567 Positive Money Affirmations That Work Fast


Is money a taboo subject? Is it evil to desire more? Sometimes it does feel like the case, but these are all self limiting thoughts.

Having more money is not a bad thing.

The important thing here is what you do with it and how you treat people.

Money simply gives you more options, and that is a good thing.

However, many of us are restricted by the way we think.

We set ourselves limitations, maybe because of what we read, who we hang out with, or just our own negative mindset.

In this post, I have listed a whole bunch of money affirmations that will change your mind about how you approach this subject and start you on a path to financial happiness, however you define it.

List of The Most Powerful Money Affirmations To Transform Your Life Right Now

happy business woman
Photo Credit: sheftsoff via Deposit Photos.

Positive affirmations are proven to work.

They help people develop confidence and self-trust, enabling them to get out there and achieve their goals.

The question is, will you do the same?

Practicing and reciting affirmations daily takes time and dedication, and many simply cannot stick to it beyond a few days.

They fail and they think this is some nonsense conjured by some random people, but it is not. Affirmations take time to work, and the crux of this practice is trust and patience.

Take your time to figure out what you really want, and formulate the right affirmations for yourself.

This list will give you a headstart.

Abundant Money Affirmations

My bank balance is always growing.

I enjoy taking steps to grow my wealth.

Money allows me to be my best authentic self.

I am a successful money saver.

Money is no longer an issue.

There is always more than enough money in my life.

I deserve love, respect, and empathy.

I do what I love every day and get highly paid for my services.

I love my abundant and positive life.

I’m not poor, I’m just low wealth right now. That is changing.

I am more than my debt.

Financial freedom is not just a dream; it will be my reality.

My energy is always attracting money.

Money is a positive power in my life.

My life is rich and full.

When I spend money I am at ease because I know that it will come back to me 10 fold.

I choose to feel wealthy right now.

Money Affirmations for How You Feel About Money

I will always have everything I need, the Universe takes excellent care of me

I am thankful for the comfort that having money can bring to me when I manage it well.

My skills and hard work bring me wealth, and I am grateful and respectful of that.

I am worthy of financial abundance.

I am worthy of a wealthy life.

I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life.

I believe in my ability to use the money that comes into my life to meet my financial goals.

The Universe always grants me easy money.

I am financially empowered.

The money I contribute always comes back to me multiplied.

I attract abundance into my reality effortlessly.

I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today.

My income will double this month.

My net worth is not my self-worth.

I am worthy of the wealth I desire.

I will never go without.

I deserve a prosperous life.

I am grateful for all the money I have now.

All the resources I need are within me.

An incredible abundance of money is on its way to me.

Being wealthy feels amazing and fun.

I am empowered to make financial decisions.

I am creative and open to new solutions.

I am worthy of great wealth.

I enjoy talking about money.

Wealth and abundance flow to me.

Money is the root of joy and comfort.

I am worthy of compassion and empathy.

The money that I have invested will be returned to me ten-fold.

Money and love can be friends.

No matter how I feel or what I do, money gets to be easy.

Money flows to me freely as I move through this world.

I am strong, brave, and confident.

Affirmations for Financial Abundance

My finances improve every single day.

I am excited to keep my finances on the right path.

I am a generous person and more money amplifies that.

Money is rooted in good and leads to peace.

There are no limits to the money I can make.

I have the power to create success and build the wealth I desire.

I do not come from a rich family, but a rich family will come from me.

I allow everything to be as it is.

Money is abundant and I attract it naturally.

There’s plenty more money in the world for me.

I can turn my skills into profit.

I embrace a life of abundance and positive thinking.

I am at peace with who I am.

My success is inevitable and I am always on the right path.

Money Wealth Affirmations

Money is a current and it will flow back to me.

Money always finds its way back to me.

I attract money in both expected and unexpected ways.

I am worthy of all the richness I desire.

Money is constantly flowing into my life.

I allow money to flow easily to me.

I am grateful for the money I already have and the money that’s on its way to me now.

I am in control of my financial situation.

I experience wealth as a key part of my life.

Every dollar I spend and donate comes back to me multiplied.

I have a positive relationship with money.

I can make my dreams a reality with careful budgeting.

I am happy when I spend my money responsibly.

Making choices to build wealth today can allow me to create the life I desire.

I am easily creating more money and abundance.

Money Affirmations for Managing Your Finances

Money is good because I use it for good things.

Every dollar saved puts me closer to financial freedom.

This will be the most financially successful month of my life so far.

I trust that more money is coming to me.

I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease.

I am in control of my expenses.

It is safe to be wealthy.

I am grateful for what is in my hands right now.

My capacity to hold and grow money expands every day.

I love attracting money.

Money is all around me. I find money everywhere.

Money allows me to live a life of freedom.

My debt doesn’t control me; I manage it.

It’s easy for me to change my money story.

I am healing my relationship with money.

I have the discipline to make hard financial choices now to enjoy an easier life later on.

I bless all rich, wealthy, and abundant people.

I will find money in expected and unexpected ways.

I love my life and everything it provides me with.

When I visualize myself receiving money, I think it into existence.

The more I give, the more I receive.

Affirmations for Manifesting Money

I spend money on what matters to me, not what matters to the Jones.

I am one step closer to my financial goals.

I have the power to be a financially successful person.

Attracting money comes easily to me.

It is safe for me to be the breadwinner.

It is okay for me to enjoy spending money.

I want it and therefore I shall have it.

My bank account grows while I’m sleeping.

My income is always higher than my expenses.

My income exceeds my expectations.

Money Affirmations That Work Fast

Being wealthy gives me the power to help countless people in this world.

I have enough money coming my way to live out all my dreams.

It’s easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful.

Prosperity within me, prosperity around me.

I let go of all my fears around money.

I am excited about all the money I’m attracting into my life right now.

Cash will flow to me like water this year.

My mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance.

I constantly live in comfort and joy.

Every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money.

My future self will thank me for saving money today.

I choose to think only positive thoughts about money.

I am constantly thinking of new ways to make money.

All the money I spend comes back to me multiplied.

I choose to live a rich and full life.

All the money I have brings me joy.

I can handle large sums of money.

The more I focus on joy, the more money I will make.

I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income.

I visualize financial peace.

It is safe for me to earn more money than I need.

I am a capable person that can tackle all money obstacles.

I am committed to eliminating all debts that don’t serve me in my life.

My positive attitude is attracting money.

People love giving me money.

I trust myself to make smart financial decisions.

I am generous with my money.

I am wealthy beyond money.

It is safe for me to receive large sums of money.

I am ready and able to receive unexpected money.

I believe there is enough money for everyone.

I am not poor, I am on the path to a wealthy life.

My net worth is increasing all the time.

I get rich doing what I love.

Money Mantras to Stop Emotional Spending

I embrace all positive associations with money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Today I commit to living my financial dreams.

I am open to receiving the money that flows to me.

I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs.

I release all my fear around money.

Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.

Affirmations to Attract Money

My income is growing higher and higher.

I achieve my money goals with ease.

I am grateful for the wealth that is inside of me.

Money is drawn to me and I am drawn to it.

I make more money every day.

I believe in my ability to earn more money.

I have come this far, and I can keep going.

I’m about to receive a huge check.

I am in control of my money.

Money is coming easily and effortlessly.

It is safe for me to be financially secure.

The money I earn and spend makes me happy.

Money Flow Affirmations

Negative emotions about money don’t serve my financial goals.

I believe money is important.

I want more money. And that’s okay.

Being rich is a part of who I am.

Money is an abundant resource that I can earn.

I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth into my life.

I am an excellent money manager.

Money is an unlimited resource that is always flowing my way.

I am ready to make my financial goals and dreams a reality.

I can look at my finances without fear.

Money can bring joy and joy can bring money.

I am perceptive of opportunities that will make me money.

I have the power to improve my relationship with money.

I am one with the vibration of abundance.

Money is like the air that I breathe. Just like there is an abundance of air, there is always an abundance of money in my life.

I am the master of my wealth.

I am always making more money even without trying.

Money is in my mind. My mind creates money.

Every day, I choose money and wealth.

People benefit from my wealth & abundance.

I am becoming more and more prosperous every day.

I deserve to make more money.

I attract money happily in my life.

I take every great opportunity that comes my way.

Power Affirmations for Manifesting Wealth and Abundance

My bank balance is going to explode with more money than I ever thought possible.

I deserve to be rich.

I achieve my financial goals with ease.

I am wealthy.

I believe anyone can be wealthy, including myself.

My savings will continue to grow, and I will be financially secure.

I deserve to be financially rewarded.

I am worthy of being wealthy.

I am confident in my own skin.

I trust money.

I attract money to me easily and effortlessly.

Everything I touch turns into gold.

My life is filled with health and wealth.

I trust that the universe wants to bless me with an abundance of wealth.

Best Affirmations for Money

I am more than my mistakes.

I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe.

I am comfortable being surrounded by wealthy people.

I am worthy of what I desire.

I am wealthy in more ways than one.

I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.

I use money to better my life and the lives of others.

I give myself permission to prosper and grow.

I use my money for good, and the universe is always rewarding me with more.

I will be healthy, wealthy, and happy.

I love to give money a good home.

I am worthy of a rich and prosperous life.

I deserve to be paid for my skills, time, and knowledge.

If I am honest and true in my money decisions, the universe will take care of me.

My income increases constantly.

With hard work and creativity, I can build the financial picture that I desire.

Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences.

I use money to improve my life and the lives of others.

I will receive a large sum of money this month.

There is a never-ending supply of money in the world.

I am comfortable with money and money is comfortable with me.

The money that I spend comes back to me 10 fold.

Abundance is everywhere around me.

My wealth life is wonderful.

I am at peace with having a lot of money.

I attract miracles into my life.

I am worthy of having money.

I can use money to create a better life.

I attract money beyond my wildest dreams.

Abundance is all around me, in everything I do.

My prosperity is limitless.

I thank the Universe for the money that flows to me.

Powerful Money Affirmations That Work

I can conquer my money goals.

Every dollar that flows to me now works for me, to earn more money.

The more fun I have, the more money I make.

Through thoughtful generosity, more money will flow back to me.

All the money I desire is already mine.

Financial security brings me peace.

Money flows effortlessly into my life on a daily basis.

It is within my power to create a successful financial future.

Money is attracted to me.

Money comes easily, frequently, and abundantly.

I control my money, money doesn’t control me.

I am creating an abundant future for myself and my family.

I am smart, capable, and talented.

I am grateful for the money I have.

I am able to handle large sums of money.

It is safe for me to have a lot of money.

I am loving and lovable.

I always have more than enough for everything I need.

Easy Money Affirmations

If I trust it, it will come.

I am compassionate with others and myself.

I will have exactly what I need at any given moment.

I accept and receive unexpected prosperity.

I am smart and successful and every day I get richer.

The balance of my bank account does not impact my core values.

As I earn money, I am equipped to give and serve generously.

I can see examples of abundance all around.

Money is energy, so money is good.

I am debt-free because money is constantly flowing into my life.

I am worthy of making more money than ever before.

Financial well-being is my new reality.

I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my way.

I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.

Abundance is coming, I deserve and accept it.

I deserve the opportunity to negotiate my salary.

I have more money than I could ever spend.

I will build an emergency fund to safeguard myself.

There is no limit to the amount of money I can and will receive.

My income is rising at a rapid rate.

Unexpected Money Affirmations

Finding ways to have fun in a frugal way is enjoyable.

I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time.

I release all negative energy over money.

The more I give, the wealthier I become.

I deserve the money that I earn.

My income is rising.

I am aligned with my purpose.

I am worthy of financial security and freedom.

I always have enough money.

Positive Money Mantras

I accept the flow of money from multiple sources.

I am open to receiving what is in the highest and best for all.

I’m getting out of my own way when it comes to money.

Money flows to me in abundance and with ease.

My experience of wealth is a positive part of my life.

I release everything blocking my money at this moment.

My finances will improve.

I have a healthy relationship with money.

My hard work will bring me money.

I have the ability to learn how to manage my money better.

I visualize myself having money, and I receive more money.

I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.

I constantly discover new sources of income.

Wealth Affirmations for Earning Money

I release all resistance to attracting money. I am worthy of positive cash flow.

Every time I touch money it comes back multiplied.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to manifest more income.

Manifesting money is easy because I’m ready to put in the work.

I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.

I am able to confidently handle large amounts of money.

Money falls into my lap in miraculous ways.

It is safe for me to earn more money than anyone I know.

Financial Abundance Affirmations

I am constantly attracting new opportunities to make more money.

I am happy where I currently am.

I enjoy the challenge of saving more money.

The Universe provides enough money for everyone.

My job/business allows me to live the life I desire.

Letting money go is a joy as it means I am able to provide for myself and that is powerful.

I love money and money loves me.

My actions create constant prosperity.

I attract enough passive income to pay for the lifestyle I want.

I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.

I attract money as easily as the air that I breathe.

I have the ability to spend money on the things that matter to me most.

I am proud of myself and all that I have accomplished.

I deserve wealth and prosperity and I am open to it.

It’s enjoyable to spend responsibly.

I am authentic, true, and graceful.

More money is lining up for me right this minute.

I am open to receiving more money in my life.

I have a positive and powerful money mindset.

I have all the money I need.

I am worthy of financial success.

I am aligned with the energy of love.

I can handle massive success with ease and grace.

Money comes to me in unexpected ways and I am always ready.

I choose to spend my money wisely.

Money comes to me in fun, easy and surprising ways.

My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.

I am always discovering new sources of income.

Money is just energy that flows into my life with ease.

My wealth comes from being honest and authentic in everything I do.

Money can bring me comfort when I manage it well.

It is safe for me to have savings.

I am capable of loving myself.

Every action I take will plant the seeds for wealth.

I am attracting money at this very moment.

My loved ones are happy and proud to see my growing wealth.

I am in control of my financial wellness.

Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.

I am in control of my spending.

I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work.

I know that money is freedom.

Because I have money, I can give and serve generously.

I am ready to prosper beyond my wildest dreams.

My bank account is constantly filled with money.

Abundance is my birthright.

Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.

I am in the right place to attract an abundance of money.

Money is a tool, and I am going to learn to use it well.

I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.

I am at peace with my portfolio.

Financial Affirmations for Having Enough Money

I am grateful for all that money brings me.

I control money; money doesn’t control me.

Money can expand the opportunities in my life.

It is safe for me to be rich.

My income will exceed my expenses.

There are countless opportunities to make more money in my life.

I am smart with my money.

I breathe in abundance.

I commit to getting out of my own way when it comes to financial success.

I am ready to share my gifts with the world.

I give myself permission to prosper and build wealth and to be happy about it.

I choose to be organized and responsible with money.

I boldly conquer my money goals.

I deserve money in my life.

Financially I know I’m going to thrive.

I move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking.

There is no reason why I can’t make the money I want.

I am financially confident.

I deserve and expect financial abundance.

Money well-spent is a source of good and positive things.

I allow prosperity to flow into my life.

I constantly attract opportunities for a richer life.

Having money opens me to opportunities and new experiences.

Today I make more money.

My job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals.

I am intentionally building wealth. It is a process.

I am worthy of love.

I am responsible with money and manage it wisely.

My relationship with money gets better and better every day.

Making money is a positive endeavor that serves me, my family, and my community.

I am a money magnet. Money is drawn to me.

I am wealthy and living on my own terms.

I am open to limitless possibilities.

Wealth Manifestation Affirmations

I can become financially free.

The Universe will always serve my best interests.

Money is abundant to me.

I will become a millionaire this year.

I will attain all the riches that I desire with time.

I release all negative feelings around money.

I have the ability to build a base of financial literacy.

I make wise financial decisions and trust my process.

I am paid well for doing what I love.

Money is unlimited and my prosperity is unlimited.

Money is used to provide good things for my life and the lives of the people I love.

My income is constantly increasing.

I am so excited about receiving more money.

My money will do good for me and the people I love.

I can find the positive in my money situation.

There is no limit to the amount of money I am capable of earning.

I know anyone can be wealthy, including me.

Financial Affirmations to Start Your Day

I will take good care of my family and friends with my newfound wealth.

I have enough money to freely enjoy my day-to-day life.

I will be mindful of my wealth so that it can serve me and those around me.

I love the freedom that comes with financial abundance.

My history with money is not my future.

I believe in myself.

Money creates a positive impact on my life.

Money doesn’t have to mean shame.

Money is my servant.

It is safe for me to be wealthy.

Money is pouring into my life.

I am so grateful for all of the money that is currently in my life and all of the money that is yet to come.

Today, no matter where I am, I focus on that which I want to see.

I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.

I am grateful for money.

My income can exceed my expenses.

I am open and ready to receive all the wealth that the universe has for me.

I make space for more and more money in life every day.

I can track my expenses and stick to a budget.

I deserve abundance and prosperity in my life.

I am allowed to have success and happiness.

My money goes to what I value.

I use money to create a positive impact on the world.

I am open to giving what is in the highest and best for all.

I am proud of the person I am and the person I’m becoming.

I am a beautiful person, inside and out.

I overcome all obstacles that lie in my way to financial success.

I manifest money with ease.

My money allows me to have a life I love.

I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.

I have more than enough money.

I live a life of financial security.

My life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now.

Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and more prosperous.

I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.

It’s easy to make money.

There is money all around me, waiting for me to claim it.

I reclaim my money power.

I can save money to be closer to financial freedom.

I attract large sums of money into my life.

Money comes my way in both expected and unexpected ways.

I attract massive amounts of money to me.

There is money all around me; I just have to grab it.

My money situation is improving.

The more I believe that money is a positive tool, the more money comes to me.

It is safe for me to be wildly wealthy and successful.

I am a great giver of financial gifts.

It makes me happy to spend responsibly.

I am capable of achieving greatness.

I add value to other people’s lives.

Financial Freedom Affirmations

I always have more money coming in than going out.

My money works hard for me.

It is safe for me to enjoy money.

Thank you, Universe, for providing me with all the money and wealth I need.

I am worthy of positive changes in my life.

More money in my bank account doesn’t make me a bad person.

I enjoy managing and investing my money.

I am what a wealthy person looks like.

Wealth is attracted to me right now.

My money works hard for me, to make me more and more money.

I accept financial success.

I know that I have the power to be wealthy.

I will receive more money this year than I ever have in my life before.

Every action I take is bringing me prosperity.

I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

When I place myself in flow, money comes to me.

I am enough just the way I am. I am worthy of abundance.

I am passionate about building wealth and recognize all the value that it brings to my life.

An abundance of money is flowing into my life right now.

I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.

I change the world with my money.

My finances improve beyond anything I could ever imagine.

I attract money into my life just by being my authentic self.

I naturally attract good fortune.

I am worthy of a solid financial foundation.

Money is my friend.

I am connected to the universal supply of money.

I choose faith over fear.

My income has unlimited potential.

My money helps change the world for the better.

I think like a millionaire. I act like a millionaire, I feel like a millionaire, I am a millionaire.

My relationship with money comes without limits.

I have fun earning money.

I am in control of my financial life.

I release my fears around money.

Ultimate wealth is on its way to me right now.

I can overcome my spending impulses.

I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.

Large sums of money are coming for me.

I can use money to change the world for the better.

I have everything I need to be successful.

Before this month is over, money will change my life for the better.

I live my life with an abundance of money.

I choose to believe I deserve to have plenty of money.

My affirmations for finances are manifesting magic for me.

I am tapped into the universal supply of money.

I am capable of managing large sums of money.

There is no limit to my financial potential.

Money flows to me easily frequently and abundantly

I am a very capable person that can tackle all money obstacles.

Money creates a positive impact on my life and the life of others.

Money Abundance Affirmations

I confidently ask for money.

I have a positive relationship with money and know how to spend it wisely.

I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.

I am grateful that I get to contribute my money to the economy and then receive even more back.

Money allows me to live a life I love.

My life is full of wealth beyond money.

I choose happiness.

Money is my best friend. It always comes into my life to hang out with me.

I achieve whatever I set my mind to.

If others can be wealthy, so can I.

I am excited to start and establish my money-making goals.

I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, and worthy.

I am grateful for the positive things in my life.

I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it.

I attract money to give to others.

I can easily afford anything I want.

Wealth constantly flows into my life in many different ways.

My past money mistakes do not define my financial future.

I will be debt-free. I have the power to make it happen.

Everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now.

I won’t be an obstacle to leading a financially secure life.

I am a great receiver of financial gifts.

I am my best source of motivation.

It is safe for me to make money easily.

I attract wealth to me from all directions.

My bank account is growing more and more every day.

Money flows freely to me.

I deserve the opportunity to earn more than I make today.

I make money easily.

I am centered, peaceful, and grounded.

I enjoy money.

Money Affirmations for Growing Your Wealth

Money is coming in expected and unexpected ways.

My finances don’t scare me because I have a plan.

I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.

I am good with money.

I gracefully surrender all of my resistance to wealth.

I can let it go, trusting it will come back tenfold.

It is safe for me to spend money on myself.

I will conquer my financial goals.

Money simply falls into my lap.

I can build a complete financial foundation.

I accept and receive unexpected money.

Money chooses me, always.

The money that’s desired by me, is destined for me.

There are no limits to what I can and will achieve.

I trust my judgment to make good financial decisions.

I step from a mindset of lack into a mindset of abundance.

I am about to attract unlimited wealth from an unknown source.

I invite wealth into my life.

Life loves me and contributes to me constantly.

Having large sums of money allows me to give and serve generously.

I am always taken care of. There is always more than enough money in my life.

Money comes to me in miraculous ways.

The more value I contribute, the more money I will make.

I am attracting high-paying clients right now.

New income channels will come to me.

I welcome abundance into my life.

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

Ultimate Wealth Affirmations

I attract money easily and effortlessly.

I embrace new avenues of income.

I attract loving and positive people into my life.

Money flows to me from lots of different sources.

I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me.

I choose to embrace the mystery of life.

I am financially free.

I am successful with money.

Having money makes me feel calm and confident.

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