363 Affirmations For Depression To Boost Your Mood

Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects an estimated 264 million people worldwide.

Those who live with it have to go through very tough times and thoughts, with some eventually choosing suicide as an end.

Unfortunately, not every victim has access to treatment, and it is in our hope that the following affirmations for depression can help someone out.

These positive affirmations work by improving your outlook in life, encouraging positivity, and getting you (or someone you love) out of that dark place.

Go through the list below, pick out at a few that you resonate the most with, write them somewhere you can access easily everyday, and start reciting them daily.

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There is no extra cost to you, but it can help support The Right Affirmations.

How to use affirmations?

Identify the negative thoughts that you wish to get rid of or something that you wish to manifest.

Affirmations work in both scenarios, but you need to be clear about what you want.

Use the following list as a source of inspiration and guidance. 

You may use any affirmation as it is, or modify it to make it your own.

The key thing here is that the affirmations MUST resonate with you and is a statement you truly believe in.

Pick out at least 2 affirmations and start using them. 

Begin a routine of practicing at least twice a day of reciting the affirmations with each session lasting 3-5 minutes.

Repeat each one 10-15 times daily. You can do this in front of a mirror, or speak out loud, or do it in your mind.

Do not skip any sessions.

Download and print out your own affirmations worksheet below to use as a guide for manifestation.

Stick it on your mirror/journal/vision board, or anywhere you can easily access throughout the day so that it can serve as a constant reminder to you. 

Alternatively, you can check out our Daily Positive Affirmations Cards that is designed and organized for you.

All you need to do is print them and take it everywhere you go!

Be patient! It usually takes a month or so to see results.

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List Of Depression Affirmations To Feel Better Right Now

The thing about us humans is that we have a very complex brain.

It makes us think bad things, which leads us to develop disorders like depression.

However, it also has the ability to get us out of that slump. 

That will require a lot of practice though, as we need to change what’s in our subconscious to be free of the negativity, and turn them into positive sentences.

Sometimes, it’s better to detach from things rather than dwell on them.

Below, you will find a long list of positive affirmations that can help you battle depression. 

Take note though, this is not a replacement for treatment, and you should check in with your doctor immediately if you are experiencing the symptoms, which includes sense of worthlessness, lack of energy, sadness, and suicidal thoughts.

I deserve all the happiness in the world.

My depression doesn’t define me.

Today is a new day.

Life is my opportunity.

I am in full control of my life.

Things are tough right now, but I’m improving all the time.

While there may be similarities with others, my overall experience of depression is unique, because I am unique.

I will take action and accomplish my goals.

I forgive myself and everyone for not being perfect.

Healthy food fuels my body.

I have gained strength every single day.

Life is beautiful.

I can choose how I react to each situation.

Treating and recovering from depression is never linear.

I am kind to myself when it gets hard.

I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.

Sadness does not define me and is leaving me.

I love myself unconditionally, especially on the days I find that hard.

This darkness won’t last forever.

This crisis will pass and I am strong enough to get through it.

I am important and valuable.

My life is rich and full.

I am at home in my body.

One day I will experience pure joy again.

Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.

I have faith in my abilities.

I am strong in my weakness.

I’ll have a great day today.

I care for myself daily.

I am safe.

It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.

I am valued even when I am not productive.

I embrace my power.

I am resilient in the face of any challenge.

Small things that make me happy are just as important as the bigger things.

I appreciate my life.

My thoughts and feelings, no matter how repetitive, are never facts.

I will let other people into my life.

I take care of myself even when it is difficult to do.

I have many positive things in my life.

I am much more than what I think I am.

If they can do it, there’s no reason I can’t do it.

Every thought we think is creating our future.

I show myself kindness and forgiveness when I am feeling depressed.

I am not perfect, and it is okay.

I am in control of my emotions.

I am brave and strong.

I love myself unconditionally, no matter how I feel.

I look forward to tomorrow.

I am relaxed and at peace.

I choose to be happy.

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As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

I can challenge my negative thoughts with positive ones.

My friends care for me and value my friendship.

I am resilient and can handle problems that come my way.

I am greeted by love wherever I go.

Nourishing myself is a joyful experience, and I am worth the time spent on my healing.

I am here for a reason and there is a place for me here.

I don’t have to be productive to see value in myself.

There is nothing ‘wrong’ with me.

Depression is just a tiny part of who I am and what is happening in my life.

My feelings are valid.

I am well-rested and full of energy.

Nothing is permanent.

These are just thoughts. Only I determine the way I choose to feel.

I bring inner peace to myself and do not seek it from others.

With each moment that passes, my head and soul are becoming lighter.

My sadness and my depression do not define me.

Asking for help with depression is a huge and important act of love.

Healing is possible for me.

There is nothing wrong with me because I feel sad.

I am worthy of happiness.

Depression does not mean I am not loved or loving.

I trust in myself to take on my depression.

This feeling is part of being a human being.

I am whole and complete.

I do not wrestle my mind, I let it unfold.

I can stay calm in scary situations.

I experience love wherever I go.

On hard days, I save all my energy for myself. I am the one who needs it most.

I am enough.

Reaching out for support shows strength.

I am not defined by depression.

I cross all bridges with joy and ease.

There is no ‘right way to have a day’ so I’m just going to enjoy it.

There is more to me than depression.

I am more than my depression.

Every day is a gift, and I am blessed to see today.

I will see tomorrow and the next and bless them too.

I accept that I have depression.

I am grateful for what I can do.

I accept my emotions and don’t need to fight them.

I value and respect myself.

I am needed regardless of how worthless I feel.

I believe in, trust and have confidence in myself.

I can overcome this moment and have a good day.

Doing what I need to do to feel better is not selfish.

It is an act of self-love.

I am a silent warrior.

I am surrounded by love and support.

I do not hold judgment over my depression.

I think long term and don’t get wrapped up in the now.

I believe in myself.

affirmations for depression quotes

I am not sick because of a lack of effort or a failure at adjusting faulty thoughts.

I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.

I am gaining strength every single day.

I am confident that I can handle what depression brings my way.

I will wake up tomorrow and do the best I can.

I forgive myself, and I don’t blame myself for my current situation.

I believe in my ability to get through this difficult period.

I can allow myself to wholly be myself without judgment.

Everything is working out for my highest good.

I am okay where I am right now.

Today is a new start.

I love myself and my life.

Feelings are transient and the good times are coming.

Wake up and do the best you can, that’s what the whole world does.

I am worthy.

I am in the process of positive change.

I forgive myself for everything.

Being depressed is not my fault. I don’t need to feel guilty.

I am working toward making a better life.

I deserve to be happy and free.

I am enough, and that is all that counts.

Today, I will succeed.

My future is good because I am designing it.

Every situation gives me an opportunity to learn and grow.

I forgive myself for not being perfect.

Where there is life, there is hope.

I am growing stronger.

I am learning more about how to handle my depression every day.

I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

There are colors beyond the grey and I am beginning to see them.

My life has value and meaning.

I advocate for my needs confidently and without shame.

I am becoming more resilient each day.

Out of this situation only good will come.

I do my very best and that’s enough.

My discomfort won’t last forever.

I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.

I have the confidence to achieve my goals and create the life I want for myself.

The point of power is always in the present moment.

This feeling is normal.

I am not anxiety or depression, I simply experience them.

I give myself permission to feel low.

My possibilities are endless.

I do not need to rely on others’ judgment for acceptance.

I have many gifts and talents.

I do not have to prove myself to anyone.

I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.

I feel low now, but tomorrow is another day.

It is okay to feel fragile, sensitive and sad when discussing my experience of depression.

I deserve all that is good.

Wake up and do the best you can, that’s what the whole world does.

I can do this.

Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I choose to give love.

Depression is not who I am.

I am strong.

I am much more than my opinions of myself.

My worries are normal, but sometimes they run off a little when they don’t need to.

I do not have to compare myself to anyone.

Every day is a new day.

My diagnosis will not define my life.

This crisis will pass and I will be okay.

I am deserving of self-care.

I am strong enough to get through this crisis.

Depression is just a human emotion and I am human.

There are many different ways I can help myself with depression.

I stay open and curious about ones that give me hope.

I will turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

I am thankful for the positive things in my life.

I will feel like the person I remember who was content.

Everything will work out perfect for me, and I will watch it unfold.

I am on the right path for me.

My perspective over my life is big.

I respond to my emotions with love and kindness.

I stop looking for reasons why I am depressed and instead focus on ways I can help myself get better.

I am loved, and I am at peace.

I am more than what people think I am, and my thoughts do not shape my life.

I am mentally strong.

I forgive myself and set myself free.

I have coping skills to get through this crisis.

I can create a safe space for myself where ever I am.

I am grateful to be alive.

I am worthy of getting help and support.

I’m not limited to anything.

I believe in who I am.

I place no demands or expectations on myself on hard days.

Really, there’s nothing to fear.

I am just as good as anyone else.

I may be sad now, but that’s fine.

My negative thoughts can be changed to positive ones.

I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.

I am a calm person that sometimes feels other emotions.

Success is mine.

I am loved despite my sadness.

My soul is at peace and my body is healthy and beautiful.

Depression makes me sad, but it builds my resilience.

How I feel matters.

I choose to release negative feelings and thoughts about myself.

I am happy to be me.

I am the architect of my own mind.

Today is a sacred gift from Life.

Every cell in my body is relaxed and alive.

It is safe for me to speak up for myself.

Depression is just a human emotion and I am human.

Even with depression, I experience joy.

I love my imperfections.

I have made it this far, and I won’t stop now.

I will try to see the best in others.

I love myself and release myself from feelings of guilt, hurt, and sorrow.

I know change is normal and so I embrace it.

I love myself.

I will become a healthy and strong person.

It’s in my head. It won’t last forever, and I will come out stronger.

I deserve love and happiness.

I am becoming a better person each day.

I am a positive and vibrant person.

I am allowed to have bad days, even very bad days.

I am more than my trauma.

I deserve to have an amazing life.

I am thankful for the love in my life.

I am always learning.

I can choose how much or little I want to accomplish each day.

I give myself permission to do what is right for me.

Not everybody will understand my situation, and it is okay.

Happiness is an emotion that I experience daily.

I will find the good in all things.

I am capable of feeling good, positive, and content.

I find and enjoy the simple pleasures life is offering right now.

I can have a new beginning.

I am in charge of my life, and my happiness and I feel happy and content.

I love myself, and I am happy.

I am worthy of love and happiness.

I’m grateful for the abilities and values that make me who I am and help me succeed.

All is well in my world.

My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.

I give myself room to grow.

I deserve love, joy, and happiness.

I deserve everything good.

I am separate from my depression.

I accept myself for who I am.

I value my mental health as much as my physical health.

I am powerful.

My journey is winding, I am in a dark place, but the sun is rising.

I will practice self-kindness.

There are people who will help me through this crisis.

Each day is filled with joy.

I am not broken.

I share my feelings with honesty and courage.

The universe only wants the best for me and that is where this path will ultimately lead.

My hard work will pay off.

I fill my mind with positive thoughts.

Life is just game, and I am player one.

This feeling will pass; just keep breathing.

Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.

I trust the process of life.

positive affirmations to overcome depression

The past is over.

Having depression allows me to understand the world and other people in a different way.

My life is worth living.

I am patient with myself as I explore and try out different treatment options.

This moment in my life does not define who I am.

The depression I experience doesn’t define me.

Every breath I take brings me closer to feeling better.

I am loved and appreciated even when it seems like I’m not.

I am ready.

I work on myself everyday.

The darkness is in the past, and I open my eyes to new beginnings.

I trust myself.

My future will be what I choose to make it.

I am bigger, brighter and stronger than depression.

My future is bright because I am designing it.

My life matters.

I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

I embrace all of my human emotions.

I am not my depression. Never have been, never will be.

I deserve to be happy.

I am confident.

Better mental health is possible for me.

Depression is a part of life and it holds no weight over me.

I am appreciated even when I can’t contribute much.

I am in charge of how I feel, and today I choose peace.

I don’t need to do, be, or produce anything to be loved.

It’s OK for me to have fun.

This feeling will pass.

I create stories in my own head.

I can make a real difference.

I got this.

I’m okay right now.

I am strong in mind, body, and spirit.

My life is a gift.

I welcome miracles into my life.

The depression I experience isn’t ‘me’.

I am taking control of my own mind.

Smile and breathe.

My efforts help me succeed.

Life is an amazing gift.

I experience depression but I can also experience joy.

My family loves me.

I am a strong person.

I am not my diagnosis.

On bad days, I remind myself that I already have the capacity to feel good again.

When I am experiencing depression, I actively love myself more.

I know I let myself get down when I think too much, but that’s normal.

This crisis will test my strength, but I am strong.

I am healing.

It is okay for me to not feel okay.

My life is a gift.

My challenges bring me better opportunities.

I have compassion for all.

I don’t have anything to prove to myself or anybody else.

I am enough, and that is okay.

My mental illness is only a small part of who I am.

I am kind to myself.

I will try new things.

I am allowed to have mental health struggles.

I ride any wave that comes my way.

I forgive myself for experiencing the pain and shame that comes with depression.

I am not to blame for my depression.

There is nothing to be gained from fixing blame on someone or something.

I am a work in progress, and I welcome every positive change.

I take another step toward positive change every day.

There’s really no reason why I can’t do that if anyone else has done it.

I love myself for who I am.

Depression is not my defining characteristic.

I love and approve of myself.

Nothing can take away from how worthy I am of joy.

I give myself permission to grow, learn and change if I want to.

Challenges in my life help me develop strengths.

This crisis will not define me.

I love myself unconditionally.

I don’t need to prove anything to anyone; I need to take things one step at a time.

I do not need to justify, rationalise or explain my depression to anybody, including myself.

I am not how I feel.

I am proud of myself for getting through this day.

I am a beautiful, selfless person.

I do not need to feel fear.

My mental health challenges don’t define who I am.

I work on myself every day.

My brain is my friend.

When I can’t make sense of what is happening to me, I give myself the gift of time, space and rest to help me find my focus again.

I listen with love to my body’s messages.

I am not any less of a person because certain people can’t understand my illness.

What I feel is not who I am.

I have the strength to survive this.

I work hard to feel better because I deserve it, but I never judge or punish myself when it gets hard.

I am relaxed and I do not pass judgment.

I attract beautiful things into my life.

This feeling will pass just like the seasons.

My goals are achievable.

I deserve peace, love, and health.

I am resilient.

I control my destiny.

I am working towards making a life I love.

There are people out there who will help me.

I can choose my thoughts.

I am not ashamed of having depression.

My life is what I make it.

I believe that I deserve happiness every day of my life.

I have the power to make the right choices for me.

I have persevered and I should celebrate my tenacity.

I am calm, happy and content.

I navigate my depression with strength, self-love and patience.

I treat myself with love and kindness.

I have come this far and I am proud of myself.

I now live in limitless love, light, and joy.

My loved ones deeply cherish me.

I am not the first to deal with depression, and I won’t be the last.

My thoughts can change and so can I.

No feeling lasts forever.

I wait with patience and self-love for hard feelings to fade.

I deserve rest when I need it. Rest is the first step to recovery.

I give myself permission to do what I need to do to survive.

I know my friends and family need me, even if I can’t see my worth right now.

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Take Affirmations Everywhere You Go!

Check out our very own printable affirmation cards designed just for you.

It contains 30 Daily Positive Affirmation Cards which you can bring everywhere for your convenience!

Included bonus: 4 Powerful Positive Affirmation Posters which you can print and hang anywhere!

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Other resources: 

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