137 Affirmations For Negative Thoughts To Turn Into Positive Ones


Sometimes we get stuck in our negative thoughts and habits and it feels like we are running on a crappy treadmill that never stops moving.

But it doesn’t have to be like this, if you want to break the cycle, you can start afresh with positive affirmations for negative thoughts to turn them around.

When a person has become accustomed to repeating negative patterns of thinking and behavior, it is likely that he or she will develop a negative mindset.

Negativity breeds negativity and this results in a chain reaction of more negativity.

What if you did the opposite then? You would start to see things in a brighter light.

Things will seem better. Relationships improve.

To some, this might sound like a big challenge, but by using affirmations to release negative thoughts, you can rewire your subconscious mind and start seeing changes in your life right this very minute.

positive affirmations for negative thoughts

What are positive affirmations?

You’ve probably heard positive affirmations before, but you’re still undecided about using them.

Maybe you have no idea why people use them or what they do.

Or maybe you’re concerned that they are too “new age-y” for your tastes.

Affirmations are statements that we say to ourselves that bring awareness to the positive characteristics and aspects within ourselves.

Affirmations are beneficial not just for self-improvement, but many other areas of life including sports, health, and relationships.

People have been using affirmations for centuries and some of the most successful people in the world use them.

Take for example, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, and Dr.

Oz are said to use affirmations daily!

the right affirmations shop opening announcement

Ways to Reprogram Negative Thinking

The majority of people have a negative outlook on life.

Big claim? Not really.

Research has shown that about 70% of our thoughts are usually negative, stemming from self-criticism, fear, and external factors among others.

In fact, most of us have negative self-talk and a critical inner voice that stifles and sabotages our happiness.

If you want to reprogram your negative thinking and believe in yourself more, please read on!

Identify the reasons

There are many reasons that can get us to start thinking about the worst.

Pre-exam jitters, fear of failure, comparing ourselves to others.

These are almost day-to-day occurrences that we sometimes don’t pay enough attention to.

Inside us, we typically have the following thought processes:

All or nothing

Downplaying the positive

Making assumptions

Emotional conclusions

These are all self-limiting thoughts that will only weigh you down.

Start to identify where you are before you can start making changes.

Practice reframing your thoughts

Now that you know what’s your issue, you can start to make small changes daily to overcome them.

Your brain needs training too, so you need to introduce the following behavior into your life right now:

Point out your own negative thoughts

Distance yourself from these thoughts and evaluate the facts you know

Have compassion for yourself

To learn more about this topic, I recommend that you consult with a professional or look up Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

List of Positive Affirmations To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

I allow others to make their own choices.

I can choose who to trust.

I embrace success. The words “I can’t” are not in my vocabulary. I am unstoppable!

I am living my dream.

I boldly act on great opportunities when I see them.

I believe in and trust myself.

I graciously accept compliments from others.

Today, I choose to release all barriers that are holding me back.

I can trust myself.

My outer self is matched by my inner well being.

I release all thoughts that no longer serve me well.

Today I give myself permission to be greater than my fears.

An opportunity is simply a possibility until I act on it.

My feelings of self worth are strong.

I am proud of all I have accomplished.

I have everything I need to succeed.

I feel comfortable with the decisions I make.

I can keep myself safe.

As I love myself, I allow others to love me too.

I am strong.

I can know what I know.

Flaws are transformed by love and acceptance.

I can get what I want.

I trust in myself.

I treat myself with kindness and respect.

I can do anything I set my mind to do.

I express my feelings and opinions honestly and openly.

I am successful in all that I do.

I can feel all of my feelings.

Today I will approach life with boldness and enthusiasm.

Gratitude is my default emotion in all things.

I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit & healthy body.

I am deserving of praise. I am deserving of respect.

I have absolute faith in my success.

I look in the mirror and I love what I see.

I am in control of my life.

I have the strength to make my dreams come true.

I will love myself unconditionally.

I choose to respond to criticism in a constructive way.

My needs and wants are important.

I am filled with the love of the universal power within.

I choose to eat healthy food.

I enjoy exercising more each day.

Each day I move closer to my ideal weight.

I am kind to others.

I am in control of my eating habits.

I am a winner.

I love and forgive myself for any past mistakes.

I choose to see the divine perfection in every cell of my body.

With each breath, I relax my muscles in my body and release tension.

Fear is only a feeling; it cannot hold me back.

My feelings of self esteem are strong.

I am filled with light, love and peace.

I am what I think, so I choose to think positive thoughts.

I can be active and quiet.

I can succeed.

I am bigger than fear.

Fear does not define me.

I am beyond fear.

I am not fear.

I choose to react in a positive way in all situations.

I belong here.

I am growing more beautiful and luminous every day.

I am pure, I am cleansed, I am my natural self.

I easily achieve my goals.

I love myself for who I am.

I give myself permission to shine.

I am lovable at every age.

I am a valuable human being.

I choose to make happiness my number one goal in life.

I have many qualities, traits and talents that make me unique.

All doors are open!I have the power, right now, to decide what I want to do.

Today my own well-being is my top priority.

On each breath out, I release old negative thought patterns.

I am my own best friend and cheerleader.

I now have choices.

I have a powerful positive mental attitude.

I am deserving of all good things in my life.

My body is simply a projection of my beliefs about myself.

I love myself just the way I am.

I’m making every effort to forgive myself and others.

I am experiencing fantastic success.

I know that I can master anything.

My intuition leads me to the most lucrative opportunities.

My body has its own wisdom and I trust that wisdom completely.

I can be powerful and ask for help at the same time.

Success in mine to be enjoyed.

I can think and feel at the same time.

I create my own space for satisfaction.

I see criticism as information that empowers me.

I am able to easily handle any problem I face.

Today I love my body fully, deeply and joyfully.

I grow in strength with every forward step I take.

I recognize my many strengths.

I am open to a deep calmness inside me.

I always feel safe and secure on the inside.

I have intelligence.

I create my own happiness in my life.

I like myself better each day.

I deserve love.

I work hard to do good in my community.

I am proud of myself for even daring to try.

I give myself permission to walk my path.

I release any worries of unimportant things.

I realize I have the right to change my mind.

I have high self confidence.

I can be independent and interdependent.

I can make mistakes and learn.

I am capable and strong.

My thoughts are under my control.

Today I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my uniqueness.

I can do it.

I let go of all the tension that is within me.

Today I open my mind to the endless opportunities surrounding me.

I am a good and loving person.

I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself.

Others may influence my decisions, but the final choice is mine.

I can be creative, competent, productive, and joyful.

I expand my awareness of the hidden potential in each experience.

Right now, I choose to be at peace with myself.

With every breath I take, I allow my mind to relax deeply.

I allow my thoughts to drift to a positive and peaceful place.

I am always treated with consideration and respect.

My assertiveness enriches my relationships.

Today I put my full trust in my inner guidance.

Today I see each moment as a new opportunity to express my greatness.

I can think and speak for myself.

I honor the best parts of myself and share them with others.

Each decision I make creates new opportunities.

Each day I am awakened with an attitude of gratitude.

I feel powerful and confident.

I am a deserving human being.

I can trust my inner wisdom.

I refuse to believe my own excuses. Nothing is impossible and life is great.

I can initiate, grow and learn.

I release my hesitation and make room for victory.

I state my feelings with confidence.

I am okay just the way I am.

Today I am willing to fail in order to succeed.

I know that my potential is unlimited.

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