177 Affirmations For Job Seekers To Get That Dream Job​


177 Affirmations For Job Seekers To Get That Dream Job

Woman working at home
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Working is a big part of our lives, and that’s a good reason to stick to finding your dream job. However, in reality, this is not as simple as it seems.

The economy might not be heading in the same direction, and job seekers have to go through adversity at times before landing their ideal job. 

During this time, you might be discouraged and lose hope, which will eventually lead you to making poor decisions.

Stop thinking that way! To manifest a good job, you need to start with improving your mindset, and the following list of positive affirmations for job seekers will be an important resource you can rely on. 

The Law Of Attraction states that “Like attracts like”, so how do you expect your employers to buy into you if you don’t buy into yourself?

Whether you are starting a new job or actively seeking one right now, be sure to harness the power of affirmations to help you out. 

Good luck and let’s jump right in!

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Affirmations For Getting A Job, Job Interviews, And More

This is a long list that will be useful in many different situations that you may find yourself in.

Save a copy of the image above that will guide you on how to use affirmations properly and get started. 

Affirmations for getting the job you applied for

I am a good candidate who deserves to get a great job

My resume is solid.

I love and enjoy my work.

Every connection is a connection to something or someone more. No effort is wasted.

I deserve to work at an amazing company.

I see myself in my ideal job.

I am more than qualified for this job!

I am worthy of a new job.

I am working in a wonderful workplace with wonderful people.

I can only be me.

I am an excellent fit for the company

I am attracting a positive job environment.

Right now, the job I am looking for is looking for me.

I have the right qualifications.

I am highly motivated and productive.

It is so easy and fun to find a good job.

I am prepared.

I am recession proof! I have the skills and the talent to compete in any economy!

Affirmations for attracting a new job

This “No” gets me one more “No” closer to a “Yes”

I am a natural at making connections.

I find it easy to connect with employers.

I have found a lucrative work which I enjoy doing.

I deserve my ideal job and today I find it!

I have everything I need to make the changes ahead of me successfully.

My new job is a blessing and I am grateful.

I will be amazing in this interview!

I am manifesting a new job that will pay me great money.

I use positive thinking to manifest a positive life.

I am confident and calm.

There’s always something that I can do.

I feel strong and eager to handle the job.

I am ready for my interviews. I am confident in my interviews. I am successful in my interviews.

I am delighted for that my new job is perfect for me.

My new employers are psyched that they hired me.

I am attracting an opportunity for a wonderful and well-paying job.

I am a great employee. Any employer is lucky to have me.

I welcome abundance in all aspects of my life.

I am ready to work! I am ready to contribute! I communicate that energy in every interview!

I now do work I love, and I am well paid for it.

I am attracting excellent job prospects all the time.

I can do it!

I am completely energized to find my ideal work.

I am happy and grateful for the opportunity to find my dream job.

My resume is impressive.

I committed to my happiness in this job search and my determination pays off!

I will get the salary that I want!

I am always open to new opportunities to find my dream job.

Affirmations for job success

 I thoroughly enjoy my new job, my new employers, and my new co-workers.

I am grateful for my new job opportunity.

I will get the job offer!

A successful company will offer me a great job.

I am perfectly qualified for the position.

Every time I interview, I display confidence and energy!

All of my previous jobs have led me to my new dream job and for this I am grateful.

As I shape my path for the future, I know what I want and what I don’t want.

I am confident and friendly during the interview.

I work well with people of all ages and backgrounds.

I know that when I do my best at my job, I will be rewarded in all sorts of ways.

My new job is exactly the new job I envisioned for myself. For this, I am grateful.

I have a powerful unwavering belief in myself.

Amazing jobs are appearing in my life out of nowhere!

There is provision for every need in my life, and I am a provision for someone else’s need.

My resume gets me interviews and I show up as a winner!

The company I attract will support my lifestyle.

Every time I say ‘no’ to the wrong job, I get closer to the perfect job.

I know I can do this job!

I will get paid for my worth!

I am happy and positive at my new job.

I am a great employee! Any employer is happy to have me!

Everything always works out for me.

My dreams are coming true because I manifested this and believed in myself.

Job offers flow to me effortlessly.

I am excited to learn and grow as an employee at my new job.

I am an asset to any organization, and I prove it in every interview.

My experience is valuable.

I am an asset to any organization and I prove it in every interview.

I impress interviewers; I stand out above the rest.

I am a magnet for success.

Amazing opportunities are appearing in my life out of nowhere.

I am a great employee! Any employer is lucky to have me!

The work that I am doing is highly appreciated and it is bringing me more money.

The Universe always conspires to lead me to the highest good.

Every time I interview for a job, I exude confidence and energy.

I am smart, confident, and prepared. I have everything I need to succeed.

Every day I am manifesting the perfect job for me.

Finding a job will allow me to move forward in my life.

I believe that there is a great company for me.

I am well prepared for my interviews.

I refuse to see dead ends in my job search. I always see possibilities!

I am a great employee! Any employer is very lucky to have me!

I clear my dream job interview easily and effortlessly.

I have all the knowledge and skills to perform at my dream job.

I became a ____ to make a difference and that is what I am going to do!

Affirmations for job success

The universe is leading me to my dream job.

Life feels great all of the time.

My experiences have prepared me for success.

The people at my new job will be very appreciative of me.

If they called me, they are interested.

Every time I interview, I radiate credibility and capability!

I am so excited about my new job.

I am completely open to new opportunities to find my dream job.

I am recession-proof! I have the skills, talent, and abilities to compete in any economy!

There are plenty of jobs available to me.

My new job is interesting and exciting.

I am a perfect match for my new job.

I trust my life is divinely guided.

Affirmations to find a dream job

No more excuses! I deserve a job that fulfills me, and I am ready to find it.

I find it easy to network with others.

I work at a workplace that I love, and which gives me satisfaction and good money.

I am excited to get out of bed every morning to look for my dream job.

I run a great business and my team are great workers.

The negative news about jobs is about averages. I AM above average!

I will ask the recruiter great questions at my interview!

I am perfectly prepared for the interview.

I am being paid very well to do an exciting and rewarding job.

Whenever I interview, I always impress the interviewers!

I am grateful for all my successes.

I am ready for a new job.

Right now, my resume is being selected by all the right people.

I strongly believe in my skills!

I have unique gifts and talents that are a perfect match for my new job position.

I am worthy of having the job of my dreams.

I trust that the universe will bring me a new job I love.

Amazing opportunities are coming my way.

I am confident in my skills and abilities.

I am ready to work! I am ready to contribute! I am ready to shine high! I communicate that energy in every interview!

I am good at job interviews.

Whenever I interview, I always create a positive impact!

I am worthy and capable of working.

I committed to my happiness in this job search, and my determination pays off.

I am working at a job I love and enjoy, and which is bringing me a lot of money.

I am a dream job magnet.

I am attracting the right work into my life.

My affirmations are attracting to me the work I love doing.

I thrive in challenging environments.

Affirmations for getting a job

I am thoroughly prepared to be an excellent employee at my new job.

I am worthy of getting my dream job.

I am doing my work in the best possible way and I am richly rewarded for it.

Every provision I have, I am thankful for and using my full potential.

I am very well prepared for job interview.

My new job is my ultimate dream job.

No storm can last forever.

I will be a great addition to the company!

I am grateful for being guided to the perfect job for me.

Job opportunities fall right into my lap.

I know my resume explains I have all the necessary qualifications and experience required.

I am psyched for my new job. I enjoy my work and I am good at it.

I am an excellent candidate, and I exude capability.

My new job is exciting, challenging and life affirming.

I am perfect for this position; I am their ideal candidate.

My resume gets me interviews and I my performance is highly appreciated!

I am psyched and delighted that I was hired for my dream job.

I have the skills to succeed.

I am thrilled and excited for my new job.

My employer will enjoy my perspective, because I have new and important ideas to contribute.

Right this moment, my resume is being seen by all the right people.

There are many amazing companies who want to hire me.

I close my eyes and I see myself in my ideal job. I open my eyes and I go make it happen!

I communicate clearly.

I am working happily and positively with everyone at my dream job.

My resume will grab the recruiter’s attention!

I deserve a great job and today I find it!

Working will make me feel productive and fulfilled.

I am very prepared for the job interview!

Things happen as they should.

I find it easy to be interviewed for a job.

I am a magnet for abundance. New opportunities are drawn to me naturally.

I have a lot to contribute.

My new job is a positive change for my life.

The work I do makes a difference! I feel it! I see it! I know it!

People are constantly asking my company to work for them and are rewarding me plentifully.

I will be confident during my interview!

I will work with a company that appreciates me.

Every NO for the wrong job gets me to closer to the YES that is perfect for me!

I am relaxed and poised.

I reach out to others and network, knowing that every interaction is another step toward reaching my goal.

I am an outstanding worker and contributor.

I am ready for my job interview!

I am calm and confident; job interviews are easy.

I believe in myself and in my abilities to perform my dream job.

My perfect job is on a direct collision course with me right now!

My confidence is superb! My great job arrives in my life today!

Affirmations for a job interview

I can and I will do this! There is nothing stopping me.

I will rock my job interview!

As I put my intention for a great job out into the Universe, the Universe responds with great job opportunities.

I am moving into a better place in my life day by day.

My resume gets me interviews and I show up to seal the deal!

I know my personality will shine at the job interview!

I am positive I will soon find my perfect job.

I will find another job soon!

I am ready for a new beginning!

I know everything will work out for me!

I step back and let the Universe lead the way.

I love job interviews, and my energy is contagious.

The door to a new and good work is opening for me now.

I am eager to find a job that fulfills me!

I am in alignment with the energy of abundance.

I trust that all things are coming together for me in the way that they are supposed to.

Every time I interview, I exude credibility and capability!

I am working at my dream job.

I will not give up until I find my place, even if it takes more time than I want it to.

I ask and I receive! I seek and I find! I ask for my ideal and today I find it!

Whenever I interview, I always impress!

If they don’t think I’m a good fit, I’m not a good fit.

I think positively and surround myself with positive energy.

I am confident and successful.

Every no for my wrong job gets me to closer to the yes that is perfect me!

Exterior events will not disturb my inner peace.

I am confident in my interviews.

I am psyched that my new employers hired me for my dream job.

I am working in a place I love and I am receiving a high salary.

I deserve meaningful, fulfilling work.

I am positive, radiant, and happy.

I am manifesting my dream job.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

No more excuses! I deserve a job that fulfills me and now I am ready to find it!

Every job move that I make turns out to be a magical experience.

Right now, my great job is looking for me!

I have knowledge, wisdom, and life experience.

There are no limits to what I can achieve.

I am highly confident in myself and in my abilities to perform my dream job.

Nothing can stop me from getting what’s meant for me.

My new job will be challenging and rewarding.

For every “no” that I am confronted with, I get closer to the perfect job.

I find support wherever I go.

My new job is a positive move in alignment with my goals.

My experience is critical for business success.

I deserve a new job.

A dream job that’s built for me is coming my way.

I deserve to work with a good boss and great teammates.

A good job will come to me at a good time.

I have unlimited potential, only good lies before me.

Affirmations for new opportunities

I use positivity to attract positive outcomes.

I have unstoppable confidence in me.

I am committed to my happiness in this job search and my determination will pay off!

I love new challenges.

These hard times are temporary.

I trust the outcomes in my life are for the best.

I deserve a job that fulfills me, and I am ready to find it.

I use positive thinking to attract new job opportunities.

Each day at my new job is exciting and life-affirming.

I am well equipped for the job and bring my best every day.

Right now, the job I am looking for is looking for me!

I will get the interview.

All of my time spent job searching will pay off.

Right now, the perfect job that I am looking for is looking for me!

Every time I interview, I exude confidence and energy!

My new job is an opportunity that I am thoroughly prepared to take on.

I am in a good position to find a job.

I AM enough.

I am ready to tackle any job I am offered.

I am a natural at job interviews.

I know what I want, and I am going for it!

Great things always come my way.

I will find my dream job!

Every day that passes is a day putting me closer to where I want to be.

I only need to hear “Yes” once.

During the interview, I am relaxed and calm.

I am excited to be working at my dream job.

I will ace the interview.

I continue to move towards success.

I am a successful entrepreneur. I recognize opportunities and use them wisely.

I am attracting my dream job.

I will get the job

I am manifesting a positive work environment.

Affirmations to start a job search

The perfect job is looking for me, and we are being brought together now.

I am worthy of having a good job.

I will bring positive perspectives to my new job

I am ready for my interview. I am confident in my interview. I am successful in my interview.

Anything I don’t know how to do, I can learn.

I trust in the Universe with all my heart.

Job interviews are easy.

I am excited for my next opportunity!

I have found the right work for me, at the right place, and I work with people I like.

I have to be patient and strong.

Working will make me feel productive and fulfilled

I am attracting into my life the best and most suitable job for me.

I am excited to go to the interview.

I am open and receptive to all job opportunities.

I will manifest a new job where I can make a positive outcome.

There is always a way if I’m committed.

I will negotiate my pay with confidence!

Every application I send in is a potential yes, every one I don’t is an absolute no.

I am worthy of doing a job that I love.

How To Use Law Of Attraction In Your Job Search

Practicing the Law Of Attraction has numerous benefits, one of which is the ability to build confidence and attract the right results that you wish to see in your life. 

Using the Law Of Attraction to manifest a great job is possible, and here are some tips on how you can utilize it correctly:

Positive affirmations for unemployed

Switch your mindset to one of positivity. Start thinking positively deep down and believe in it. Do not simply say it for the sake of saying it. 

Believe in yourself and not let others bring you down.

Start to trust yourself and the decisions you make. It is ok to make mistakes but you need to learn.

Walk the talk and practice what you preach.

If you wish to manifest something but don’t take the appropriate actions, it will not work. You have to think and do the same things.

If they contradict each other, you will not find success.

Use affirming sentences that demonstrates you WILL get the job.

When you talk, talk about when you will get the job, rather than if you will get the job.

List down your goals and ideal job. Look at your list daily to remind yourself of your dream.

Imagine that you are already in the job and doing it. 

Never let yourself be discouraged.

Look to other positive things in your life and be inspired to push on.

Consider using TargetedCareer to find your next job.

It’s a simple sign-up process and there are thousands of jobs across all industries waiting for you. Try it out here.

Other resources:

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