200+ Affirmations To Trust The Process | Trust Yourself!

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In this crazy world, it can be hard to trust yourself, let alone others.

This series was created to help you navigate it and in the process, learn to trust yourself, others, and life. Be sure to read on and watch the video for affirmations for trust.

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Affirmations for Trusting Yourself ep1

List of the 51 Affirmations For Trust in episode 1

I have everything I need to reach my goals

I am now focused on my goals

I believe in my power to achieve anything I desire

I am making a difference in my life

I am determined and motivated to succeed

I let go of anger towards others

I take full responsibility for where I am in life

My life is moving toward positive directions

I break down the walls of artificial constraints

My self belief is increasing

I know that the greatest potential for change comes from inside my mind

I refuse to be manipulated

I am ready to take action and live with courage

I refuse to give up on myself

I call the shots and make my decisions

I am brave enough to take action when i see an opportunity

I am able to do all kinds of things without judging myself

Today it is okay to try again

I choose who I share my goals and dreams with

I am a special person with gifts not given to anyone else

I am able to adapt to changes in my life used my past experience to understand myself better

Today I give myself permission to get enough sleep

I always live with compassion for all including myself

Today I give myself permission to explore something I feel hesitant about

I love taking action on my goals

I forgive myself for all of my mistakes

I finish what I start

I do have strength

I am worthy to achieve my goals

I avoid people who undermine my self-trust

Today is magnificent

I am feeling good about myself

I trust myself to make decisions

I am letting go of wasted energy as I allow my true light to shine

I am letting go of present-day doubts

I am always enough

I embrace a life that allows me to be me

I honor my commitments to myself

I enjoy expanding my comfort zone

I am transforming into a confident individual who can achieve anything

I commit to trust myself

I make a decision and then take immediate action on it

I am aware of my biases and shortcomings

I am in charge of my life decisions

Today I do one thing to show myself that I care truly and deeply about my well being

Success comes easily to me

Whatever I am working towards, I know I will see results in time

I am a hard worker and my work makes a difference

I believe in my decision-making ability

I believe that what I want is important

Affirmations for Trusting Yourself ep2

List of the 52 Affirmations For Trust in episode 2

I compare myself only to my highest self

I know my needs

Today I only say kind things to myself

I am never alone as I am always loved and supported

I stay focused on the next step

I manage my thoughts and actions more consciously

I am free to move, to decide, and to design my own life

i learned to go with the flow

I focus on taking each step positively

Today I find joy in healthful foods and plenty of water

I respect myself and I ask that others respect me too

Trusting myself is easy for me

I am breaking out of old cycles

I believe the universe is filled with abundance and I deserve my share

Things are unfolding perfectly for me

I feel proud when I look at myself in the mirror

Change comes from my own internal resources

I cannot control others opinions and actions

My time is a gift that I spend carefully

I make the most out of all situations

I spend my energy more and more positively

Good things are happening for me

I make good decisions

I pursue my goals with discipline and dedication

I am thankful for my self belief

I am worthy, strong, courageous, powerful and capable

I believe in my worth as a person

I avoid second-guessing my choices, decisions and actions

I trust myself with my goals

I can only control how I choose to react

I simply aim to be better at my strengths

I do no harm to any living thing

I am capable of reaching any goal I set my mind to

Today I am fully me

Today I respect myself my body, mind, and spirit

My time is valuable and I choose who to give my time to

Today it is okay to fail

I live in peace and compassion with everyone

I take responsibility to be the best person I can be

Today I embrace the possibilities for growth that are all around me

I love myself unconditionally and respect myself deeply

I take on important decisions that I may have delayed or avoided

I congratulate myself

I live up to my own standards

I revoke the permission to ever doubt myself and my worth again

I stop questioning everything i do

I free myself of other silent or explicit expectations

I believe I can accomplish anything

I feel tension dissolving as I accept myself

I believe I can learn from my past mistakes and grow

I am easing into my fullest potential

I let go of blaming others

Affirmations for Trusting Yourself ep3

List of the 52 Affirmations For Trust in episode 3

I take responsibility to create the best life for myself

Today I wear what feels right to me

I balance going for goals with time for rest and rejuvenation

I will succeed in my work

I am open to asking for help when needed

I have confidence in myself

I am in touch with my true self

It is my responsibility to use my gifts for good

I respect the difference of opinions

I feel quiet confidence radiating from my core

Negative people in my life simply fade away

I know that positive change is one step at a time, one day at a time

I free myself from holding on to resentment and bitterness

I am a firm believer of my your talents and capabilities

I am growing more every day

Today I remind myself that life is not always easy and that is ok

I have limitless confidence in my abilities

I am ready to release past pain

I believe in my present hard work

I am an awesome person

I am unique

I forgive others to free myself

I give equal value to my own feelings

today I take stock of all the things in my life which no longer fits

I am in control of my decisions

I am driven, passionate, and ready to succeed

I accept my gifts and I use them to my advantage

I am energized by seeing my goals as complete

I follow my own true purpose with clarity of mind

I am well prepared for any situation

I accept myself

I respect my body

Today I release these old tired things and behaviour

I simply use my past to learn more and make better choices for the future

I remember to give myself time to rest

I am worthy of putting myself first

Today I treat my entire self with love and compassion

I will succeed because I keep moving forward

I am a wonderful person

I am respected by people around me

Today I trust my gut instinct

I am ready to step out of my comfort zone

I am patient with myself

I respect my mind

My inner fire always pushes me to reach the top

I am comfortable looking in the mirror and say I love you

i commit to trust myself

I can have imperfections and still love myself

I trust myself to complete the tasks needed to reach my goals

I am excited and eager to act on my dreams

I believe in my ability to overcome significant obstacles

I believe in my future reward

Affirmations for Trusting Yourself ep4

List of the 52 Affirmations For Trust in episode 4

I believe in myself

I love myself

My optimism is increasing

We are all a mix of strengths and weaknesses

I use setbacks as an opportunity to learn

I have confidence in my abilities

There’s beauty in my imperfections

I believe my higher power carries me when I am weak

We are all individuals

I find the courage to be uniquely me

Good things are happening to me

I am worthy of happiness and success

I trust my instincts

I stop making excuses for myself

I decide more actively who I want in my life

I accept an apology I may never receive

I am capable of reaching any goal I set my mind to

I trust my heart to follow the right path

I have the courage to voice my own opinions and thoughts

I am always discerning of who I spend my time with

I dare to show my true self and I am loved

I trust in my own abilities

I have confidence and full trust in myself

I do no harm to myself

Today I honor my physical body

The doors are opening for me

I find peace of mind

I am good enough to manifest my dreams

Today I stop thinking about who I should be, and start appreciating who I am

I have all the resources I need to make the life that I want

I believe that I can do whatever needs to be done

Each day I feel more and more powerful

I take full responsibility for my freedom of choice

I move more and more into aligning my life with my uniqueness

I have so much positive potential

Today I give myself permission to learn a lesson that I might not want to

I have a high self-esteem

I let go of any past hurt whether conscious or accidental

I read my goals three times each day

I am raising my awareness as I learn more about myself

I stop seeking approval from others

I know that negative emotions poison my mind

Today I shift my mindset

I refuse to worry about what others think of me

I accomplish everything I desire effortlessly

I let go of perfection

I keep on pursuing my goals with passion, persistence and confidence

I enjoy taking care of myself

When I face challenges, it brings out the best in me

Today I ask the universe to challenge and nurture me into a more dynamic individual

I refuse to give up

I embrace my results and all of my accomplishments

How to make the affirmations for trust work for you?

Before you get on practicing them, it is important to get yourself into the right mindset.

If you set a blocker in front of you, none of this will work.

Hence, only proceed if you are willing to keep an open mind and start believing.

These affirmations for trusting are powerful, but they need your help.

We recommend that you save the content somewhere, or bookmark the page so that you can return to it as often as you want.

Repetition is a very crucial part of positive affirmations, as it can strengthen your resolve and remind you of the task at hand. 

You are in charge of your HAPPINESS.

Why do we need these affirmations for self trust?

The fact of the matter is that lots of people face low self-esteem issues, and are not confident in trusting themselves fully.

This can be a result of external as well as internal factors and can be very damaging for your life.

It becomes harder to make decisions, leaving you in a state of helplessness and unable to progress in life.

That also means you are not able to fully commit to an action and make the best out of it.

Watch other Affirmations series here:

Are affirmations scientifically proven?

You might have seen the kind that took affirmations too far, and become a self-absorbed monster instead, spouting affirmations to anyone and everyone they meet. 

This might lead some to think that affirmations are just for some crazed, low esteem guy but that cannot be further from the truth. 

It is certainly not magic, but science has some good things to say about it when done right.

We are not going into a full-blown thesis about the subject, but you should know that this topic falls under the branch of psychology. 

Studies have shown that we can improve our sense of self-integrity when using self affirmations regularly.

The benefits are wide-ranging and have been shown to reduce stress, improve academic performance, and have a more positive outlook towards life, among many others. 

How long will it take for affirmations to work?

Affirmations are not magic potions, so you should not expect to have an immediate effect. 

You see, up to 90-95% of our daily activities derive from our subconscious. 

To start seeing a difference, you will need time to program it with these new beliefs and remove the negative ones that sit deep in your mind.

Listen to these affirmations, ideally with subliminal music, and you should start to experience changes in your life in 25-30 days. 

Read more in detail in this post about how long it will take for affirmations to work.

Watch more: 


Listen to these self trust affirmations daily

Listen on your headphones for better clarity (Get the best Noise Cancelling Headphones here)

Say out loud or read them in your mind

Repeat them regularly

Reinforcement will help you overcome your self doubt and increase your confidence


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What will you do to trust yourself?

At the end of the video, we hope that you are able to overcome self-doubt, get into a better state of mind, and build up a high level of confidence.

Remember, with the right attitude you can achieve great things in life.

This is a conscious choice that one has to make with anything in life: to either trust yourself and fulfill your dreams, or wallow in self pity and end up with nothing.

Taking the first step is tough, but we assure you it is worth it.

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