New Moon Affirmations 2022: 130 for New Beginnings


The new moon signifies a time for a new start and it also marks a beginning of a new cycle.

Whatever you desire and did not manage to complete previously, now is the perfect time to recalibrate and find focus and time for it.

Use these new moon affirmations to invoke more positivity into your life as well as give you a clear direction for the month ahead.

This is an optimal time for you to set your intentions, establish your mantras, and strive forward!

new moon positive affirmations pinterest

What is a new moon?

The new moon is all about new beginnings, starting new routines, and offers an opportunity to start afresh.

In very basic terms, a new moon is the opposite of a full moon, and it is actually invisible unless you use a piece of special equipment.

Many people thus regard a thin crescent moon as a new moon as it can be clearly seen in the western sky.

It also marks the beginning of the lunar calendar, which means we can see a new moon every 29.5 days.

If you wish to know the exact dates and times of the new moon, you can check out this resource.

What do you do with affirmations for new moon?

Since the new moon marks the start of something new, it also presents a unique day for you to set new milestones and goals. It is the time for you to ask yourself important questions and try to figure out where you want to be.

If you have been struggling with negative thoughts, this is a good time to release yourself from these self-limiting behavior and invite positivity into your life.

How to set a new moon intention?

While setting intentions can be as simple as sitting down and writing them down, the magic of developing powerful goals comes from participating in a new moon ceremony, which can be done on a monthly basis as a ritual.

Having a ritualized ceremony will enhance your whole experience and help you sense a stronger connection to yourself and, if you believe in one, to a higher power.

This is why, as a guide, I’ve broken down a monthly (but don’t worry if you skip a month or two) ritual that you can use to start not only making goals but also manifesting with the moon!

Find yourself a safe space.

Let this be a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus and concentrate, somewhere you feel positive vibes.

Cleanse your safe space. Prepare by cleaning your safe space.

This can be done using sage, which not only releases a beautiful smell but also cleanse a person to promote healing and wisdom.

Stay active. You do not have to sit still during your ritual.

I encourage you to move your body the way you want it, or to incoroprate a short yoga session.

Meditate. As you wind down, just let yourself go and get into a meditation session.

Visualize yourself in a position of success.

Not sure what to do? Watch this video.

Fill up your journal with intentions and matching affirmations.

Crystals for new moon rituals

Crystals have been known to have unique properties that help people heal and be in touch with their spiritual side.

They can also be used during your own new moon rituals to enhance the effectiveness of your affirmations.

Here are some of my favorite crystals to use:

Rhodonite – love and passion

Clear Quartz – amplifies energy

Smoky Quartz – get rid of bad habits

Moonstone – abundance

Carnelian – amplifies energy

Lapis Lazuli – knowledge

Black Obsidian – multiple uses including spiritual protection

Citrine – good luck

Blue Kyanite – mental and emotional goals

Labradorite – protection

Pink Opal – healing

Read more about crystal affirmations.

How to choose the best new moon affirmations?

The same affirmation may not work for different people since we all have unique needs and goals.

The key to success is to find one (or a few) that truly resonates with you and are sentences that you can truly believe in.

Any half-heartedness will only lead to failure.

A good place to start is to think about the things you care about, things that you know you need to improve in, and especially self-limiting thoughts that are blocking you from reaching your goals.

List of New Moon Affirmations for a New Start

I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything.

I am open to making new connections and friendships that support my highest good.

I am open to the sacred nature of life.

I courageously walk through every door of opportunity.

I send loving intentions to the universe.

For what I share, I shall receive.

I am grateful for the wonders in my life.

I am a magnet to money and success.

I invite clarity into life.

I plant seeds of abundance throughout my inner and outer worlds.

I am accountable for what I want.

I allow natural skills and talents to attract magical new opportunities that align with my highest good.

Every moment is an opportunity for something new and beautiful to emerge.

I accept my destiny and trust the next steps unfolding.

I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.

I am at peace with where I am right now, knowing everything is unfolding perfectly for me.

I am guided to create more time for me.

I release what no longer serves me to make space for new beginnings.

I feel joy as if my goals are already manifested.

I am open to the truth.

I am divinely filled and supported.

As I move forward, I become stronger, better, and more resilient.

I am grateful for everything I have in my life right now, big or small.

I will unlock new possibilities by being open to new beginnings.

I welcome love in all forms into my life.

I am grateful for this moment right now, and I am excited about the path in front of me.

I invite wealth, order, and prosperity into my life.

The universe supports me in every possible way.

I am aligned with the universe.

I exhale stress and inhale calmness.

I am worthy.

I am aligned with the loving will of the universe.

I invite all forms of abundance into my life.

I am ready to release shadows to be seen and felt.

I am ready to grow into a higher version of myself.

I focus my vision on creating the future I desire.

I am open to my highest good.

I embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

I am open to all possibilities.

This cycle I call in compassion.

I shine my light and confidently in the night shattering all darkness that arises.

I give myself permission to explore my inner self and try new things.

New moon money affirmations

I embrace the fresh starts and new beginnings of this moment.

I embrace change, knowing it is for my highest good.

I easily manifest my desires.

I am full of endless potential.

I open myself to the light of the new.

I am calm, relaxed, and confident as I move forward into the unknown.

Today I lay the foundation for a wonderful future.

This cycle I intend to practice meditation daily.

My dreams are coming true.

First quarter moon affirmations

I attract new, healthy relationships and habits into my life.

I send gratitude to every cell in my body.

I am open to the mystery and magic that new beginnings bring.

I embrace my ability to create anything I want in this life.

I am a beacon of light to all who seek guidance.

I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more.

I make space for love, abundance, and prosperity to flow to and through me.

I intend to make my wishes come true.

I manifest all I need with ease.

I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.

I see my goals clearly.

I accept healing energy from a higher power.

I trust my intuition completely.

I remove clutter from my path to find my way.

I am ready to manifest order and function in my life.

Waxing crescent moon affirmations

My spirit is overflowing with joy, peace, love, and understanding.

I am strong in my integrity and believe I can achieve anything I set my heart and soul to.

I break free of limitations.

I allow myself to surrender control of situations that no longer serve me to make room for my passions.

I am ready to start a new chapter filled with limitless possibilities.

This cycle I intend to spend more time with myself.

I am constantly surrounded by abundance and prosperity.

What has unfolded in the past is preparation for an incredible future.

I am guided to start painting.

My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.

I honor my own process.

I am manifesting all that aligns with my highest potential.

I welcome beautiful abundance into my life.

I can create the life of my dreams.

My heart and mind are open to new possibilities.

This cycle I call in abundance.

I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.

I connect to a community of love and support.

I inhale love and exhale my fears.

My soul steps forward guiding me through this journey.

I open my heart to receive beautiful miracles and unlimited blessings.

I am focused, balanced, and make healthy choices in all things I do.

I am rested, connected, rooted, and ready to thrive.

The power of my mind is limitless.

I accept intimacy from others and myself even when it’s uncomfortable.

My actions are my only true belongings.

No matter how hard the past, I can always begin again.

I release what no longer serves me.

I am manifesting all the good that aligns with my soul purpose.

I am comfortable, supported, and allow unlimited abundance.

I release the old and heavy. I embrace the new and fresh.

I am positive beyond limitations.

Every experience in my life helps me to grow.

I forgive myself for the past and am open to the good ahead.

I open my heart to promising opportunities that bring me joy and growth.

New moon affirmations for love

My past does not equal my future.

I am ready and willing to receive all of the miracles and magic coming my way.

I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.

I invite abundance and prosperity into my life.

I can clearly see the blessings around me.

I am guided to create a new side hustle.

New moon new beginnings

I release the burdens of my past and allow my soul to move forward without limitations.

I am on the edge of becoming.

I radiate love, happiness, grace, and positivity.

The universe is working in my favor right now.

I listen to my intuition and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.

I am creative and give myself permission to have fun and play.

I am stepping into the path of self-discovery.

I am overcoming my limiting beliefs and stepping into total faith and trust.

I am guided to start a new morning routine.

I am confident, intelligent, and capable.

I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.

I shine my light with ease.

Every day, new opportunities are opening up for me.

I am constantly supported by the universe.

I reclaim my power and embrace new beginnings.

Powerful changes are happening; I welcome and embrace them.

Incredible breakthroughs are at my fingertips.

I am motivated, focused, and committed.

My light is shining brightly.

I radiate pure love, light, and positivity.

I am open-minded and eager to learn new things every day.

I am supported by the universe in every possible way.

I am totally deserving of success.

I allow love to fill me.

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