Abundance Affirmations Morning 5 Minutes Series EP2 | 27 Powerful Affirmations That Work!


Abundance Affirmations Morning 5 Minutes Series EP2 | 27 Powerful Affirmations That Work!

Start your day right with this inspiring and uplifting Abundance Affirmations Morning 5 minutes series. This is episode 2 and this is great for you to experience Positive Morning Affirmations for Abundance.

Listen to this video every morning to feed your brain with positivity. These are the positive affirmations that you can read or think to yourself every morning. 

When you’re getting up in the morning, your brain is in this place where it’s like a sponge, so it’s when you really want to feed it with only good things. So let’s do this!


  • Put on headphones Get the best Noise Cancelling Headphones here
  • Be in a quiet and comfortable place 
  • Read out loud or in your mind, and repeat 
  • Rewatch the video daily to reinforce these positive thoughts for your well being and get better results. Most people will feel the effects after 1 week or so
  • Follow this series and watch the other videos on this channel as we cover topics such as Affirmations, Meditation, Law of Attraction, and much more

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Watch the other episodes here:

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Start making an online income now with affiliate marketing ► https://bit.ly/twelveminaffsystem

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Learn how you can manifest Health and Wealth in 24 hours ► https://bit.ly/icanmanifesthealthandwealth

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Best YouTube Analytics software ► https://bit.ly/tubebuddyYT

How to practice positive affirmations daily

✳️ Start with the words “I am.” These are the two most powerful words you can use
✳️ Be sure to speak in the present tense
✳️ State it in positive words
✳️ Affirm what you want, not what you don’t want
✳️ Keep it simple, brief, and easy to remember
✳️ Make it specific to your personal situation
✳️ Include an action word ending with –ing, such as “My obstacles are moving out of my way”
✳️ Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word
✳️ Make affirmations for yourself, not others

Benefits of reciting the right affirmations

✴️ Increase personal coherence for the benefit of ourselves and the planet
✴️ Change from being self-centered to kind and caring
✴️ Be more connected and get along with others
✴️ Release stress and anxiety
✴️ Get rid of negative thinking
✴️ Become happier, be highly motivated, and develop more clarity, inner peace, and love in all aspects of your life
✴️ Appreciate all the good things in life and have gratitude
✴️ Develop a strong mental attitude
✴️ Master the Law of Attraction

Watch other series here:


This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.

This production is intended for your relaxation.
Only listen when you can relax safely and completely.


NOTE: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you.

List of the 27 Abundance Affirmations in this episode

I define success my way, and I create it.
I enjoy my prosperity and my life.
Life hands me as much abundance as I am want to accept.
Everything and everybody prospers me now.
I am passionate about building wealth.
I am financially secure.
I have the power to attract money.
Abundance is my divine birthright.
I deserve the best, and it comes to me now.
I am abundant and wealthy now.
Every thought I have is now being transformed into massive financial abundance.
I am always supplied with whatever I need.
I am surrounded by prosperity.
The only limits to my abundance is my subconscious mind.
I draw abundance like a magnet.
The only limit to my abundance is me.
I attract prosperity like a powerful magnet.
Today is filled with opportunity, and I will seize it.
I deserve prosperity.
My consistent focus on abundance draws it to me.
I am now creating all the financial abundance that I desire.
I am free to accumulate wealth.
I create prosperity in my life.
Wealth is a positive expression of divine energy.
I am joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I now give and receive freely.

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