243 Affirmations For Broken Heart To Heal And Recover

Many of us has gone through failed relationships, and they can be very traumatic.

Some people deal with it easily, yet some others find it hard to let go.

How do you heal a broken heart? Is there a formula? Well, I am not a relationship expert, but I do know that reciting affirmations for broken heart can help in the healing process.

When you go through a heartbreaking event like this, your mind starts to head towards negative thoughts, forgetting about all the good things in life that you have.

It is important not to lose sight of that, and by using affirmations, you can bring back normalcy and heal in the process. 

Start to see the good in you, and life will become better.

What positive affirmations can do during a breakup

Breakups are tough to deal with.

They wreak havoc on your self-confidence and make you feel alone.

It makes you lose hope and faith in love, but does it need to be like that? Not at all, if you ask me. 

You deserve another chance, just like everyone else.

You need to tell yourself that you are worth it and this is just a stop along the journey.

It can be hard to deal with the wounds, but breakup affirmations can positively help you get through these tough times.

They are a good reminder of your self-worth, the good things in life, and let you understand and let go of previous hurt.

How to use affirmations?

Identify the negative thoughts that you wish to get rid of or something that you wish to manifest.

Affirmations work in both scenarios, but you need to be clear about what you want.

Use the following list as a source of inspiration and guidance. 

You may use any affirmation as it is, or modify it to make it your own.

The key thing here is that the affirmations MUST resonate with you and is a statement you truly believe in.

Pick out at least 2 affirmations and start using them. 

Begin a routine of practicing at least twice a day of reciting the affirmations with each session lasting 3-5 minutes.

Repeat each one 10-15 times daily.

You can do this in front of a mirror, or speak out loud, or do it in your mind. Do not skip any sessions.

Download and print out your own affirmations worksheet below to use as a guide for manifestation.

Stick it on your mirror/journal/vision board, or anywhere you can easily access throughout the day so that it can serve as a constant reminder to you. 

Alternatively, you can check out our Daily Positive Affirmations Cards that is designed and organized for you.

All you need to do is print them and take it everywhere you go!

Be patient! It usually takes a month or so to see results.

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List Of Affirmations For Getting Over Heartbreak

This list of positive affirmations should be recited daily, and as you progress, you will start to see changes to your mindset.

You will be able to manifest the outcome you want, be it moving on, finding a soulmate, or simply accepting the breakup as it is.

You can take your time to scan through the list, and these are the various situations that will be covered.

I would like you to really take your time and find a few that really resonates with you, something that you can truly believe in, as that is critical to reciting and using daily positive affirmations. Without this step, it won’t work.

Grab a copy of your own affirmations worksheet below to guide you along.

Affirmations for letting go of someone

I am releasing the past.

Once you realize you deserve better, letting go is the best decision ever.

I am allowing myself to let go.

I deserve love, and I will find it one day.

It is completely normal that I am upset or devastated over this breakup.

I am an attractive person.

Just because it didn’t work out does not mean my life is over.

I release all fears of not being perfect.

I release grief.

I lovingly accept all the love from Myself and from my Soulmate.

I choose to be at peace with the way that things are.

I am worthy of love.

I forgive myself for getting hurt.

Even though I may miss some things about my ex and my relationship, I am happier and healthier being single.

I clear all the ways I struggle just to find a little relief.

I am ready to receive that love.

I clear all the ways this should not have happened to me.

Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.

I will love again.

I let go of past regrets.

I release any ways I feel responsible.

I release all these feelings of being sick to my stomach.

I am loving and compassionate to myself at all times.

Every part of me is getting the optimum benefit from this exercise.

I forgive my ex.

I want someone who chooses me, everytime.

I release all these unrelenting, painful thoughts and emotions.

I am choosing to let go because I can’t control anyone but myself.

I know that the pain will ease, and I will find joy in life again.

The Universe is taking me to a better safer place.

I clear all the ways I feel I have been deceived.

I release all the tension and pain of holding on too tightly.

I am excited about this new beginning.

I am and will move on.

I am open to new possibilities for my future, ones that I cannot even fathom now.

I choose to release anger, hurt, and negative self talk.

I am letting go.

I love myself unconditionally.

I am going to be OK. My heart is healing.

I send Universal love, peace, and happiness to my former partner.

I am infinitely deserving of love.

It’s OK to think about my ex, to question what happened, and to replay every detail in my head. But eventually, I will move on.

Every heartbreak is a lesson learned.

I am compassionate with myself and my heart.

I am working on me, for me.

Everything is unfolding as it is supposed to.

I fill my heart with what’s important. And be done with the rest.

The Universe has shaken me to awaken me.

I am loved and lovable.

Everything that isn’t meant for my highest good must leave.

Affirmations for self love

I release all my feelings of injustice, it’s just not right or fair.

I will open my heart when I am ready.

Every heartbreak I’ve ever endured has made me stronger.

I am a loving, peaceful, joyful person. I am loved and lovable.

I have the potential to experience love greater than I have ever known.

I release any ways I feel guilty.

My heart is whole, healed, and happy.

I can find happiness in any situation.

This breakup does not define my life.

My time for true love is coming.

I am allowing myself to feel joy, laugh, and smile.

The Universe may have closed this door for me but many more doors are opening in matters of love for me.

I am deserving of love.

With every breath I take, I am sending, love, gratitude and healing to every single cell in my body.

I am comfortable being alone.

Thank you for my struggles, as they do not define me, they GROW ME.

I make my happiness my priority.

The more I love myself, the more I receive it from others.

I am ready for my Soulmate.

I am worthy of love even when my heart is hurting.

I will find someone better.

I am learning to trust myself.

My heart is open to new possibilities.

I have power over my own life.

I trust that the universe is guiding me in the right direction.

I truly love myself.

I clear all the ways I have nowhere to turn.

I will heal.

Affirmations to heal emotional abuse

I will not only think about all the great things from that relationship.

My heart is opening up to new possibilities.

I am a strong and wonderful person with a lot to offer.

Never ever give up on your dreams or your perfect life.

I will be better than I’ve ever been before.

I am complete on my own, and I will move on from this.

I know that I will be okay.

There is something better for me.

I am paying attention to all of the lessons learned.

My wounds are healing.

I am capable of trusting again.

I give all relationships my all.

My life is bigger than this breakup.

I am grateful for the lessons.

I deserve endless love and happiness.

I release all emotions that no longer serve me for my highest good.

I am learning to love myself unconditionally.

I am more than this breakup.

I am attractive. I am so sexy. I am so damn lovable.

I trust that the universe will bring me my perfect match.

I would rather be healthy and single than in a relationship that is unhealthy.

I will take this time for personal growth, and I will love myself the way I deserve to be loved.

affirmations for heartbreak

Affirmations for toxic relationships

Everything happens for a good reason.

My heart will heal.

Now I have all the time to work on myself.

I am finding peace.

I trust that I am worthy, lovable, and loved.

My life is perfect just the way it is.

I am patient with my painful emotions.

I will get the love I deserve.

I am now reclaiming my power back to me.

I love myself. I love my life Love is all there is.

I am reclaiming my power and moving past the pain.

I am becoming stronger.

No matter what I am facing, I can and will heal my heart.

I release worry.

I love being alone and spending time with myself.

I release anxiety.

I am on my way to something even better.

Being single gives me room for personal growth.

I am single and do whatever I can.

I am enough.

I am strong, resilient, peaceful, and happy.

I breathe out pain, I breathe in love.

I love myself and my life and I am worthy of love in my life.

I trust the process of love and life.

This is not the end.

I release trauma.

I am willing to be open to the possibility that this relationship was not in my best interest.

I am surrounded by love and everything is and will be okay.

I attract relationships to me that are for the highest good for all.

I know my worth, even if someone else doesn’t recognize it.

I am a lovable person.

I am allowing myself to feel all my emotions.

I have faith that there is a different plan for my love life.

I am free to be the best version of me.

I will attract a better person into my life.

It is getting easier day by day.

Daily affirmations for heartbreak

I know that this is just a part of my story, not my entire story.

I am patient as I wait for true love.

I choose to have the strength to move on.

I am healing more and more every day.

I learn to love and trust again when I am ready.

I find strength through my struggle and trust my greatness.

I am whole on my own.

I know this will make me stronger.

I will take what I learned and create a new magical relationship with someone else.

I am grateful for everything I learned in my last relationship.

I attract positive and healthy relationships.

I do not measure my worth on this breakup.

I am connected to so many people around me, and they don’t mind taking care of me right now.

I deserve to be treated well.

Positive Affirmations for Emotional Healing

I matter.

I clear all the ways I feel completely devastated.

Life treats me well and I treat myself well.

I release terror.

It’s OK to not be OK. It’s OK to take the time and space I need to heal.

I release disgust.

I trust that this ending is for my highest good.

Being single allows me to give myself the personal attention that I so very deserve.

I am attracting people that will love me in the way that I deserve.

Love is my guide in all of my relationships. I am healed and whole.

Love, forgive, and move on.

I release the belief that I will never recover from this.

I am attracting people who are ready to love respect and cherish me.

My heart is healing, and I will be okay.

I will get through this. This did not end me.

I know that no matter what, I am ok.

I release all the anger and all the pain.

I am healing.

I clear all the ways I can’t get relief from these thoughts.

I am psyched and delighted for my fresh start.

It is time that I let go of all the hurt.

I did my best. I am trying my best. I am doing what I need to be doing.

I will not let my past affect my future.

I receive my True Love openly and freely.

I will heal and fall in love again.

I deserve to be appreciated.

I am single and I am happy.

I am a being of love.

My life will be better then I can ever imagine.

I live in a universe where I am loved and supported.

Affirmations to get over a crush

Just because someone didn’t recognize my worth does not mean I will not find love again.

I honor the love I shared.

I don’t need anyone else to make me happy.

I am likable, lovable, and worthy of love.

I feel my heart becoming whole again.

I deserve the best things in life and love.

I am learning to trust the process.

I am loved.

I release all my feelings of isolation.

I am grateful for having loved and for the lessons I have learned. I am whole.

I am free to be the most exquisite version of me.

I clear all the ways I am completely crushed.

I love myself enough to be happy being alone.

I know it is just the part of story, not the complete story.

This is just a small part of my story.

I am grateful for the love I have had in the past, and the love to come.

Letting go of hurt helps to heal my heart.

All of me is good and lovable. I can be all of myself at all times.

I am capable of loving again.

This relationship did not work out because there is a better person waiting for me.

Positive affirmations after a breakup

I forgive the person that hurt me and I forgive myself or staying.

I heal, I let go.

I clear all the ways I feel so alone.

I allow myself to heal.

I am open for true love.

I allow my mind to be at rest with the decision that has been made.

I walked through hell, now its time to find heaven.

I love every aspect of my life.

Every day I am becoming a better person with more love to give.

I allow myself to open up to new, healthy love in the perfect time and way for me.

I choose to be happy.

I know my worth. I deserve to be loved.

I choose happiness, health, and harmony instead of dis-functional relationships.

I am grateful for the universe saving me from what wasn’t meant to be mine.

I choose to break free from negativity.

I accept and love myself as I am right now.

I have a lot to offer.

I am loving and I am ready to be loved.

I am thankful that I now know what wasn’t meant to be mine.

I release turmoil.

This break-up is the beginning of a positive new direction in my life.

There is something better waiting for me.

Each day in every way I am peaceful, healed, happy, and whole.

I am ready for true love.

The Universe has a bigger love in store for me.

Day by day I love myself more and more.

Everything in life happens for the greatest good.

Affirmations for healing your heart

I am not a burden and it’s not selfish for me to nourish myself in whatever way I need.

I forgive myself.

This happened for a reason.

I am stronger than I know.

I release shock.

Thank you for your lessons.

I release all the past hurt that is holding me back.

I enjoy spending time with myself.

Having risked opening my heart to love. I choose to live in love in every moment.

I am excited to start my new life.

I will leave my past behind and move forward in life.

I am strong enough to overcome my broken heart.

I am valuable, I know my value.

It can’t work for one unless it works for both.

I release fear.

I know I have worth and value.

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