522 Eating Disorder Affirmations To Help You Recover

In this post, we will be sharing a huge list of eating disorder affirmations with you.

Suffering from eating disorder is a serious condition that many people face, and it can be extremely debilitating on one’s health.

As many as 9% of the world’s population suffers from this disorder, which can lead to many health issues. 

If you are someone facing this problem, or going through eating disorder recovery, you will need all the help you can get, be it from a physical or mental standpoint.

Or you may also send this to a friend who needs help.

During this time, it is common to fall into relapse and let the negative thoughts surface.

To cope with this, you can make use of this list of eating disorder affirmations to reinforce the positive thoughts needed and calm your mind and build confidence and trust in yourself

Be sure to practice them daily and build up your mental fortitude.

There is no shortcut, but with time, the results will start to appear. Getting rid of the destructive thoughts in your mind is a key step in getting over the hump. 

We hope you can find an affirmation (or a few) that really resonates with you and let it be your guide to manifest a better life.

Remember, your body does not define you. YOU define yourself.

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Affirmations that are covered in this post:

I am willing to succeed.

I will not define myself by my past.

I am in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.

Every day in every way I make choices that enhance my health and happiness.

Today I will take a long good look at the good things in my life.

Each day I am closer to my recovery.

The past has NO power over me!

I will surround myself with people who are affirming and encouraging.

I enjoy excellent health.

People in my life are present for our mutual learning.

I’m desirable.

The voice of my ED does not represent how I feel about myself.

I can only find out by trying.

I believe life is worth living.

I am open to positive changes in my life today.

I can go anywhere I want to go, one step at a time.

Self-love is my birthright.

I can choose to have a daily reprieve from self-destructive behavior.

I am willing to release all my fears.

I nurture my inner child, love her and have allowed her to heal.

Health and happiness are a lifestyle I cultivate as I free myself from my disordered eating patterns.

I am enough, just the way that I am.

I have everything I need within myself. I am whole on my own. It’s society that has convinced me that I am not.

I cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts.

I refuse to let the negative tape of self-pity trap me.

If a thought or belief does not serve me, I will let it go.

I like everything about myself.

I’m in charge of my life.

I am in control of my eating.

The only limitations I have are the ones I place on myself.

I am at peace with the Universe.

The process is worth the reward.

If I wait patiently, always preparing myself, I will someday be at the place I want to be.

I breathe, enjoy and ask for what I want. The rest unfolds as it is.

People are glad to support me.

The question I ask myself is not IF I should recover, but HOW I should recover.

I have unlimited choices in what I can think.

It’s okay for me to feel down sometimes. This doesn’t mean that I can’t get back up.

I am going to be a wonderful success in all my undertakings today.

Today I will abandon my destructive behaviors and start using behaviors that are good for me.

I respect myself.

Creativity is a blessing I accept.

I am not perfect and that is okay.

I exult in the success of others.

I forgive myself of any past mistakes and let go of all self-hatred and judgement.

Today I will do one small task that will contribute toward the achievement of my life goals.

My worth comes from inside of me, and I am inherently worthy.

Today I know I have the right to be alive, happy, and full of joy.

My life is just beginning, not ending.

I only eat to nourish my body.

Affirmations for eating disorders

I let go of everything, which I no longer need.

It’s okay for me to love myself!

I am finding my way in this new world.

My body is beautiful and I respect myself.

Relapses and negative thoughts are just minor setbacks, not failures.

I am a worthwhile person and deserve food to give me energy.

I value myself today. I value everything about me.

I am rooted in the soil of right action.

I can love.

I deserve to love and be loved.

I am strong; I will succeed in whatever I choose to.

Food is my friend, not my foe.

I am courageous and Independent.

I like myself today. I am aware of possibilities for improvement, but I don’t want to be anyone else.

I am quick-witted.

I am falling in love with life.

It is often easier to know what to do than to do it. Today I will do those things that strengthen my recovery.

I can get out of my rut and discover what interests me.

I keep my word to others.

I respect my body, and I’m going to give it the nourishment that it needs from me.

I am healthy.

I am a responsible and trustworthy person.

I am free to choose, and what I choose to do right now creates new memories. Today I choose to continue to do the very best. I let others help.

I ask for what I want.

Failure is not trying.

I will come out of this healing process stronger, healthier and wiser.

I am always in harmony with the Universe.

The process of recovery may be an epic one, but it’s worth it and I know it.

I am lovable.

I enjoy keeping food in my stomach after it is swallowed.

I am smart.

I follow my heart. I can trust it.

I share my tasks.

I am not in control of others, but I am in control of myself.

I release anger in harmless ways.

I trust the wisdom inside me.

I will let myself receive the healing I need.

I enjoy eating food.

I can forgive.

The qualities I admire in others, I have in myself.

My body deserves my love.

I have the power to heal.

Recovery may seem hard, the alternative is worse.

I say no when I feel it and mean it.

I enjoy eating food just once.

I make amends promptly with a steady presence.

I do not compare myself to others. We are all unique.

I am open to receive and welcome love.

I appreciate, love, and respect my body.

I will honor what it needs to grow emotionally and physically.

I can move away from self-defeating habits.

eating disorder quotes eating is not a crime

Affirmations to stop binge eating

I know who I am.

I can handle anything that comes up today.

I am open to the new hopes and dreams of today.

All of my feelings are valid.

I deserve to be healthy.

I am an honest person.

I am willing to take positive and healthy action today and my life is getting better.

I choose to deal with my emotions instead of burying them with food.

I will be gentle with myself if I get stuck.

Every day I am doing my best and accept myself without judgement.

Doing my best is success.

I feel lighter and better about myself when I do not procrastinate.

My body is whole and full.

People are glad to give me what I need.

Many things are possible if I accept that the fastest way is 1 step at a time.

I am loving and accepting of others and this creates lasting friendships for me.

Thoughts provoke action. I will think healthy thoughts to provoke healthier action.

I need never go back again.

I am creating opportunity.

I know how to care for myself.

I will persist until I succeed.

The more honest I am with those around me, the more love is returned to me.

It is ok to allow my feelings to be expressed and released.

I respect food.

I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe.

I contribute to the happiness of others.

Today I choose recovery.

The more things I plan to do, the more energy I will have.

I am responsible for my own actions and consequences.

I listen to others and learn.

I give myself permission to begin again with whatever I am trying to learn.

I have provided a harmonious place for myself and those I love.

I am willing to change. I love and approve of myself.

Give yourself some relief.Take the pressure off.

I forgive myself for all the hurts I have inflicted on myself.

I can refuse to think certain thoughts. I can also refuse to think a negative thought about myself.

I can learn how to be alone comfortably and creatively.

I will believe in myself.

I am beginning to accept myself more and more.

I express anger in appropriate ways so that peace and harmony are balanced at all times.

My past does not define me. All that matters is who I am today.

I trust my inner being to lead me in the right path.

I am not a burden when I ask for support.

People are glad to love me.

I appreciate and am grateful for all the help I get along the way as I try to stay on course.

I forgive everyone I believe has wronged me.

I am in charge of my own journey.

My health is an investment in my life.

My life is very important to me. I have the right to be happy.

I belong and I am good enough.

quotes about eating disorder demi levato

Affirmations for anorexia nervosa

I turn knowledge into positive action.

It is healthier to express myself clearly and directly.

I am free to be myself.

I follow up on my projects.

I take timely right action and engage in correct conduct.

Fears and doubts get smaller when I talk about them.

I am responsible for my own spiritual growth.

I am not finished growing, changing and evolving.

I am courageous and starting today I will stand up for myself.

I have abundant energy.

I am desirable.

I DO make a difference.

I will not label myself as my problem; I am not my eating disorder.

I let others in my life.

I will let myself ask for help if I’m afraid or uncertain.

I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.

Today I will make an effort to take one small step toward reaching one of my goals.

I deserve not to obsess about food and weight.

Love is eternal and ever-lasting.

I will spend less time looking in mirrors.

I am strong and calm.

I only eat healthy and nourishing food.

I am in control of my diet.

People are glad to accept me.

I love and accept myself.

I speak what I know from my heart.

As I go about my day, I will trust all my decisions.

I’m complete just the way I am.

I choose life.

I will not wait to have a good day. I will make one.

I honor my mind, my body and my spirit every day.

I am attractive.

I can cope with change today without turning to or away from food.

I share my goals.

Never give up for that is just the time and place the tide will turn.

All beings everywhere including myself are worthy of love, healthy, and happiness.

I will not allow the fear of what if to ruin the joy of what is.

I live in an endless sequence of now moments.

Timely right action and correct conduct are my only true protection.

I follow my bliss.

I stay on task: new tasks and old tasks.

I am grateful for the wellness resources that I have in my quest to be free of disordered eating.

I am free to take the journey of a lifetime.

I expect the best.

Moment to moment I choose true health.

I have courage to go forward: to meet the new day, to handle whatever confronts me.

If I let myself down by slipping into old habits, I can gently correct my course without feeling that I have failed.

I will look for the beauty in every problem I have to solve.

I am generous with my creativity, myself and others.

I only need to chew food in one sitting.

You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are BEAUTIFUL.

Affirmations for compulsive overeating

I am a child of God.

I am not the best or the worst. I am ME! And that is enough.

I will not punish myself for making mistakes or feeling down.

I say clearly and wholeheartedly my yes and no.

I gain energy from doing those things I choose to do rather than what I feel I have to.

I believe my deep knowing.

I love myself deeply and completely.

I am grateful for who I am.

I am strong, fierce and brave.

I am strong enough to face any challenges or adversity.

I have ample time to relax and enjoy life.

I accept only thoughts that support me and make me feel good.

Food is nourishing for my body.

I am free to see life in a new way.

Recovery requires action. I can actively change my behavior.

I control my thoughts.

I help others fulfill their goals.

I’m open to all possibilities.

I succeed where I put my efforts.

I am open and willing today to take a step forward in a new direction.

I am whole, complete and beautiful, just the way I am.

I want to be a positive and happy person.

The more I love, the more that love is returned to me.

I follow through.

I am beautiful.

I say “yes” only when I mean it.

I love myself enough to heal from my eating disorder. I am worth it. I will thrive and be healthy.

The more I love and respect myself, the more others will love and respect me.

I am at peace with myself.

I am getting better and better every day.

I create my experiences by my thoughts and feelings.

I am grateful for the support I have in my quest to be free of my eating disorder.

Forgiveness, tolerance and compassion. I move forward without hesitation.

I care for myself.

Balance is important, and I will respect my body by giving it balance.

I interact with new people.

I will accept happiness, because I deserve to be happy.

It’s up to me to define my own beauty.

I love.

I can change my attitudes towards the past.

I say “no” when I feel it and mean it.

Live for the moment.

I am confident in the workings of my mind.

I am trustworthy. I can rely on me.

I don’t need to do excessive exercising to deserve food.

A goal weight is an irrelevant number, and doesn’t speak of my health.

I eat for energy and nourishment.

I am prosperous and happy.

I have faith in my process of recovery.

There is no limit to what I can accomplish if I know the direction I am going and am willing to make the effort.

Affirmations for bulimia nervosa

My body deserves the best care possible and I commit fully to it.

I hang onto my humor. I don’t ask for permission, I just do it. I make everything fun!

My happiness does not depend on my weight or size, but on who I am and what I do.

I can trust myself to deal with whatever comes along whether good or not so good.

I am ready to heal my heart. I am deserving of this.

I allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day.

I delight in learning. I take classes and read books on subjects new to me.

I will love myself at this moment, and keep moving forward.

I am a forgiving and loving person.

I choose to stop eating comfort food.

I am in charge. I am responsible for the direction of my boat.

I am open.

I acknowledge all of my feelings because I am in touch with my feelings.

Today I am willing to assert my needs and feelings.

I contain my feelings, and think about what I am feeling and doing.

I am okay.

I am careful to honor my schedule and responsibilities.

I invite friends to join me in simple pleasures.

I am able because I think I am able.

Food is not the enemy. It is nurturing and healing.

I can open myself to the hopes and dreams of today.

Life is good.

I experience and express my emotions freely.

I choose to let go of all self-destructive patterns.

It is safe for me to be alive.It is safe for me to be me. I am good enough as I am. I trust myself.

I will take the time to honor and express my dreams.

I can allow myself to relax.

I deserve to recover. I am worth it. I can do it.

Whatever I am thinking right now is how I am feeling.

I turn to the positive and loving thoughts because I choose to feel good.

I release eating habit disorders and replace them with life-affirming healthy choices.

I cultivate the tools and treasures to help myself heal from my disordered eating patterns. I am worth it.

Today I am willing to focus, push forward, and go the distance.

I am thankful for my body and what it can do for me!

I keep my word to myself.

I respect my body.

I am the only person who thinks in my mind.

I am the power and authority in my world.

I make amends as soon as possible.

I will be gentle with myself. I am not alone in my problem, my powerlessness, or my search for a solution.

As I allow myself to feel my feelings, I heal them.

I will give myself the care and attention I need.

I will appreciate each way, no matter how small, I care for myself and my body.

I welcome all my feelings knowing they guide me to my true self.

I am not afraid of life. I believe that life is worth living and my belief helps create the fact.

I give myself respect and encouragement to grow as a kind and loving person.

I have faith in my ability to heal.

Criticism locks me into the very pattern I am trying to change.

I follow my honor.

I am learning to trust my instincts and move away from unpleasant and stressful people, places and things.

I will do what it takes.

I will reward myself often. When I accomplish a particular task and have gone through a grueling part of my healing process.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Affirmations for food addiction

I am kind to myself through the recovery process.

I release all destructive patters which do not serve me anymore.

I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

I trust in the process of life. I am always in the right place, doing the right things, at the right time. I love and approve of myself.

I offer what I know in terms people can understand.

I am thriving. The best is here for me to call into existence now.

I am honest with myself and others.

I will be patient, even in the midst of trouble.

I am capable of making healthy and positive decisions today.

When I fill my body with the good things I need – rest, proper nutrition, satisfying work, loving and caring, my effectiveness.

I am creative and innovative.

Today I am going to spend more time looking for all the positive things about myself.

I follow my heart and listen to my instincts.

To be upset over what I don’t have is to waste what I do have.

When I feel too much stress, I will give myself a break and let my body start soaking up some healing energy.

In my own unique way, I am a genius.

I am attracting the right situations and people into my life that will help me heal.

Taking the time to honor the needs of my body is taking the time to respect the needs of my soul.

I will take the time to notice what’s right in me, in others, and in the world around me.

I have everything that I need to take care of myself inside of me.

I cannot see the outcome of the journey, but I can take the next step.

I will see myself doing all the things I would like to do.

I am unique and loving, loved, and free.

My strength comes from forgiveness of those who hurt me.

I can choose exactly what I want to do to change how I am feeling.

I can speak up for myself.

I appreciate the progress I am making in caring for myself.

I move beyond old limitations.

My opinions are worthwhile and deserve to be heard.

Courage grows as we use it.

I feel love for the joy of being alive!

My body gives me so much, and keeps me alive.

I am grateful to wake up in the morning alive and alert, free of the aftereffects of a binge.

One step at a time. That is how I will get to where I am going.

I can let go of shame.

I have the courage and power to go through whatever life unfolds for me.

I let go of everything that no longer serves me.

My body needs me to nourish it so that I can live a happy life.

Today I dare to look within to see what is keeping me stuck.

I deserve only success.

I will not listen to the negative thoughts. I CAN beat this.

I trust that the waiting part of change is necessary. I trust my desire for change is the beginning of change.

No person, place, thing, or thought has power over me.

Today I choose to do things that make me feel good about myself.

I will begin taking better care of myself that I ever have before.

I feel amazing when I’m happy and healthy.

I say yes only when I mean it.

I know that one step at a time I am making progress today. I am grateful for my growth even if it is not always obvious.

I am filled with the Love of the Universal Divine Truth.

What I eat or how much I weigh does not define who I am.

Affirmations for overeating

My faith will keep me going through those moments in between steps.

I choose to be positive about my future.

I discard outmoded relationships including any relationship with myself that is no longer relevant to my improving life.

I will beat eating disorder!

As I trust my feelings and act on them, I feel powerful and alive.

I am humble.

I am more than just a number on a scale.

I can create a new life for myself, today and everyday.

I take adequate action.

I am a worthwhile person, deserving of love.

This is a new and wonderful day for me; there will never be another day like this one.

I am the power in my world. I get to have whatever I choose.

I love and approve of all of me — even those qualities I thought were not good enough.

I am proud of myself for all I have accomplished, no matter how small or how great.

There are literally billions of thoughts I can choose to think.

I create my good and my freedom with loving thoughts.

I am doing the best I can with the understanding, awareness and knowledge I have.

I choose to be happy, healthy, and in harmony with my body, mind, and spirit.

I know what I know.

Today I dare to openly express my need and find healthy ways to get them met.

I will use my experience to help others who are going through the same thing.

I am paid very well in money and respect.

The only thing that I need to change is my mindset.

I am playful and competent.

I live my life for myself and not others.

I trust my own process.

I choose to let go of my eating disorder and replace it with a healthy diet.

Today I am willing to let go of all the negative tapes that I hear that block me from recovery.

I am enough.

One day at a time. One step at a time. I will create a vibrant life.

I can find peace in myself.

I manage large and small sums of money well.

I am worthy of love from myself and from others.

I am trustworthy, I can rely on myself.

I can keep calm no matter what.

I am lean, sexy and strong.

I am a good age to be.

I love myself and choose to nourish my body with healthy choices.

I will dwell on the positive affirmations and things in my life and they will become my aspiration.

I am more than a number on the scale.

My body is my home, and I’m going to take care of it.

I am powerful now and powerfully connected to myself.

I matter and what I have to offer this world matters.

I will not let others interfere with my steady resolve to live a full, useful, and productive day.

I am safe and always feel protected.

I am creative.

I am naturally beautiful when I am myself.

I am capable of letting go of all the negativity that is standing in the way of me feeling good about myself.

I enjoy eating healthy food.

I am getting better and better in every way.

You deserve the place you have in this world. Do not let the eating disorder take that from you.

Affirmations for purging disorder

The rest unfolds as it is.

I can make good choices that serve me.

I enjoy the colors, smells, and feel of life around me.

I stay on task.

I can have urges. I may also choose not to act on them.

I will seek out people who empower me. And during those times when they are not around, I will know that I can empower myself.

I have no fear because everything will work out in the end.

Everyday I become stronger and healthier.

I can live creatively if I can accept my anxiety and am willing to experience butterflies in my stomach from time to time.

Wherever possible I turn negatives into positives.

Lots of foods taste good. I know I have to eat to be healthy- why not eat things I enjoy?

I am not afraid of making mistakes.

I can watch my negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts of love and compassion.

I am worthy of true health and happiness. I choose to be free of disordered eating patterns that up until now have cause me pain and suffering.

I am able to use my time wisely now to work or have fun.

I will put a stop to any self-talk that does not make me feel good about myself.

I let others know my life.

I will not be hard on myself today.

Today I am glad to be ME!

I attract healthy, honest people into my life.

Food has no power over me.

Today I will seek out things that are fun to do.

I explore where my creativity and bliss lead me.

I love my friends and family.

I believe I deserve love.

I am courageous and from today I will stand up for myself.

Today is the day that I choose to love myself more than than I choose to continue with my up until now disorder eating patterns.

I deserve to be happy and I deserve to fulfill my dreams.

List Of Positive Affirmations To Deal With Eating Disorders

Though no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.

I trust people to be here for me.

Every day I am getting stronger and healthier.

I choose to create peace in my mind, my body and my world. All is well.

Either I find a way, or I will make one.

I no longer need to spend large blocks of time obsessing.

I accept other people’s way of using their personally developed healing and sustaining tools.

I no longer stay in situations that bring me unhappiness and pain.

I will no longer accept the unacceptable ways of living that do not work for me.

I am my own best friend, and I’ll be the best friend that I can be to myself.

I have given myself permission to be at one with the Universe.

It is ok to make mistakes.

I don`t deal with stress or anxiety by snacking.

I let go of my past and create a new healthy future in this present moment.

I cannot control or change others, but I can change myself.

I use anxiety to create.

I am at peace with all those around me.

I have the power to create joy by choosing what feels good for me.

There is a purpose and value to each day of my life.

One power we all have is the ability to redefine what we believe. I can learn to see things in a different way.

I tolerate others’ anger and disappointment. I maintain the relationship and my course of action.

Understanding and respecting my limits, I can learn to say no to what might jeopardize my serenity and well-being.

Affirmations for rumination disorder

Live life, don’t just merely exist.

I know when to let go and move on.

I will go about my life doing what I believe is right and hold fast to my beliefs.

When I am required to exhibit strength it comes.

How I feel about myself has nothing to do with what I eat or don’t eat.

I can become the person I want to be.

I love life and my body and only fill it with good things.

I honor my integrity and the integrity of others.

I have the power to stop eating when I want to.

Today I can bring awareness to my self-talk and replace all the negative thoughts with positive thoughts as soon as they appear in my mind.

I will love and appreciate myself.

I will never please everyone and that is ok.

All beings including myself deserve nourishment and well-being.

My size does NOT determine who I am.

I think the thoughts that will produce happiness in this situation.

Every day I fill my body and soul with positive energy.

I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me, including myself.

I am free.

Maybe I am where I am today for a reason other than I thought. Maybe the first thing to do is cleanse my past and heal my heart.

I breathe, enjoy, am honest, listen, learn, ask for what I want, follow my bliss and my honor.

I find my learning.

I am courageous and today I will stand up for myself.

Courage unifies me.

I am a survivor and I am a warrior. I don’t need my eating disorder to be good enough.

Where I am at the moment is perfect. My past is my friend as I take the lessons that I can learn from it and say thank you.

I am honest to myself and other people.

I am not at a dead end. I am reaching a new beginning.

I choose to listen to what my body needs.

I learn more about my value and inner life every day.

I am learning and growing and loving myself more, every single day.

I happily nourish my body and receive full satisfaction from moderate meals.

I deserve love and respect as I am.

My friends and family love me. I am free to choose. Everything I am and everything I become is under my control.

One step at a time. That is how I will get where I’m going.

My inner vision is always clear and focused.

Many opportunities to make choices will arise today. I can be thoughtful and make choices that will lead to my greater wholeness.

I am doing better than I think.

I listen to my body and only eat when I am really hungry.

Affirmations for night eating syndrome

Anger hurts more than the person I feel rage toward. I will let go and move on. Life is too valuable to get stuck.

I will make a list of five good qualities about myself, and I will remind myself of these qualities when I begin to feel badly about my body or my weight.

I am winning by doing this exercise.

I am temperate and courteous.

People are glad to be with me.

I share my dreams.

I create opportunities.

Today I am breaking out of old patterns and rewriting old tapes.

If I enviously compare myself to others, I am bound to come up short.

I choose to make the best of what I am, I am brave, and I will survive.

I accept and experience all of my feelings.

I consciously and effectively use my tools to help myself heal from disordered eating patterns.

Calories won't kill you, but your eating disorder will.

Affirmations for pica

I tolerate my feelings, think, decide and then act or not act in the best interest of all concerned, caring for myself and my loved ones.

I stand up for what I believe.

It is safe for me to be powerful without my eating disorder.

I am strong. I have the power. I can decide.

I create my future in now moments.

I read aloud from my Triumpant Journey Journal and accept all my experiences as valid.

I am clear and calm.

I shift from a limiting mental state to a limitless mental state easily and consistently.

I happily nourish my body and receive full satisfaction from moderate meals daily.

I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life.

The process of recovery may be challenging, but it’s worth it and I know it.

I am in charge of my life.

I deserve to treat my body with respect.

If I don’t fuel a bad mood by binge/purge/restrict, I have a better chance of getting over it quickly.

Through recognizing and acknowledging my blocks, I release and clear them.

Choosing positive thoughts and making positive choices fill me with new strength, confidence and excitement.

I attend to practical, concrete matters.

I am overcoming negativity and building a positive attitude toward myself.

I am worthy of love.

I am at one with the inner child in me.

I am beautiful, lovable, happy, and healthy.

I get adequate rest, exercise and nourishment.

Binge eating affirmations

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