

4. Time on screen

We’re all guilty of it.

Whether it’s checking your phone during a meeting, or mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when you have one minute to spare, we all know that too much screen time isn’t good for us.

Try using the Pomodoro technique: set a timer for 25 minutes at first, and then see if you can do it without the timer after a while.

It might feel uncomfortable at first, but once you get into a rhythm of working in these short bursts of time, it will feel natural!

5. Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to remind yourself that you’re doing a good job.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re not living up to your own expectations lately, try keeping track of the positive things that happen to you each day.

There’s a good reason why those things are on our minds first thing in the morning: because they’re true!

And it hurts our mental health when we dwell on those thoughts for too long.

That’s why positive affirmations are so important: they help us break out of that negative thought pattern and start thinking more positively instead!

6. Trying something new

When you’re stuck in a rut, it can feel like you’re trapped and that your options are limited.

But there’s always something new to try!

That could mean picking up a new hobby or signing up for a class at the gym.

It could mean going on a date with your partner or friend.

It could mean learning how to make your favorite dish from scratch.

The possibilities are endless—and they’re all waiting for you!

Tip: Consider hosting a self care party. This way, both you and your friends will all benefit from a new activity!

Emotional self care habits to track

Emotional self care habits to keep track of

1. Gratitude

If you’re having a bad day, for example, take a few minutes to stop and write down a few things you’re grateful for.

That could be anything from your dog’s unconditional love on a particularly bad day to your ability to read this sentence right now.

It doesn’t matter what it is—the point is that focusing on gratitude can help you feel better and remind yourself that there are still good things in the world.

2. Stress levels

It’s so easy to just ignore stress, or think that “it’s just stress” and not pay attention, but that can be dangerous!

If you’ve ever had a panic attack or a heart attack, you know how intense and scary it can feel when something goes wrong in your body.

So the first thing you need to do is start paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you.

For example, if a part of your body feels tight or sore, that could be an indication of stress.

If you find yourself obsessing over small things (like the way someone looked at you), that could be another sign.

Once you start paying attention to these signs, it will become easier for you to track them over time.

3. Your mood

This is a great way to get an idea of what’s going on in your life and how it’s making you feel.

You can keep a daily journal and write down your mood at the end of each day.

This will help you see patterns in what makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad, as well as help you identify triggers that may not be obvious to you at first glance.

4. Time for yourself (me-time)

We all need a little bit of time for ourselves, to catch our breath and regroup.

But it can be hard to prioritize that time when there are so many other things vying for our attention.

It’s easy to be busy and forget about yourself, but you deserve to be treated well—and that starts with giving yourself some space.

Find time to take a break and care for yourself!

Check out these self love exercises.

Social self care habits to track

Social self care habits to keep track of

1. Family

Make time for your family.

Reaching out to loved ones can have such a huge impact on your mental wellbeing, so it’s important to make sure that you’re regularly connecting with friends and family members.

Spending quality time with my loved ones over the weekend could mean simple things like a meal, going on a hike, or just watching a movie together.

2. Friends

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be really hard to find the energy to go out and meet new people. But sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.

It might sound like an obvious tip, but it’s actually quite difficult to remember to reach out to your friends when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Having a shortlist of people who are always happy to hang out is an easy way to keep track of them as potential social activities come up in your life.

3. Dating

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life, but it’s important to make time for yourself. And that can include dating!

Dating is a way to reconnect with yourself, and when you’re dating someone new, you’re forced to be present at the moment—you can’t be distracted by your phone or Facebook or any other distractions.

This applies the same way even if you have a partner already.

In fact, date nights are awesome for connecting and growing your love for each other.

4. Community

Social self care can be a tough concept to wrap your head around.

You’re doing it for you, but it’s not just about you. It’s about making sure that you’re taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

And one of the best ways to do that is by doing something for the community.

You can start by helping people who are less fortunate than yourself, for example going to a local charity that’s focused on helping people in your area and seeing if there’s anything you can do to help them out.

Financial self care habits to track

Financial self care habits to keep track of

1. Budgeting

It’s important to know what you have coming in and going out so that you can feel confident in your ability to afford the things you need and want, as well as make smart decisions about how you’re spending and saving money.

A budget doesn’t mean that all of your money goes into one place, but rather that it’s divided between different accounts—such as rent, utilities, food, savings, etc.—so that you can see where it’s going.

This helps prevent impulse spending and allows for better planning for those unexpected expenses.

2. Investing

Investing your money is the best way to make sure you’re taking care of your finances. It’s also a great way to see the fruits of your labor and feel good about where your money is going.

You can invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more.

Take time to educate yourself about the options available in the market. Once you do that, you are in a better position to speak to a financial consultant.

Personal routines self care habits to track

Personal routines self care habits to keep track of

1. Nutrition

Are you getting the right amount of nutrients on a daily basis? If not, what are you doing to make up for it?

Taking vitamins and supplements is a quick and easy way to fill those gaps, especially if you find it tough to find the right food to provide a particular nutrient, or if you are just not that into the taste.

Be sure to check with your physician first and take only those that you require.

2. Regular check ups

As we grow older, the need to go for regular health checks increases too.

Being able to detect and stop any potential diseases in their tracks early in living well, and can prevent a lot of unnecessary problems down the road.

If you are turning 40, you should be seeing your doctor at least once a year.

3. Grooming

Grooming is important because it can make you look your best, and it also helps you feel good about yourself.

You might think that grooming isn’t important to others, but you would be wrong.

When you look good, people notice.

You’ll feel better about yourself and more confident in your interactions with others.

And grooming doesn’t just mean shaving your legs or getting a haircut – it can also mean making sure your teeth are clean, wearing deodorant or perfume, or even taking time to trim your nails or wash your face before going out in public.

Professional self care habits to track

Professional self care habits to keep track of

1. Time management

We spend most of our days managing the minutes and hours, trying to fit all the things we want to do into a day.

And when you’re managing your time, you’re managing your life—and that means that how you manage your time can make or break your ability to get things done.

Besides, being on top of things can help you to stay on track with goals and responsibilities, make you look like a pro at work, and helps you feel good about yourself because you’re always getting stuff done.

2. Break time

When your brain becomes overworked, it starts to shut down.

This is known as mental fatigue, and it happens when your brain has been working for too long without a break.

Mental fatigue causes many problems: difficulty concentrating on tasks, confusion about what needs to be done next, and feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to be accomplished in one day.

When this happens, it’s important to take some time away from work and give your brain some rest so that it can get back into shape again.

You will be surprised what 5 minutes of break time per hour will do to help reduce stress levels and increase focus, which will increase productivity!

3. Number of hours worked each week

Most jobs require us to work anywhere between 35 to 44 hours each week, sometimes more.

I’m personally not a fan of clocking 60-80 hour weeks just to get ahead. I’m sure there are better ways, plus this is a surefire way to get burned out.

Keep a close eye on the number of hours you are working each week before you turn into a sleepless zombie.

Always make time for yourself!

Habit tracking tools

The best habit tracking tools allow you to see what you’re doing well and identify areas where you might need some help.

If you’re using a tool that doesn’t tell you how well your habits are working for you, it’s time to find something else.

A good habit-tracking tool should also be simple and easy-to-use.

If it takes a lot of effort or brainpower to use the app or program, then chances are that it won’t be worth using.

Here are some of my favorite ways to keep track of my self care habits.

  1. Use a printout of a self-care habit tracker and check the boxes as your days go by. It really forces you to be very aware of what you do each day and lists out clearly what you should do. Most importantly, do not stress over the list! There seems to be a lot, but as you get into a habit, you will soon realize that you can check out the boxes easily! Download this made for you self care habit tracker now!
  2. If you are someone who is already journaling or intends to, good for you! A journal, especially one of those premade bullet journals, is great for getting yourself organized and tracking your habits day by day. You can also customize it to your own preferences and of course, decorate it whichever way you want!
  3. Tracking certain habits these days are so much easier with wearable technology. A device such as an Apple Watch or Fitbit Versa can keep track of important habits such as sleeping, walking, water intake, and even your mood!
  4. Use an app such as Headspace. It is super useful as it integrates various categories in one app including sleep, meditation, focus, and more.

Download free self care habit tracker worksheet PDF

Before you go, remember to download a copy of our printable self-care habit tracker, which you can also use to track your teen’s self care activities too.

It’s free to use and you can print it out from any printer and keep a copy close to you each day.

Consider heading over to our post on self care toolkit ideas to start your own too!

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