176 Biblical Affirmations To Transform Your Life


When we feel lost, we often turn to God and find comfort in his words.

Throughout thousands of years, the Bible has been a source of inspiration and guidance.

But as time passes on, we sometimes lose our focus on what’s important in life.

We forget who we are and our purpose in this world.

Biblical affirmations are statements that can help you live a life filled with joy and contentment.

These ancient affirmations come from the Bible and have been used for hundreds of years to encourage, uplift, and inspire people.

The following list will give you some biblical affirmations that you can use in your daily life, starting right now!


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are simple phrases that you say to yourself several times a day, in order to reprogram and realign your thoughts and beliefs towards a positive direction.

When used consistently over time, they can help you reach your goals — personal, professional, or spiritual — significantly faster.

Is it a sin to say affirmations?

it’s not a sin to say affirmations, but the real question is whether or not the content of what you’re saying is sinful.

It’s important to remember that most things are permissible, but not beneficial (1 Corinthians 6:12). So, if what you’re saying is true, and not harmful in any way, there’s no reason why it would be sinful.

However, if what you’re saying isn’t true, or could potentially be harmful to someone (even just yourself), then it’s something that would be best avoided.

The Bible tells us that God is the one who will supply all our needs—so if we try to take control of things ourselves by speaking things that aren’t true, we’re trying to usurp God’s authority and do His job for Him.

Are affirmations alone enough to change your life?

Positive affirmations are a tool that you can utilize to change your mindset about the way you approach and look at things. Does that mean your life will instantly change for the better and that you will achieve all your dreams?

Sorry, the answer is no.

You will still need to put in the effort and take action, and affirmations are simply your motivation to do so.

Difference between positive affirmations and biblical affirmations

There isn’t a whole lot of difference, to be honest.

Both are ways for you to introduce more positivity into your life and develop the kind of mindset to help you to live up to your full potential.

The main difference is that biblical affirmations are typically formed and rooted in the word of God.

They are based upon Biblical truths.

Christian affirmations rely on the strength of God and will further anchor your faith in Him.

How to write your own Christian affirmations/Biblical affirmations?

Read through the Bible and you will easily find inspiration for what you wish to affirm.

It could be to overcome anxiety, improve your sense of self worth, or simply to be happier.

When you have your intention set, you may choose a verse in the Bible that is personal to guide you.

For example, I am living a life designed by God to bear fruit, which can be found in John 15:1 and 5.

You may then create your own biblical affirmation such as “I am competent and God has equipped me to be my best self”.

List of Biblical Affirmations To Decree Over Your Life

In the section below, you will find a list of biblical affirmations to help you get started.

They are mostly influenced by verses in the bible, and here are some for your reference:

Colossians 3:12

2 Timothy 1:7

John 15:9

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Ephesians 2:8-9

Luke 1:37

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Philippians 4:6

You can use the following affirmations as they are or use them as a reference to form your own.

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Daily biblical affirmations

I am created in the image of God, the image of perfection.

My soul finds joy in God.

I can see beauty in everything.

God is my strength and my shield.

It’s okay to feel weak.

When I’m weak, then I’m strong.

God makes me strong.

I give generously.

God wants me to prosper in all things.

I am worth more than rubies.

I am strong and courageous.

I am forgiven and set free from the weight of shame, guilt, regret and self-condemnation.

I will seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness.

I am not defined by my accomplishments today or what I don’t accomplish.

He will order His angels to protect me wherever I go.

As I follow Jesus and walk in his Way of Holiness, gladness and joy overtake me.

God had me in mind before I was born.

I am loved by God.

Be still, my heart.

Nothing is impossible with God.

Christian morning affirmations

I will live this day surrendered to God rather than trying to control people, time, and circumstances.

God provides the refuge and shelter my soul seeks.

God has given me every spiritual tool I need to overcome the enemy’s arrows of discouragement, discord and disbelief.

When I am overwhelmed, God alone knows the way I should turn.

I can do hard things today because God is my strength.

I trust the Lord will make all things new.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ends.

I surrender my worries to God who cares for me.

My steps are established by God.

God makes my path straight.

The cross of Christ is my power.

I will not give up.

I am blessed.

I find joy in God’s mercy.

I hear the voice of Jesus, my Good Shepherd, who leads and guides me with love.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

I live confidently and without worry each day.

God has never left me, and he will carry me my entire life.

God always saves me.

My life has been rescued by Jesus.

I believe in endless possibilities.

God listens to me.

I am thankful for the life I have.

God goes with me in whatever this day holds.

I am complete in God.

All is well today because I am held by the Almighty God of the universe who calls me his beloved.

I give forgiveness to others just as God freely gives me His forgiveness and grace.

God is my healer.

I am safe and in control.

God will never leave me or abandon me.

I can overcome any obstacle with God.

Biblical affirmations for self esteem

I will put on the full armor of God everyday.

I am safe as God is watching over me.

God’s Spirit makes me powerful, not fearful.

I trust my intuition and know God’s love and Spirit guide’s me.

I will not be moved.

I wholeheartedly believe my prayers are heard.

I am encouraging and spreading kindness to others.

I walk by faith.

I am a daughter of the king.

God comforts me in all tribulations.

I am God’s masterpiece.

I can bravely face this day and any difficulty because Christ’s grace is more than enough and will sustain me.

God’s mercy won’t abandon me.

I choose joy today as the gift of God. I choose to find joy and to live fully in it.

I am growing in His image with each challenge I face.

I have nothing to fear because the Lord is always with me.

God rescues me from trouble.

I am remarkably made.

Christian affirmations for self love

I am beloved by God more fully than I could ever imagine.

I have been released from the pressure to perform, because I have been saved by grace.

God chose me to parent my child and God has the wisdom, insight, love and patience I need to parent my child well.

I am loved and cherished.

I am Jesus’ friend. He loves me so much that He willingly laid down His life for me.

I will not be shaken.

My past does not define me.

My faith makes me whole in spirit, soul and body.

I am always on God’s mind.

I am experiencing real Life as Jesus intended.

I love and respect myself for who I am right now.

God will perfect what he has started in my life.

My soul only waits in God.

I am the daughter of the King.

I am chosen, holy, and dearly loved.

God has given this day and therefore, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

God is my eternal light.

God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.

I represent the light of christ; I shine wherever I go.

I have been set free from the bondage of sin.

God has significant purpose for me in this day.

Even my mundane tasks have eternal impact.

I am chosen by God.

I am clothed with strength and dignity.

God is only ever good and God does good; God has good for me in this day.

I will not fear evil.

God is my helper.

I am fully accepted by God.

I am a part of something larger than myself.

When I am weak, I am strong.

I am victorious in Christ.

I trust God.

The Lord equips me for every good deed and lavishes His grace upon me.

Biblical affirmations for women

God answers my prayers.

I have hope and a future in the Lord.

I am braver and stronger than I think.

I am worthy, I am enough, I am loved.

I have found life in God.

God covers me with his feathers; I find refuge under his wings.

God has the wisdom I need for the decisions I’m facing.

I can take things one step at a time.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am open to all the ways God wants to bless me.

I am competent and God has equipped me for every good work.

I keep promises to myself as God gives me a spirit of self control.

I love my wife and will lay down my life to serve her.

God will make my dreams come true.

I have the power of God working inside of me.

My heart and mind have peace.

God is not punishing me; he is fighting on my behalf.

I will not be led astray: God is always guiding me.

Pain is my friend. I rejoice in suffering because Christ suffered for me.

I have permission to do what I need to take care of the body God has given me.

Because I believe in God and in Jesus, trouble leaves my heart.

I will unashamedly live for God, not man.

Daily positive Christian affirmations

I am blessed with every spiritual blessing.

I am sufficient in God.

When my heart condemns me, I rest in God’s presence knowing that He does not condemn me.

God knows my needs for this day and has the perfect sufficiency to meet my needs.

God is intentional with my life; all things are working for my good.

I am a patient mom, gentle and loving through all circumstances.

I will not be ashamed.

Nothing is impossible for me.

God is always present in my life.

I trust in God’s timing.

There is no room for fear in God’s perfect love for me.

I have everything I need to flourish.

Fear does not hold me captive.

Christian affirmations for healing

God hears me and answers me when I call to Him.

I am forgiven.

God comforts my anxiety.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I am thankful for the gift of a new day.

God has chosen me.

I give thanks to God because he is good and his love endures forever.

No matter what I go through, God’s glory will be revealed through my life.

I can be content today no matter what because Christ alone grounds me, satisfies me and blesses me.

I have exactly what I need in my life as God is my provider.

I trust that God is my good shepherd and that today he will lead me on paths of righteousness for his namesake.

I live by faith, not by sight.

God is with me always, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

God will keep me in perfect peace.

My heart is happy.

best daily biblical affirmations

Biblical affirmations for peace

I am not who I once was; I am forgiven.

God is able to do immeasurably more in my life than I could ever imagine.

I have been uniquely designed for a purpose.

I surrender my anxiety to God, knowing His peace will guard my heart and mind.

With God, all things are possible.

I guard my heart because it determines the course of my life.

I take comfort in belonging to God.

Affirmations for Christian woman

God has given me everything I need to live in the way He wants me to live.

I am set free of all things that held me back.

My voice is heard by God.

God will guide me forever.

I will be guided continually.

I will trust in God.

I am heard by God.

All things are working for my good.

God heals my wounds.

I open my heart and accept Christ’s healing peace.

I have a future filled with hope.

God has great plans for my life.

I will enjoy the good in my life.

Christian affirmations for positive thinking

I will not be afraid, because God is right here with me, holding my hand.

He will strengthen me and help me.

I trust God’s purpose and plan for my life.

I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.

God has fully and completely redeemed me.

I am adopted by God into His royal family.

I find rest in God.

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