Most people seem to be quite undecided about playing the lottery, associating it with bad habits and something of a scam since the banker always wins.

However, there’s another group who believes they have the luck and good fortune to be the winner and change their lives forever. .

In this post, we will be sharing the best affirmations for winning the lottery to give you an edge..

We do not encourage gambling, and if you choose to do so, we highly recommend that you play within your limits and not let yourself get into deeper troubles than you should.

One ironic thing about people buying the lottery is that they seem to be quite negative.

They use words like “I will never win big”, “When will it ever be my turn?”.

Negative thinking breeds negative behavior, so it is our hope that we can help people change their mindsets and become more positive in life.

While we cannot guarantee that you will win the lottery, we can assure you that by reciting positive affirmations daily, you can experience positive changes in your life. 

258 Best Affirmations For Winning The Lottery

Ways To Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery

affirmations for winning the lottery
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

If you are just blindly throwing your money at every and any bet you can find, you probably do not have much success at this point in time.

To increase your chances of winning the lottery, there are a few tips that might help you out.

  • Choosing the right game to play. Find out which games offer higher odds with the same amount you use. 
  • Buying a single lottery. Instead of spreading your investment across many different lotteries, consolidate them and go for just one lottery instead to increase your odds. 
  • Have a look at discarded tickets. One man’s pain is another man’s gain. Sometimes, people discard their tickets accidentally. There is no harm in picking up some when you are queueing. You never know when luck is shining on you.

List Of Lottery Affirmations That Work

The following list is a collection of all the best lottery affirmations we have created and are there to help you build up a winning mentality and positive attitude towards money.

To become financially secure and free is a dream for many, and winning the lottery might be your ticket to it.

So it is very important that you imagine this scene and think about how your life will become when you win the lottery and live a dream life.

You can also provide for your close friends and family, which is an amazing achievement.

There are several situations that people go through while playing the lottery, and you are likely to find an affirmation below that resounds to you.

Affirmations to win the lottery

Major cash windfalls are coming to me.

My belief in a big amount lottery win is getting stronger every time I play.

Winning the lottery is something I will just naturally do.

I deserve to win millions of dollars.

My mind vibrates in sync with the universal abundance.

Life is a grand adventure and I am a big player.

I am a force to be reckoned with.

Everyone sees me as someone naturally lucky.

My confidence grows greater every day.

I am going to win the lottery and live the life of my dreams.

I work smart in all things that I do.

I am generous in my life.

I set up and generate money-making systems.

I have financial freedom.

I will do good things with the money I win from the lottery.

I fully expect to make big money one way or another.

I think big.

I can win the lottery.

I regularly win the lottery.

I always expect to win and approach everything with a positive attitude.

I have the belief and luck to consistently win when I play the lottery.

I make things happen in my life.

Others see me as a person who will win the lottery.

I am successful in numerous business opportunities.

My mind is in harmony with the power of universal luck.

I deserve big money.

I am grateful for all the luck and blessings I receive from the Universe.

I am a winner.

I appreciate the infinite power of the universe.

I am a winner in life.

Cash windfalls are coming my way.

Winning the lottery will be a true blessing for me and those I help.

I’ll make donations to noble causes with my lottery winnings.

I am a giver.

My life is filled with an abundance of riches.

I am unstoppable.

I am deeply connected to the universal force of luck.

I desire to win the lottery. I am sure about winning.

It is extremely easy for me to win the lottery.

The floodgates of wealth flow freely through me.

I deserve to win Euromillions, Lotto, Powerball, MegaJackpot.

When I win the lottery I will share a portion with those less fortunate.

I am sure about winning the lottery.

I’m going to use my intuition to pick the lottery winning numbers.

I believe in the infinite power of the universe to manifest big wins in my life.

I will totally focus on winning the lottery.

My network of successful contacts grows greater by the day.

I am a money magnet.

I am creating massive abundance in my life.

I flow with positive energy.

I am affirmations to win the lottery

I am a manifestation master.

I feel like I’m going to win the lottery.

I am grateful for all the riches coming into my life.

I always pick winning numbers effortlessly.

Every day I am getting closer and closer to achieving my goal.

I am lucky in all things.

I am financially free.

I can attract a massive abundance.

Others see me as a person who is naturally lucky at winning the lottery.

I learn the secrets of the wealthy.

I am an abundance-attracting magnet.

Massive cash windfalls are coming my way.

Wealth is pouring into my life!

I strongly believe that I can win the lottery.

I look on the positive side of all things.

I deserve big lottery wins.

I am deserving of any and all lottery wins that I get.

Great things are flowing into my life.

I am now manifesting a big lottery win.

I am visualizing myself winning the lottery.

I spread love and happiness to others.

I look forward to helping others with my massive wealth.

I believe that I can win the lottery.

I receive big money from a variety of different sources.

I don’t sit back and wait for things to happen, I make them happen.

The universe is sending infinite amounts of good fortune my way.

I will play and win the lottery regularly.

Others see me as someone who is just naturally lucky all the time.

I can hit it big in a number of different ways.

I am rich in body, mind, and spirit.

Cash windfalls are flooding into my life.

The Universe blesses me with opportunities.

I’m starting to deeply feel that I’m going to win the lottery.

I copy the success strategies of those who have made it.

I attract great things to me.

I know that I can get what I want.

I fully expect to and deserve all cash windfalls that come my way.

I naturally attract good luck and money.

I attract luck everywhere I go.

I network with the rich and famous.

I will use positive thinking and belief to easily pick winning numbers.

I let the infinite abundance of the universe rain down on me.

I have the Midas touch.

It is easy for me to win a big amount of money.

The universe blesses me with vast riches.

Winning the lottery will be a great experience.

I attract good fortune in my life.

Picking the winning number is natural to me.

I can manifest money instantly.

I desire to win the lottery.

It’s such a great feeling to be a millionaire.

Mega millions lottery affirmations

I deserve to win big on the lottery.

I can create the life of my dreams.

I naturally attract luck and money.

I see myself living the life of my dreams.

I deeply believe I can win the lottery.

Others see me as a very lucky person.

Life has wonderful things in store for me.

I am happy to see my lottery numbers winning.

Blessings are coming to me abundantly.

My life is filled with joy and happiness.

I take action to get what I want.

I am flooded with wisdom and wealth.

I am deserving and worthy of all the good fortune that comes to me.

I am the kind of person who is always winning money in the lottery.

I strongly believe that I can win the lottery when I play it.

I am empowered to win the lottery.

I am destined to win huge amounts of money in the lottery.

Feeling the lucky numbers are getting easier and easier for me.

It’s easy for me to visualize myself winning great amounts of money.

I deserve to win the lottery.

I have won the lottery.

I win big.

I pray it, I believe it, I see it.

I see myself holding and cashing a winning lottery ticket.

Winning the lottery is to be expected.

Picking winning numbers comes easily to me.

Riches are flooding into my life.

My mind is connected with the positive power of luck.

I’m visualizing myself winning the lottery.

My mind is totally focused on picking winning lottery numbers.

My mind is clear and focused.

When I win the lottery I will not be surprised.

Use Your Subconscious Mind to Win Lottery

I always choose winning numbers.

I give myself permission to win the lottery.

Sensing the lucky lottery number comes naturally to me.

I find it easy to win large amounts of money.

Being naturally lucky, I attract money and win the lottery.

My mind is perfectly tuned in to picking winning lottery numbers.

With every passing moment, I am becoming more attuned to the reality of winning the lottery.

I welcome more and more cash into my life.

I am picking the winning numbers.

Winning the jackpot is something that will happen to me naturally.

My smart work is greatly rewarded.

I am a go-getter.

I’m luckier every day.

I will look after my family and friends with the money I win in the lottery.

I am destined to become rich.

I use the secrets of the wealthy to transform my life.

I am a lottery winner.

My life is filled with love and light.

Win the lottery affirmations

I am a thriving, winning, and wealthy person.

I go after big wins in my life.

I expect big money to come to me.

I take charge of my thoughts and feelings and will attract good fortune whenever I play a lottery game.

I am grateful for all the unexpected blessings in my life.

My family is so happy for me.

My life is filled with big win after big win.

I’m going to win the lottery and live the life of my dreams.

I am beginning to feel deeply that I will win the lottery.

I’m attracting a big prize in the lottery.

It is my destiny to win the lottery.

I will use my intuition to choose the winning lottery numbers.

I can manifest anything I want.

It is easy to become a lottery winner. I know how to deal with money.

I deserve to win the lottery.

Everything I touch turns into gold.

I expect to hit the lottery.

I am the artist of my life.

Winning the lottery is something that comes naturally in me.

I am receiving a big amount of money.

I take charge of my thoughts and feelings to attract good fortune in my life.

I am the kind of person who naturally attracts winning the lottery.

Lady luck is on my side.

I have a deep connection with the universal force of good luck.

My mind is totally focused and clear.

Choosing winning numbers comes naturally to me.

The universe is sending massive abundance my way.

Luck is always on my side.

My life is filled with one success after another.

Massive money is coming my way.

I will win the lottery.

I play the lottery and expect to hit big wins.

I work smart to create the life of my dreams.

I am a natural-born lottery winner.

I am the kind of person who’s always winning money in the lottery.

I am extremely lucky in matters of money and winning the lottery.

It is my destiny to win millions of dollars in the lottery.

I am ready to change my attitude and beliefs about the lottery.

I am naturally lucky, I attract money and win the lottery.

Win the Powerball Lottery Affirmations

I’m going to win the lottery.

I am constantly on the lookout for new opportunities.

I find it easy to visualize myself winning massive amounts of money.

The universe rewards my generosity.

I believe that all things are possible.

I am successful in numerous investments.

I believe in myself.

I am ready to receive a large amount of money.

I see myself cashing a winning lottery ticket.

My belief in winning the lottery is getting stronger.

I can manifest big cash wins.

My lottery numbers are the winning numbers.

I am rich in soul and body.

I am a born lottery winner.

My mind is becoming more attuned to the reality of winning the lottery.

I am very grateful for winning the lottery.

I work to manifest the life of my dreams.

My soul is an abundance magnet.

I am rich.

I fully expect great things to happen in my life.

I attract all sorts of good fortune.

I believe deeply that I can win the lottery.

Each day I attract more luck into my life.

I’m mentally prepared to win the jackpot today.

I’m destined to win great amounts of money.

I am destined to be a lottery winner and know I will win.

My belief in a lottery win is growing stronger.

I am always lucky in winning money in the lottery.

I am destined to be a lottery winner.

The universe wants to send wealth and riches my way.

I am extremely lucky.

I always pick the winning numbers.

Even the lottery comes through for me.

I can hit it big in the lottery.

I deserve to be rewarded with great wealth.

I am so grateful to the Universe for letting me win the lottery.

I am a lottery jackpot winner.

I always pick winning numbers with ease.

The universe wants to send me cash windfalls.

I now attract the winning lottery numbers.

I Am Lottery Affirmations

I am very lucky.

I am drawing big wins to me.

I am a magnet attracting all good things to me.

I’m going to use the positive thought and the belief of getting easily the winning numbers.

I see myself living the rich life.

I give myself many opportunities to win big in life.

Sensing lucky numbers is becoming easier.

I am a big player in the game of life.

My mind is effortlessly clear, focused, and in tune with the universal force of luck.

I can win lotteries.

I can manifest anything into my life.

I am worthy of having more wealth.

I am visualizing to attract a big lottery win.

I am grateful for everything in my life.

I naturally attract luck and win the lottery.

I am a wealth magnet.

The universe blesses me with good fortune.

I deserve a fantastic life filled with fantastic things.

I ask for great things to come into my life and expect them to happen.

Massive abundance is flooding into my life.

I deserve to have millions of dollars sent my way.

My family is enjoying the rewards of my winnings.

Money comes to me easily and harmoniously.

I will become totally focused on winning the lottery.

I am destined to be a winner.

I am firmly determined to win the lottery.

I gratefully receive cash windfalls no matter where they come from.

I am attracting a big lottery win.

I am so grateful for winning the lottery.

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